Version Differences in Mega Man Battle Network 4

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These are the Version Differences between the two versions of Mega Man Battle Network 4, Red Sun and Blue Moon.

Story Differences

  • If a Navi was traded over via Waiting Room, instead of getting the Double Soul scene in the first scenario encounter, it will play the scene of encountering the Navi scenario two or more times in its native version.
  • After the Hawk/Eagle Tournament, LaserMan will appear and the Navi who come to assist MegaMan will differ. These characters are the same in each Continue regardless if you get their scenario in that playthrough or not.
    • Red Sun: GutsMan appears and GutsManDS is the opponent.
    • Blue Moon: AquaMan appears and AquaManDS is the opponent.
  • During the ending cutscene, the character who shows up in the areas are different.
    • Red Sun: Mr. Match appears in Elec Town. Raoul appears in Netopia. Dark skin lady and brown hat old man appear in YumLand. Dark skin boy and big-chin bald man appear in NetFrica. Raika appears in Sharo.
    • Blue Moon: Sal appears in Elec Town. Sunglasses man appears in Netopia. Green hat old man and blues dress old lady appear in YumLand. Mr. Famous and locs hairstyle man appear in NetFrica. Chillski appears in Sharo.

Gameplay Differences

Fightable Bosses & Tournaments

The Tournament names are different between versions. Some Navis and Tournament scenarios you get are also dependent on the version. These version-exclusive bosses are the only way to obtain their chips. Beating the version Navi in the story will add them to the Waiting Room. It is impossible to get FireMan and NumberMan in the first continue, except in the opposite version via Waiting Room.

Due to the Waiting Room feature, these opposite version Navis aren't as locked away like other games. You will be able to trade Navis over from the opposite version, complete their scenarios, and battle them. This is also the only way to max out the Records of opposite version SP Navi Chips.

Red Sun Blue Moon
Den Battle Tournament
  • GutsMan
  • FireMan
City Battle Tournament
  • AquaMan
  • NumberMan
Eagle Tournament
  • Roll
  • WindMan
Hawk Tournament
  • WoodMan
  • MetalMan
Red Sun Tournament
  • ThunderMan
  • SearchMan
Blue Moon Tournament
  • ProtoMan
  • JunkMan

Double Soul

The Double Soul received are dependent on the version. It is impossible to get Fire Soul and Number Soul in the first continue.

Red Sun Blue Moon
  • Guts Soul
  • Fire Soul
  • Roll Soul
  • Wind Soul
  • Thunder Soul
  • Search Soul
  • Aqua Soul
  • Number Soul
  • Wood Soul
  • Metal Soul
  • Proto Soul
  • Junk Soul

Card e-Reader

There are e-Reader Mod Cards that allow you start in a permanent Double Soul form, but the Souls you can turn into are limited to the version.


These are BattleChips that can only be obtained in that specific version or by interacting with the other version. The Mega Chips can be traded to the opposite version, be bought in the Chip Order, or obtained from the boss via Waiting Room trading. The Giga Chips cannot be traded not be bought in Chip Order.

Mega Chips
ID # Red Sun Blue Moon
019 Roll R ProtoMan B
020 RollSP R ProtoMSP B
021 RollDS R ProtoMDS B
022 GutsMan G NumbrMan N
023 GutsMnSP G NumbrMnSP N
024 GutsMnDS G NumbrMnDS N
025 WindMan W MetalMan M
026 WindMnSP W MetlMnSP M
027 WindMnDS W MetlMnDS M
028 SerchMan S JunkMan J
029 SrchMnSP S JunkMnSP J
030 SrchMnDS S JunkMnDS J
031 FireMan F AquaMan A
032 FireManSP F AquaMnSP A
033 FireManDS F AquaMnDS A
034 ThunMan T WoodMan W
035 ThunMnSP T WoodMnSP W
036 ThunMnDS T WoodMnDS W
Giga Chips
ID # Red Sun Blue Moon
001 RedSun R BlueMoon N
002 HolyDrem H SinglRed S
003 Bass X BassAnly X
004 BugCharg C BugCurse C
005 BlakBarr A DeltaRay Z

Virus Chip Drops

Depending on the version, viruses will drop different codes. Also, some virus drop chances will differ, with a code being more likely to drop in lower or higher Busting Levels in one version.

Chip Name Red Sun Drops Blue Moon Drops
Guard1 A L A V
Guard2 C G C P
Guard3 F R R T
FlmLine1 F (low) H (high) F (high) H (low)
FlmLine2 D (low) F (high) D (high) F (low)
Thunder1 B L * B L *
Thunder2 H P P S
Thunder3 I W T W
BigHamr1 O R B R
BigHamr2 J W G W
BigHamr3 V D D Z
Fanfare G N E G
Discord D T D V
Timpani P T P Z
Silence C M M R
Binder1 O S * C S *
Binder2 A Y A T
Binder3 E O E I
SidBmbo1 I R * B R *
SidBmbo2 H S H O
SidBmbo3 A F A U
Blizzard J V * H V *
HeatBrth K O * D K *
ElecShok J L * J S *
WoodPwdr T W * F T *
WhitWeb1 L R * D R *
WhitWeb2 C Y * C E *
WhitWeb3 K O * K V *
CircGun1 T Z H T
CircGun2 G T D T
CircGun3 M R J R
MokoRus1 C M C I
MokoRus2 G K G U
MokoRus3 O Y O T
ElemFlar N P K P
ElemIce Q V H Q
ElemLeaf C I C D
ElemSand A L A S
BoyBomb1 J M E M
BoyBomb2 I W I S
BoyBomb3 G T G V