Double Soul (MMBN4)

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

Double Soul (ソウルユニゾン Soul Unison) is the main transformation system of Mega Man Battle Network 4, it can only be used by Good MegaMan.

How to Use

To Double Soul, the player must sacrifice the respective element chip to unite with MegaMan (the chip cannot be a Regular Chip). The transformation will last 3 turns or until it is overwritten by another Soul. MegaMan will lose the form when the Emotion Counter hits 0 and he’s in a position where the player can control him. There also are Patch Cards that will allow MegaMan to remain in a Soul permanently.

  • Each Soul can only be used once per battle.
  • Normally Souls cannot access DarkChips, but during ToyRobo's ShadeMan fight, the mandatory DarkSword will show up and can be used. It can also used to Double Soul into Proto Soul and be charged up.

Soul Abilities

Red Sun

Guts Soul
Object megaman-gutssoul.png
Sacrifice Panel Destruction chip


B Button PowerAttack GutPunch (60 AP) Non-flashing. Knocks back 1 panel.
  • None and Panel Destruction chips gain +30 attack power (dimming and non-dimming).
  • GutsMachineGun: Rapidly pressing B (Press B 6 times within 1/6 of a second between each press) will make MegaMan temporarily invincible and execute a rapid fire attack. (10 AP, up to 5 times)
Fire Soul
Object megaman-firesoul.png
Sacrifice Fire chip

Fire: MegaMan can walk on Lava panels and is weak to Aqua attacks.

B Button PowerAttack Flamethrower (50 AP) Fire attack.
  • Stepping on Lava Panel will have MegaMan consume it and heal 50 HP.
  • Upon Unison, plus-shape panels on both sides of the field spawn Grass panels.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Fire chip (dimming and non-dimming): The chip becomes a Fire Arm that travels down the whole row. (150 AP)
Roll Soul
Object megaman-rollsoul.png
Sacrifice Recovery chip


B Button PowerAttack RollArrow (30 AP) The struck target's BattleChips are destroyed.
  • MegaMan heals 10% of his max HP anytime he uses a BattleChip. Does not heal if the chip is used in a cut in.
Wind Soul
Object megaman-windsoul.png
Sacrifice Wind chip


B Button MegaMan's B Button becomes AirShot (5 AP).
B Button PowerAttack WindRacket (50 AP) Non-flashing. Those struck on impact is knocked back all the way down the row. Otherwise, blows away all enemies.
  • Air Shoes: MegaMan can walk over hole panels.
  • Float Shoes: MegaMan ignores Cracked, Swamp, Ice, and Pitfall panels.
  • Upon Unison, NorthWind takes effect. The enemy's Barrier or Aura are blown away.
  • For 3 turns, a Fan effect is active on the enemy's field.
    • The Fan effect can be overwritten by a Wind or Fan chip. If that obstacle is destroyed, there will be no Fan effect on the field.
  • Wind chips gain +10 attack power (dimming and non-dimming).
Thunder Soul
Object megaman-thundersoul.png
Sacrifice Elec chip

Elec: MegaMan is weak to Wood attacks.

B Button PowerAttack ZapRing (20 AP) Elec attack. Paralyzes.
  • All non-dimming None and Elec chips will paralyze.
    • The paralysis applies to all hits of a multi-hitting chip with the exception of ElemSand. Said chip will cause flashing regardless.
Search Soul
Object megaman-searchsoul.png
Sacrifice Invisible chip


B Button PowerAttack ScopeGun (10 AP, up to x5) Pierces invisible. First 4 hits non-flashing, 5th hit causes flashing.
  • Upon Unison, all invisible and underground enemies are no longer in that state.
  • A Shuffle button appears on the Custom Screen that can shuffle unselected chips with the Folder. This can be used up to 3 times per turn.

Blue Moon

Aqua Soul
Object megaman-aquasoul.png
Sacrifice Aqua chip

Aqua: MegaMan won't slip on Ice panels and is weak to Elec attacks.

B Button PowerAttack Bubbler (20 AP) Aqua attack. Charges very quickly.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Aqua chip: x2 the chip's attack.
Number Soul
Object megaman-numbersoul.png
Sacrifice Bonus Point chip


B Button PowerAttack DieBomb (10 AP x Die Roll) If the Die hits the enemy directly, it will only have 10 AP.
  • None chips gain +10 attack power (dimming and non-dimming).
  • The Custom Screen displays 10 chips to select from.
Wood Soul
Object megaman-woodsoul.png
Sacrifice Wood chip

Wood: MegaMan will rapidly heal on Grass panels (1 HP every 2 frames, 30 HP per second) and is weak to Fire attacks.

B Button PowerAttack Twister (20 AP, up to x8) Wood attack. Non-flashing.
  • Status Guard: MegaMan can't be paralyzed, blinded, confused, or immobilized.
  • If a selected Wood chip (dimming or non-dimming) is followed by a None Chip, the Wood chip consumes the None Chip and its attack power is added to it.
Metal Soul
Object megaman-metalsoul.png
Sacrifice Break chip


B Button PowerAttack MetalFist (150 AP) Breaking. Knocks back 1 panel.
  • Break Buster: The normal buster will have break property.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming None or Break Chip: x2 attack power.
Junk Soul
Object megaman-junksoul.png
Sacrifice Summon chip


B Button PowerAttack Poltergeist (100 AP per obstacle) Dimming attack, cannot be cut in. All obstacles thrown will be breaking.
  • Upon Unison, all invisible and underground enemies are no longer in that state and all enemies gain confused status.
  • Two recycled "Junk-Chips" appear in the Custom Screen every turn. These are chips you or your opponent have selected in previous turns (they didn't need to used in battle), these include Dark Chips.
Proto Soul
Object megaman-protosoul.png
Sacrifice Sword chip


B Button PowerAttack WideSword (80 AP) Sword property. Non-flashing. Can perform counter hits.
  • All non-dimming Sword attacks will not cause flashing.
  • B + Left: Reflect. If an attack is blocked, 50 damage is sent down the row.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Sword Chip: x2 the chip's attack and MegaMan warps 2 steps forward while using it.
    • Z Saver and Slasher BattleChips can be charged for x2 attack power but MegaMan will not step forward.
    • Unconventional Sword Chips will require more work. For VarSword and Z Saver commands, the A Button must be pressed down again after releasing it for the charge. For Slasher, the chip must be used instantly.



  • The following abilities are not explained in the game’s e-mails:
    • Fire Soul healing on Lava panels
    • Junk Soul removing flashing status
    • Proto Soul removing flashing from Sword attacks
  • Since MegaMan will only lose Double Soul once he regains control, if MegaMan is continuously paralyzed or stunned the turn he’s supposed to lose the form, he will carry the form to the next turn. All Custom Screen abilities will also remain.
  • Since the Double Soul Patch Cards do not reset MegaMan’s Karma, he will be able to use Evil Chips in Double Soul forms.
  • The Rockman EXE 4 TGS 2003 trailer showed some early versions of Double Souls:
    • Guts Soul was to crack every battlefield panel upon unison. A remnant remains in the final game with Guts Soul shaking the screen upon unison, usually reserved for Souls that alter the field panels.
    • Fire Soul was to make every battlefield panel into Grass panels upon unison. It was also to have FireArm as its B Button PowerAttack, attacking more than 3 panels and uses the Buster weapon visual, which was only used for the normal Buster shot visual in the final game.