Waiting Room

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Waiting Room (ひかえしつ) is a feature in Mega Man Battle Network 4 that allow players to send their DarkSoul (embodied in that version's exclusive Navis) to another player's game. The data will remain in that player's game unless they decide to remove them. Performing this will also unlock other features.

Sending and Receiving

Players will receive Navis to send once they beat that Navi in the game's story tournament. The Navis can be sent in the Network menu, then picking WaitingRoom, where each player have to select their respective option.

  • (GBA-EN) Reception/(LC) Accept: The player can receive and check out Navis they got from other players. Can store up to 7 Navis, only 2 of one kind of Navi, and each player name can only send 1 of each kind of Navi.
    • (LC) Accepting a Navi now requires selecting a spot to register it. In the GBA version, they are slotted in automatically, from left to right.
  • (GBA-EN) Visit/(LC) Dispatch: The player can check out what Navis they have and send them to other players. The Navi sent doesn't have to be from the opposite version, Red Sun can send to Red Sun, etc.

The sent Navi works very similarly to the Dark Soul Navis, it will take the player MegaMan's customizing, so it will have his new HP amount and Programs such as SuperArmor and UnderShirt. Their speed and attack power will depend on the DSLV. They will also copy MegaMan's bugs and his current Karma.

Player Name

The players' Navis will be marked with the Navi name and the 3 letter Name Input they chose before the Den City/City Battle Tournament. Since they can be changed in each Continue, one player can send more copies of their Navi to one game just by changing their Name (can only be done once per Continue).

Other Version Scenarios

If Blue Moon sends Navis over to Red Sun and vice-versa, when starting the next story tournament, the opposite version Navis will appear in the roster. Their scenarios are now playable in that version of the game. They will take the spot of the non-version exclusive Navi count (not the NormalNavi or HeelNavi).

  • If the non-version exclusive Navi scenarios haven't been completed by the player yet, the opposite version scenario will take priority of appearing before them. This is the only way to fight the first version of NumberMan and FireMan, normally impossible in their respective versions.
  • Defeating them in the Tournament will also make them appear on the Net. As games of opposite versions cannot trade records, this is the primary way to boost Secret SP Mega Chip attack power.
  • In the GBA version, if you haven't started the story tournament, deleting a Navi from the Waiting Room will remove it from the participant pool. In the Legacy Collection, they will remain in the tournament even if they're deleted, until a different Navi is written into that same slot.

In the Legacy Collection, this feature is glitched. Making it so Navis do not appear in the brackets if there is an empty slot before them (the list is ordered left to right).

Free Tournament

After trading Navis over, Free Tournament (フリートーナメント) will be unlocked. It can be started by interacting with the Free Space board at Higsby's (opens G1 Ch. 2 - after first tournament, first continue). MegaMan and the 7 WaitingRoom Navis will take the 8 different spots. The tournament procedure is self-explanatory, whoever wins goes to the next round.

All non-MegaMan matches will have two AIs fight each other, and they all can be viewed. If the player is loses, MegaMan will ask to quit the Tournament or stick around and watch the rest of the matches. If the player wins, they will receive a reward depending on the final round's opponent.

  • If the player doesn't have 7 Navis, the empty spots will be taken by NormalNavis and HeelNavis. The version that appears is dependent on the player's current Dark Soul Level.
    • Dark Soul Level (DSLV) is calculated by being 1/100 of MegaMan’s HP before any customizing (minimum: 1 DSLV).
  • While spectating a battle, the player is given an option to Skip it, fade out from the battle, and move on to the next match. The one who wins and moves to the next round is chosen at random.

Winning Reward

This section is under construction.
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.
Check version numbers in English Legacy Collection.

If the final opponent is a NormalNavi, the reward will be Zennys. If the final opponent is a HeelNavi, the reward will be BugFrags. Like the Waiting Room Navis, their version level will be based on the players' DSLV.

  • These version names are only present in the English game. In the Japanese version in-game, they all have the NormalNavi and HeelNavi name without any version numbers and are only distinguished by their HP.
DSLV Navi Reward
LV1~3 (GBA-EN) NormalNavi / (LC) NormalNaviα (230 HP) 500zƶ
LV4~6 NormalNaviα (300 HP) 3000zƶ
LV7~9 NormalNaviβ (800 HP) 1000zƶ
LV10 NormalNaviΩ (1200 HP) 2000zƶ
LV1~3 HeelNavi (300 HP) 1 BugFrag
LV4~6 HeelNaviα (800 HP) 2 BugFrags
LV7~9 HeelNaviβ (1100 HP) 3 BugFrags
LV10 HeelNaviΩ (1400 HP) 4 BugFrags

If the final opponent is a Waiting Room Navi, the reward will be a chip based on that Navi. The chip version they drop are dependent on their DSLV and the chip code is random.

DSLV Reward
LV1~3 Version 1 chip
LV4~6 Version 2 chip
LV7~9 Version 3 chip
LV10 Version 3 chip. For LV10, If the player is missing a lower version of the Navi's Secret Chip in their Library, the game will give a copy of the lower version chip before returning the reward to the V3 chip. It makes it possible to complete the Secret Library even if other players' Navi DSLV exceeds the quota.
Navi Chip Reward
GutsMan GutPnch1, GutPnch2, GutPnch3
FireMan Meteors1, Meteors2, Meteors3
Roll RollAro1, RollAro2, RollAro3
WindMan PropBom1, PropBom2, PropBom3
ThunderMan Ligtnin1, Ligtnin2, Ligtnin3
SearchMan SeekBom1, SeekBom2, SeekBom3
AquaMan AquaUp1, AquaUp2, AquaUp3
NumberMan NumbrBl1, NumbrBl2, NumbrBl3
WoodMan GreenWd1, GreenWd2, GreenWd3
MetalMan MetlGer1, MetlGer2, MetlGer3
ProtoMan HawkCut1, HawkCut2, HawkCut3
JunkMan PanlSht1, PanlSht2, PanlSht3


  • The English BradyGames Official Strategy Guide incorrectly states the version chip drop is dependent on the current continue of the sent player.