Version Differences in Mega Man Battle Network 5

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These are the Version Differences between the two versions of Mega Man Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan and Team Colonel. Most of these changes are present in DS version of the game as well.

Visual Differences

  • Menu:
    • Team ProtoMan has orange and blue colored menus.
    • Team Colonel has green and black colored menus.
  • Lan’s Room:
    • Team ProtoMan has NetBattle trophies on top of the shelf. The poster by the bed is of Master Otenko.
    • Team Colonel has ToyRobo figures on top of the shelf. The poster by the bed is of Solar Boy Django.
  • Lan’s House: The food being prepare in the kitchen is change. Only Team ProtoMan’s was visually changed in the localized version.
    • Team ProtoMan has beef stew (NA/EU) or rolled sushi (JP).
    • Team Colonel has spaghetti (NA/EU) or cold soba noodles (JP).
  • Queen Bohemia:
    • Team ProtoMan has a canvas of a boat.
    • Team Colonel has a canvas of fireworks (NA/EU) or The Last Supper (JP).

Story Differences

With Version-exclusive Characters

  • How the team leaders deal with Lan losing MegaMan is different:
    • In Team ProtoMan, Lan attacks Chaud and goes on a rant. Chaud takes it all and asks Lan what MegaMan would say before leaving.
    • In Team Colonel, Baryl attacks Lan and tells him to deal with and go forward with his mission. Lan then asks himself what MegaMan would say.
  • In Team ProtoMan, SearchMan states CosmoMan is the leader of Nebula’s Sharo division. This added info doesn’t exist in Team Colonel.
  • Due to the Higsby being part of Team Colonel, he offers the backroom as the HQ himself. In Team ProtoMan, he’s reluctant to do so.

Without Version-exclusive Characters

While the story have some changes between versions due to the difference in characters, some scenes that have the same characters appear in both versions are also changed.

  • During the SciLab Vision Burst, the position of Tadashi and Wily are different, as well as who leaves the room. Due to this, the dialogue Lan and MegaMan have and hears from the person in the room is different.
    • In Team ProtoMan, Tadashi gets called out of the room. Wily worries that SoulNet is too powerful to get in the wrong hands and must have a contingency plan.
    • In Team Colonel, Wily gets called out out of the room. Tadashi puts his hope on their sons to finish SoulNet.
  • During the ending, when Tadashi reaches out to Lan and MegaMan through SoulNet, the dialogue differs.
    • In Team ProtoMan, Lan and Regal recognizes the voice as Tadashi Hikari.
    • In Team Colonel, the owner of the voice is left ambiguous.
  • Regal’s final fate was presented differently:
    • In Team ProtoMan, Wily only appears off screen and his dialogue with Regal is much shorter.
    • In Team Colonel, Wily appears in person and has additional dialogue with Regal to explain his actions during the ending. Also this reveals Baryl is helping Wily.

Gameplay Differences

Fightable Bosses/Team Navis

The Team Navis you get are dependent on the version. These are also the version-exclusive bosses you’ll be able to fight obtain their chips.

Team ProtoMan Team Colonel
ProtoMan Colonel
MagnetMan KnightMan
GyroMan ShadowMan
NapalmMan TomahawkMan
SearchMan NumberMan
Meddy ToadMan

Party Battle System

MMBN5 DS only. Navis can be used outside of Liberation Missions using the Party Battle System. Each Navi also has new Support abilities that can assist the active Navi while they are benched. Again, the Navis are limited according to the version.

Double Soul/Chaos Unison

The Double Soul received and their respective Chaos Unisons are dependent on the version. ProtoMan Souls is intended to be played requiring careful preparation, work a bit more to deal damage. Meanwhile, Colonel Souls, have more destructive power but less intricate abilities[1].

Team ProtoMan Team Colonel
  • Proto Soul
  • Magnet Soul
  • Gyro Soul
  • Napalm Soul
  • Search Soul
  • Meddy Soul
  • Colonel Soul
  • Knight Soul
  • Shadow Soul
  • Tomahawk Soul
  • Number Soul
  • Toad Soul


These are BattleChips that can only be obtained in that specific version. The Mega Chips can be traded to the opposite version and be bought in the Chip Order. The Giga Chips cannot be traded not be bought in Chip Order.

  • In MMBN5 DS, if a Folder is imported from MMBN5 GBA, the version that normally can’t have that Giga Chip, can use it with that Folder.
Team ProtoMan Team Colonel
ProtoMan B Colonel C
ProtoManSP B ColonelSP C
ProtoManDS B ColonelDS C
MagnetMan M KnightMan K
MagnetManSP M KnightManSP K
MagnetManDS M KnightManDS K
GyroMan G ShadowMan S
GyroManSP G ShadowManSP S
GyroManDS G ShadowManDS S
NapalmMan N TomahawkMan T
NapalmManSP N TomahawkManSP T
NapalmManDS N TomahawkManDS T
SearchMan S NumberMan
SearchManSP S NumberManSP N
SearchManDS S NumberManDS N
Meddy M ToadMan T
MeddySP M ToadManSP T
MeddyDS M ToadManDS T
Giga Chips
Team ProtoMan Team Colonel
DeltaRayEdge Z CrossDivide C
BigHook G MeteorKnuckle M
Bass F BassAnomaly F
HolyDream H OmegaRocket R
BugCurse C BugCharge B
DeathPhoenix D Phoenix P

Virus Chip Drops

Certain viruses possess different drop tables in each version. Chips that drop from viruses not listed below have all Codes available in both versions. It additionally notes the portion of these Chips that have absolute version exclusivity without using Chip Traders or Trading via the Comm. menu.

  • CrakBom, Fanfare Chips, and Guard Chips possess different drop tables despite possessing Asterisk (*) Code easily available in both versions.
Virus Drop Differences by Version
Chip Name ProtoMan
MrkCan1 K M M S K: Team ProtoMan Only
MrkCan3 E R E Y R: Team ProtoMan Only
Y: Team Colonel Only
Pulsar1 F P F T All Codes Available
Pulsar2 E G G M M: Team Colonel Only
TankCan1 A E A P All Codes Available
TankCan2 B T B Y All Codes Available
TankCan3 F M F R R: Team Colonel Only
ElcReel1 C V C Z All Codes Available
ElcReel2 B Q B Y Y: Team Colonel Only
ElcReel3 E L E R R: Team Colonel Only
CrakBom C R * C V * All Codes Available
ParaBomb H N H P All Codes Available
ResetBom D I I O All Codes Available
Quake1 A K A P P: Team Colonel Only
Quake2 B L B Y Y: Team Colonel Only
Quake3 F H F N N: Team Colonel Only
MoonBld1 E N E Z N: Team ProtoMan Only
Z: Team Colonel Only
MoonBld2 G O G V O: Team ProtoMan Only
V: Team Colonel Only
MoonBld3 C L C T T: Team Colonel Only
Katana2 B R B W All Codes Available
Katana3 A J A Z J: Team ProtoMan Only
DrilArm1 A J A W All Codes Available
DrilArm2 D L D S All Codes Available
DrilArm3 I P I Z All Codes Available
Skully1 C K C S S: Team Colonel Only
Skully2 A H A V V: Team Colonel Only
Skully3 G N G U U: Team Colonel Only
AqWhirl1 B F B N N: Team Colonel Only
AqWhirl2 A H A O H: Team ProtoMan Only
AqWhirl3 D I D R I: Team ProtoMan Only
R: Team Colonel Only
HotBody1 A F A P P: Team Colonel Only
HotBody2 C R C W W: Team Colonel Only
HotBody3 J M J S S: Team Colonel Only
SideBub1 D Q D S Q: Team ProtoMan Only
SideBub2 H L H W L: Team ProtoMan Only
SideBub3 E N E P N: Team ProtoMan Only
Astroid1 A Q A T Q: Team ProtoMan Only
T: Team Colonel Only
Astroid2 E M E U U: Team Colonel Only
Astroid3 C P C Y All Codes Available
WoodNos1 F R F W R: Team ProtoMan Only
W: Team Colonel Only
WoodNos2 J T J Z T: Team ProtoMan Only
WoodNos3 I S I V S: Team ProtoMan Only
V: Team Colonel Only
TimeBom1 H N H T All Codes Available
TimeBom2 D H H Z Z: Team Colonel Only
TimeBom3 F H H S F: Team ProtoMan Only
BoyBomb1 C F C S F: Team ProtoMan Only
BoyBomb2 H P H W P: Team ProtoMan Only
W: Team Colonel Only
BoyBomb3 B Q B Y Q: Team ProtoMan Only
Y: Team Colonel Only
Fanfare F P * F Z * All Codes Available
Discord B J * B Q * All Codes Available
Timpani A L * A V * All Codes Available
Silence C J * C N * All Codes Available
RedFrut1 E K E Z K: Team ProtoMan Only
RedFrut2 F T F W T: Team ProtoMan Only
RedFrut3 H O H U O: Team ProtoMan Only
Guard1 A D * A K * D: Team ProtoMan Only
K: Team Colonel Only
Guard2 B L * B Q * L: Team ProtoMan Only
Q: Team Colonel Only
Guard3 C M * C S * M: Team ProtoMan Only
S: Team Colonel Only
CrsShld1 B F B V F: Team ProtoMan Only
CrsShld2 C M C R R: Team Colonel Only
CrsShld3 D O D Z O: Team ProtoMan Only

Extras Differences

Progress Chip Gate

These are features that can only be accessed with the Progress Chip Gate. For Navi Change and Operation Battle, the Navi Data Chip you are allowed to slot in and use are dependent on the Team Navis in that version. Attempting to slot in an opposite version Navi Data Chip will not register.

BassCross MegaMan

When BassCross MegaMan is obtained, the abilities it has depends on the version. A gold power-type for Team ProtoMan. A silver speed-type for Team Colonel.

BassCross MegaMan (Gold BassCross)
B Button TripleBuster. All panels in the 1x3 ahead of MegaMan are struck. If the target is in the panel ahead of MegaMan, it will be struck 3 times instead.
Power Attack ShootingBuster (5 x Buster Attack, up to 3 times) Does not cause aback.
  • HP+200
  • SuperArmor: MegaMan does not flinch aback.
  • MegaFolder-2: 2 less Mega Chips allowed in your Folders
BassCross MegaMan (Silver BassCross)
B Button TripleBuster. All panels in the 1x3 ahead of MegaMan are struck. If the target is in the panel ahead of MegaMan, it will struck be 3 times instead.
Power Attack HelzRolling (10 x Buster Attack, up to 3 times) Does not cause flashing.
  • HP+20%
  • FloatShoes: MegaMan is unaffected by Cracked, Ice, Lava, Poison, Water, Magnet panels.
  • MegaFolder-2: 2 less Mega Chips allowed in your Folders


  1. Rockman EXE 5 Ultimate Navigation CHAOS interview