Team Navis

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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.

Here are the playable Navis other than MegaMan present in Mega Man Battle Network 5 for use in Liberation Missions and the Navi Change feature.

In MMBN5DS, these Navis also utilize the Party Battle System, can be boosted with the Party Customizer, and can support MegaMan when brought to the same battle with him.

Navi Specifications

Each Navi's attack can be boosted beyond 5 Attack, and their B Button PowerAttack will also scale up.

In MMBN5 GBA, Team Navis can use Evil chips without having low karma. In MMBN5DS however, they are not allowed to use Evil chips at all, they will now “poof”.

Team ProtoMan

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Object protoman-bn5.png
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HP 200-600 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack WideSword (80 AP) Sword property.
Special Chip StepSwrd B (80-120 AP) Sword property.
  • B + Left: Reflect. 50 damage is sent down the row.
Missions ACDC Area 3
Oran Area 3
SciLab 3
End Area 2
End Area 5
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 5
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Object magnetman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

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HP 400-700 HP
Element Elec
B Button PowerAttack MagMissile (40-60 AP) Elec attack.
Special Chip NSTackle M (80-120 AP) Elec attack. Breaking.
  • Super Armor
  • Air Shoes
  • Float Shoes
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Elec chip: x2 the chip's attack.
Missions Oran Area 3
SciLab 3
End Area 2
End Area 5
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 5
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Object gyroman.png
Panel missing.png

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HP 250-600 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack TornadoArm (20-30 AP) Hits up to three times based on position. Barrier delete, removes barrier on impact.
Special Chip Airforce G (50-70 AP)
  • Air Shoes: When over a hole, he will transform into Gyro Form and his B Button becomes an attack that auto-targets all enemies.
  • Float Shoes
Missions SciLab 3
End Area 2
Undernet 4
Nebula Area 3
Nebula Area 5
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Object napalmman-exe45.png
Panel missing.png

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HP 300-500 HP
Element Fire
B Button Napalm Vulcan (5 + Buster Attack) B button can be held down for continuous firing.
B Button PowerAttack N/A
Special Chip Napalm N (100-120 AP) Fire attack.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Fire chip: x2 the chip's attack.
Missions End Area 2
End Area 5
Undernet 4
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 3
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Object searchman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

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HP 300-450 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack SnipeGun (10-15 AP) Pierces invis. Hits up to five times.
Special Chip Satelity S (100 AP) Pierces invis.
Abilities ---
Missions End Area 5
Undernet 4
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 3
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Object meddy.png
Panel missing.png

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HP 300-500 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack CapsuleBomb (80-100 AP)
Special Chip MeddyCap M (80-100 AP) Paralyzes.


Missions Undernet 4
Nebula Area 3
Nebula Area 5

Team Colonel

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Object colonel.png
Panel missing.png

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HP 200-600 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack ScreenDivide (50-70 AP) Sword property.
Special Chip C-Cannon C (80-120 AP) Knocks back all the way down the row.
Abilities ---
Missions ACDC Area 3
Oran Area 3
SciLab 3
End Area 2
End Area 5
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 5
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Object knightman-exe45.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

HP 400-700 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack RoyalWreckingBall (50-120 AP) Breaking.
Special Chip KCrusher K (80-120 AP) Breaking.
  • KnightMan has a longer cool-down period before being allowed to move between panels.
  • Super Armor: KnightMan cannot flinch aback.
Missions Oran Area 3
SciLab 3
End Area 2
End Area 5
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 5
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Object shadowman-exe45.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

HP 250-600 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack NinjaStar (60-100 AP) Sword property.
Special Chip SplitUp S (80-100 AP) Sword property.
  • B + Left: AntiMagic. Sword property.
  • Float Shoes: ShadowMan is unaffected by Cracked, Ice, Lava, Magnet, and Water panels.
Missions SciLab 3
End Area 2
Undernet 4
Nebula Area 3
Nebula Area 5
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Object tomahawkman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

HP 300-500 HP
Element Wood
B Button PowerAttack TomahawkAirRaid (60-80 AP) Sword property.
Special Chip T-Swing T (100-120 AP) Wood attack. Sword property.
  • Starts with 3 Buster Attack
  • (5DS) Status Guard: TomahawkMan cannot be affected by status effects.
  • Super Armor: TomahawkMan cannot flinch aback.
  • Under Shirt: If TomahawkMan's HP is above 1 and he’s damaged to 0 HP, he will go to 1 HP instead.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Wood chip: x2 the chip's attack.
Missions End Area 2
End Area 5
Undernet 4
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 3
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Object numberman-bn4.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

HP 300-450 HP
Element None
B Button PowerAttack DieBomb (10-20 AP) Then multiplied by the number on the die.
Special Chip NumTrap N (120-140 AP)
Abilities ---
Missions End Area 5
Undernet 4
Nebula Area 1
Nebula Area 3
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object toadman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

HP 300-500 HP
Element Aqua
B Button PowerAttack Frog Smack! (100 AP) Aqua attack.
Special Chip S-Melody T (80 AP) Elec attack. Paralyzes.
  • Over Water panels, ToadMan dives in and cannot be hit unless by an Elec attack or an attack that pierce underground.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Aqua chip: x2 the chip's attack.
Missions Undernet 4
Nebula Area 3
Nebula Area 5

Navi Change

Navi Change is a mechanic when the Progress Chip Gate is attached on the GBA version of MMBN5. This will allow you to (somewhat) use Team Navis outside of Liberation Missions and the story. It is also in MMBN5DS as the Party Battle System, but it works vastly differently.

Team ProtoMan Navi Change Field Screen Team Colonel Navi Change Field Screen

While you're on the Net, mugshots of 6 Navis will appear on the top right of the screen. Those are the Navis of that version you can swap into.

During battle, Navi Data Chips are allowed to be slot in and perform Navi Change. In order to change Navis, the correct chip must be slot in. The Navi will only stay in battle for one turn. Only one of each Navi Chip can be slot in per battle. The strength of the Navi is set and will become stronger as the story progress. If MegaMan is in a Soul while the swap occurs, he will retain the Soul when he returns to battle.

There are a few restrictions to this mode:

  • You cannot use this function in Liberation Missions.
  • You cannot slot in a Navi Data Chip of the boss you are fighting. (e.g. MagnetMan Data Chip in a fight against MagnetMan boss)
  • During the scenarios where you play as other Navi, this function is totally disabled.

Each Team Navis's attack can be boosted with Buster (excluding NapalmMan) but their PowerAttacks do not.

  • Stats are set and cannot be increased in anyway other than progressing through the story. You obtain usage of them before the Liberation Mission that you use them.
  • Charge and Speed stat are always at 1.

Team Protoman

Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 100 60 1 80
Mission 1 180 70 1 100
Mission 2 180 70 1 100
Mission 4 230 80 1 120
Mission 5 250 80 1 120
Mission 6 300 80 1 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 200 40 1 80
Mission 2 250 40 1 80
Mission 4 300 50 1 100
Mission 5 330 60 1 120
Mission 6 450 60 1 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 130 20 1 50
Mission 4 180 30 1 70
Mission 5 200 30 1 70
Mission 6 250 30 1 70
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 180 N/A 5 100
Mission 5 200 N/A 7 120
Mission 6 250 N/A 7 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 150 10 1 100
Mission 5 180 10 1 100
Mission 6 230 15 1 100
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 150 100 1 80
Mission 6 200 100 1 100

Team Colonel

Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 100 50 1 80
Mission 1 150 50 1 80
Mission 2 180 60 1 100
Mission 4 230 70 1 120
Mission 5 250 70 1 120
Mission 6 300 70 1 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 200 80 1 80
Mission 2 250 80 1 80
Mission 4 300 100 1 100
Mission 5 330 120 1 120
Mission 6 450 120 1 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 130 60 1 80
Mission 4 180 80 1 80
Mission 5 200 100 1 100
Mission 6 250 100 1 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 180 60 3 100
Mission 5 200 80 3 120
Mission 6 250 80 3 120
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 180 10 1 120
Mission 5 180 20 1 140
Mission 6 230 20 1 140
Version HP B PwrAtk Attack Special Chip
Base 150 100 1 80
Mission 6 200 100 1 80

Party Battle System

In Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS, there is the Party Battle System. An evolution from the Progress Chip Gate's Navi Change system, the Party Battle System is an easier to access version of using Team Navis with additional functions. Data presented here are based on the final statistics of the Navis, after all the scenarios have been completed. These stats differ from the Navis used in Liberation Missions and the Progress Chip Gate's Navi Change.

Each Party Navi is now available to use outside of Liberation Mission and can go beyond the one turn limit present in the GBA version's Navi Change mode. However, you are maxed to carry up to 2 Navis. Party Navis with the Support part equipped will have additional abilities assisting the active Navi. If MegaMan is Evil, Navi Support will not work.

  • In Lan's HP, there is a Navi Change Machine which is required to swap between the 2 allowed Party Navis. Also, if a Party Navi gets deleted, they can only be restored using it.
  • Navi stats can be modified using the Party Customizer.
  • Each Navi's attack can be boosted beyond 5 Attack, and their B Power Attack will also scale up.
  • Navi Change can occur in the middle of a turn. It will also cancel whatever animation the previous Navi was doing, including sliding on Ice panels.
    • If MegaMan is in a Double Soul or Chaos Unison, he will lose the form when he swaps out.
    • If the Navis has a Barrier or Aura up, they will disappear upon the swap.
  • If a Navi is in Full Synchro and performs a Navi Change to a specific Navi, they can do a Double Attack. If it’s a non-compatible Navi, the Full Synchro will just disappear.
  • For "when the active Navi falls to red HP" support abilities: if the active Navi starts the battle with red HP, they need to lose HP before the ability takes place. This will also trigger from Battle HP Bug and Custom HP Bug.

Differences from MMBN5 GBA

  • You can only swap to 2 Navis per battle instead of the whole team, but they can now be swapped up to a set amount of times, instead of just once.
  • The Navis can now have the Support ability equipped, where a Navi’s special ability will assist the active Navi.
  • The Navis can now swap in the middle of a turn instead of only at the start of turn.
  • MegaMan’s state when he swaps out is not retained when he returns to the field.
  • Team Navis are not allowed to use Evil chips at all, they will now “poof”.
  • Team Navis can enter another Emotion Window state, Danger.
  • If a Navi gets deleted, they must be restored first from Lan’s HP.

Team ProtoMan

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Object protoman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
700 6 slots (60 + Buster Attack x10) 100
Support WideSword: At start of turn, ProtoMan Wide Sword slashes closest enemy.
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Object magnetman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

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Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
800 5 slots (40 + Buster Attack x10) 100
Support MagnetBarrier: When the active Navi falls to red HP, they are given a Barrier and all enemies are immobilized with Magnet Field.
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object gyroman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
600 8 slots (10 + Buster Attack x5) 50
Support AirGyro: Temporarily at the beginning of battle, a Fan effect is in effect on the enemy's side.
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object napalmman-exe45.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
600 8 slots (5 + Buster Attack) 100
Support NapalmVulcan: At certain times, NapalmMan appears in your back column and shoots an enemy 5 times.
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object searchman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
550 6 slots (10 + Buster Attack x2) 80
Support SearchSnipe: At the start of the battle, if the enemy has chip stocked up, the chip is destroyed and they are sniped 5 times. In Network Duel, the first chip your opponent uses is destroyed and they are sniped 5 times.
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Object meddy.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
500 10 slots (80 + Buster Attack x10) 80
Support HealPulse: When the custom screen is opened, the active Navi's HP is healed 5%.

Team Colonel

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object colonel.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
800 8 slots (50 + Buster Attack x10) 100
Support ColonelCannon: At start of turn, Colonel shoots his Colonel Cannon at closest enemy.
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object knightman-exe45.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
800 5 slots (100 + Buster Attack x10) 100
Support KnightGuard: When the current Navi is on the front-most column and would receive a hit, KnightMan appears and take it instead. If the Navi is damaged due to a dimming attack, they would receive no damage during the dimming and KnightMan will appear after the dimming to receive damage. This ceases function when KnightMan has only 1 HP.
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object shadowman-exe45.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
600 6 slots (80 + Buster Attack x10) 80
Support SmokeBomb: When the active Navi falls to red HP, ShadowMan inflicts status effects on all enemies on the field.
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Object tomahawkman.png
Panel missing.png

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Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
600 6 slots (40 + Buster Attack x10) 150
Support TomahawkSwing: At certain times, TomahawkMan appears at rightmost panel on your side and Tomahawk Swings.
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Object numberman-bn4.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
550 10 slots (5 + Buster Attack x5) 120
Support DiceBonus: Randomly for your next chip, NumberMan throws 2 dice and your next chip is boosted by the number on the die times 10.
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn5.png
Object toadman-bn5.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn5.png Panel bottom missing.png

Max HP PartyCust B PwrAtk Special Chip
500 8 slots (80 + Buster Attack x10) 100
Support HPRecovery: Once per battle, if the current Navi is deleted, ToadMan revives them with a fraction of their HP.

Double Attack

When you switch to another Navi while they are in Full Synchro, a special combination Double Attack can be executed.

Navi Combo Attack Name
MegaMan + ProtoMan D-HERO
ダブルヒーロー Double Hero
MegaMan + NapalmMan D-VALCAN
ダブルバルカン Double Vulcan
MegaMan + SearchMan C-SCOPE
クロススコープ Cross Scope
ProtoMan + MagnetMan M-ZAN
マグネットザン Magnet Cut
MagnetMan + GyroMan M-AIR
マグエアレイド Mag Air Raid
NapalmMan + Meddy C-BOMB
ケミカルボム Chemical Bomb
MegaMan + Colonel BR-RUSH
ブラインドレインラッシュ Blind Rain Rush
MegaMan + KnightMan B-SHOOT
ブロークンシュート Broken Shoot
MegaMan + NumberMan K-BOMB
コクバンケシボム Blackboard Eraser Bomb
Colonel + ShadowMan E-SAPPO
エンゲツサッポウ Full Moon Cut
KnightMan + TomahawkMan K-THROW
ナイトスロー Knight Throw
ShadowMan + ToadMan G-OTOSHI
ガマオトシ Toad Drop

The attack power of the Double Attacks are dependent on the player’s progress of the game.

Tier Requirement
1 Start of Chapter 1
2 Start of Chapter 2
3 Start of Chapter 3
4 Start of Chapter 4
5 Start of Chapter 5
6 Start of Chapter 6
7 Start of Chapter 7
8 After Liberation Mission 7
9 After Liberation Mission 8



  • None of the Navis’ abilities to perform A Button PowerAttacks are stated in-game nor the manual.
  • MMBN5 GBA Navi Change quirks:
    • If you Navi Change during a Color Bug's flashing status, the next Navi will inherit the flashing status.
    • When using Tomahawk Soul, Navi Changing will result in Grass Stage being used each time you swap navis. This will still activate even if the Navi you swapped is deleted during the turn.
    • When using Search Soul, Navi Changing will result in the Unison effect of removing invisible from enemies to be used again.