Missable content

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

This page uses unofficial terminology.
Some parts of this page are based on media which has not been officially released in English. Names and terms may be inferred from other sources or based on fan localizations.
Based on The Rockman EXE Zone's Mega Man: Phantom of the Network & Legend of the Network fan localizations.

This page lists items and content in the series which can be permanently missed, or become substantially more difficult to obtain, if not obtained by a certain point in the game.

Note: due to the Chip Trader's low odds of getting the chip you need, chips which can otherwise only be obtained through the Chip Trader are also treated as missable on this page.

Some items have been bolded, these are noteworthy due to not having an infinite alternative source for that code or the * code.

Mega Man Battle Network 1

These also apply to Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star.

Field Items

Chapter # Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
Ch. 1 Recov10 A Examine the dinner table in Lan's House before leaving for school. Starting Folder (3 copies), Super Exchanger
Ch. 6 10,000zƶ At the start of chapter, talk to Yai to receive a reward for the gift. ---

Mystery Data

This section is under construction.
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.
Check if ShotGun * can be obtained from 3 chip exchanger in OSS

In some dungeons, Mystery Data will disappear upon finishing the chapter, so your only chance to collect it is when going through the dungeon as part of the story. This applies to all versions of the game.

Location Missable Item Alternative ways to get
Oven Comp 1 ShotGun Q (GBA) / ShotGun * (OSS) Chip Exchanger, Super Exchanger
Oven Comp 1 400zƶ ---
Oven Comp 1 Steal A Undernet 6 Shop (max 3), Chip Exchanger, Super Exchanger
Oven Comp 1 Sword B Undernet 9 GMD, Super Exchanger
Oven Comp 1 200zƶ ---
Oven Comp 2 ShotGun Q (GBA) / ShotGun * (OSS) Chip Exchanger
Oven Comp 2 500zƶ ---
Oven Comp 2 LilBomb T Chip Exchanger, Super Exchanger
School Comp 5 Cannon C Internet 2 GMD, Internet 1 Shop (max 3), Chip Exchanger, Super Exchanger

Mega Man Battle Network 2

Field items

This section is under construction.
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.
Add Chip Traders to alternative locations
Chapter # Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
Ch. 1 "More viruses!" E-mail Talk to the girl in the classroom. (Must be done before the battle tutorial) ---
Ch. 2 Bubbler G While helping for the barbecue, talk to the scientist in Camp at Okuden Valley. Shrimpy (LV9~S @ low HP)
Ch. 3 Recov50 * After getting the A License, talk to the Official at the counter of the License Office at Marine Harbor. Famous's Folder, Netopia 1 BMD
Ch. 4 FireBlde R When the goons infiltrate The Square, talk to the older Official in front of the elevator at the Lobby of Marine Harbor. Koto Square Shop (max 3); can obtain FireBlde * from WWW Area 1 GMD
Ch. 5 SilvFist I When Lan has to go get a Passport, go read the note on Dad's PC. ---
"Some cash" E-mail with 3000zƶ Have 0 Zennys when MegaMan is taken from Lan. Mom will send 3000zƶ. ---
Stolen Money Talk to the blonde man in Netopia Airport. Delete his viruses to get your money back.
  • Normal Mode: Fishy3, Fishy, Flamey
  • Hard Mode: MegalianW, MegalianH, Snapper
Quake2 W, TreeBom1 *, and Sonicwav I After making up with MegaMan, talk to Mr. Higsby, he will give these chips. Quake2 W: Flappy2 (LV7~10 @ mid HP), UnderKoto GMD
TreeBom1 *: ---
Sonicwav I: Mettaur2 (LV9~S @ high HP), Yumland 2 GMD
30 Guard * When it's time to pay Jim for his info; After defeating the Navis in Netopia 3, talk to the drunk man in the alleyway. Then talk to the Electopian girl in front of Netopia Castle. Mettaur (LV5~7), Mettaur2 (LV5~7), Netopia 3 GMD
Ch. 6 Souvenirs Before heading to the airport, talk to the sunglasses man in Netopia Town to buy Broach (1000zƶ), RoboX (1000zƶ), and GoldRing (1000zƶ). ---
Repair L Talk to the blonde man in the Economy section of the plane. Netopia 1 GMD
10,000zƶ, GutPunch D, and Recov150 P When Lan returns to ACDC Town, give the souvenirs to Yai, Dex, and Mayl for each reward. GutPunch D: GutsManV3V3 (LV5~7 @ mid-low HP)
Recov150 P: ---
20 Guard * Before heading to bed, talk to the boy running behind the house behind Lan's house in ACDC Town. Mettaur (LV5~7), Mettaur2 (LV5~7), Netopia 3 GMD

Mystery Data

Due to an error, some Mystery Datas will permanently despawn if not collected before a certain condition is met.

Location Missable Item Despawn condition Alternative ways to get
Gas Comp 1 200zƶ Pick up MiniEnrg BMD in Gas Comp 2 ---
Gas Comp 1 V-Gun A Pick up RegUP1 BMD in Gas Comp 2 Chip Trader

Mega Man Battle Network 3

Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
300,000zƶ When doing the Legendary Tomes quest from the Job BBS, after obtaining all 3 Tomes, go to the Teachers' Lounge and examine the clay figure to obtain 300,000zƶ. This must be done before the Tomes are turned in. ---

Mega Man Battle Network 4

Green Mystery Data

The contents of green Mystery Data vary for each difficulty. In some cases, depending on the difficulty and version of the game, green Mystery Data is the only (infinite) source of a chip code (aside from the Chip Trader).

For the chips listed below, once the player has moved on to the next difficulty, they can no longer obtain (infinite) copies of that chip, other than:

  • Chip Trader
  • Shop with limited stock
  • Chip Order using a finite source of another code
  • Version-specific virus drop
Difficulty Missable chip code GMD location Alternative ways to get
Game 1 HiCannon C Sharo Area Higsby's Shop (max 3), Chip Trader
Vulcan2 H Undernet 2 Netopia Area Shop (max 3), Chip Order (limited), Chip Trader
(BM) Thunder1 L ACDC Area 2 (RS) Billy LV.5~10, (RS) BillyEX LV.7~10, Chip Trader; can obtain Thunder1 * from BillyEX LV.9~S (both versions)
FlmLine1 * YumLand Area Chip Trader (extremely rare)
EnergBom N Town Area 2 Chip Order (limited), Chip Trader
EnergBom T Netopia Area Chip Trader
LongSwrd E Town Area 2 Chip Trader
LongSwrd L Undernet 1 Chip Trader
CustSwrd S Undernet 1 Town Area 2 BMD (3rd time), Chip Trader
Counter1 F Town Area 3 Chip Trader
Counter1 T ACDC Area 3, Park Area 2 Game Comp BMD (1st time), Chip Trader
Counter2 L Undernet 6 Meteor Comp 3 BMD (1st time), Chip Trader
(BM) MokoRus1 M Town Area 3 (RS) Moloko LV.9~S, Chip Trader
CrakOut * ACDC Area 1, Town Area 1, Undernet 4 Starting Folder (3 copies), Chip Order (max 1), Chip Trader
Recov10 * ACDC Area 1, Park Area 1 Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Recov30 R ACDC Area 3 Town Area 3 BMD (1st time), Chip Trader
Recov80 B NetFrica Area Town Area 3 Shop (max 3), Chip Order (limited), Chip Trader
Geddon1 J Undernet 4 Chip Trader
Geddon1 K Netopia Area Chip Trader
Barrier * Park Area 3 Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Barr100 W Undernet 6 NetFrica Area BMD (1st time), Chip Trader
Game 1 & 2 Recov50 * YumLand Area (G1), ACDC Area 1 (G2), ACDC Area 3 (G2), Park Area 1 (G2) Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Recov80 * Undernet 1 (G1), YumLand Area (G2) Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Game 2 HiCannon E ACDC Area 1 Town Area 3 BMD (2nd time), Chip Trader
M-Cannon G Sharo Area Undernet 4 BMD (1st time), Toy Robot Comp 1 BMD (3rd time), Chip Trader
(RS) Thunder2 S YumLand Area (BM) Silly LV.7~10, (BM) SillyEX LV.7~10, Chip Trader
(RS) HeatBrth D Sharo Area (BM) Whomper LV.5~7, (BM) Wither LV.9~S, Chip Trader; can obtain HeatBrth * from WeatherEX LV.9~S (both versions)
EnergBom E ACDC Area 1 Chip Trader
WideBlde S Undernet 1 Chip Trader
CustSwrd P Town Area 4 Chip Trader
Counter2 B Park Area 2 Chip Trader
Counter2 H ACDC Area 3, Town Area 3 Chip Order (limited), Chip Trader
(RS) SidBmbo2 O Undernet 6 (BM) Kilbur LV.9~S, Chip Trader
(RS) MokoRus2 U Town Area 3 (BM) Milko LV.9~S, Chip Trader
(RS) BigHamr2 G Undernet 2 (BM) Gaia+ LV.9~S, Chip Trader
Fanfare * Undernet 4 Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Discord * Undernet 4 Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Timpani * Undernet 4 Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Silence * Undernet 4 Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Guard2 * Town Area 1, NetFrica Area Mettaur2EX LV.9~S (G2), Chip Trader (extremely rare)
Geddon2 T Netopia Area Chip Trader
Barr100 Q Park Area 3 Chip Order (limited), Chip Trader


For most viruses, lower versions can be encountered even on the highest difficulty (Continue 3+). However, there are a few viruses that only appear on a specific difficulty. As a result, this may lock you out of obtaining certain chip codes, which can otherwise only be obtained (very rarely) from the Chip Trader.

Difficulty Virus Missable chip codes Alternative ways to get
Game 1 only GaiaEX - All codes can be obtained from Gaia and Chip Order
CirKill - All codes can be obtained from CirKillEX
BomBoy - All codes can be obtained from BomBoyEX
WindBox - All codes can be obtained from WindBox2 and WindBox3
VacuumFan - All codes can be obtained from VacuumFan2 and VacuumFan3
Game 2 only Mettaur2EX Guard2 * Chip Trader (extremely rare)
SillyEX - All codes can be obtained from Silly
Gaia+EX BigHamr2 W Chip Trader
KilburEX SidBmbo2 H Chip Trader
Webby WhitWeb2 E
WhitWeb2 Y
Chip Trader; can obtain WhitWeb2 * from WebbyEX LV.9~S
CirCrush - All codes can be obtained from CirCrushEX
MilkoEX - All codes can be obtained from Milko
WindBox2 - All codes can be obtained from WindBox3
VacuumFan2 - All codes can be obtained from VacuumFan3

WaterGod Comp Gold Mr. Prog

Main page: WaterGod Comps

The WaterGod Comp can only be accessed if Lan fights Paulie as an opponent in the Red Sun / Blue Moon Tournament. In the WaterGod Comp, a gold Mr. Prog known as the WaterGod Program has a low chance to spawn upon jacking in to the comp. It will give up to 5 rewards from a pool of 8, depending on the current difficulty. As such, certain BattleChip rewards for Game 1 and/or 2 can be missed.

Whether Paulie will appear in the Red Sun / Blue Moon Tournament, and which rewards will be given by the WaterGod Program, are both determined at the start of the game. Therefore, the player has no control over this and getting the chips below is simply up to luck.

Difficulty Missable chip Alternative ways to get
Game 1 only WideBlde C Elec Tower Comp 2 BMD (2nd time), Chip Trader
Lance A Chip Trader
Game 2 only Geddon2 Y Chip Trader
Barr200 I Chip Trader
MegEnBom W Chip Trader
VarSwrd J Chip Trader

Blue/Purple Mystery Data

None of the blue Mystery Data and purple Mystery Data in the game are missable. If a BMD/PMD is not collected in a certain playthrough, the contents will carry over to the next playthrough. Once a BMD/PMD has been collected, it will reappear in the next playthrough with its contents upgraded.

However, if a player wants to minimize the number of playthroughs they need to do to obtain everything in MMBN4, they should make sure to pick up all BMD/PMD in the game before starting New Game +.

Mega Man Battle Network 5

Gold Cloud

English GBA version only.

Due to the removal of Gargoyle Comp 2 and Ship Comp 1, some chips can no longer be found in GMDs, making them one-time obtainable only during the clouds puzzle in Ch. 3.

Chapter # Missable item Location Alternative ways to get
Ch. 3 (GBA-EN) (TP) ElcReel1 Z Gold Cloud (TC) ElecOgre (LV5~7), (TC) EleOgrEX (LV5~7)
Ch. 3 (GBA-EN) Thunder L Gold Cloud Chip Trader; can obtain Thunder * from Bargain Bin (1000zƶ), SciLab Area 2 GMD (L1), End Area 1 GMD (L3)

VacuProg Key Item

Japanese GBA version and Legacy Collection only.

If MegaMan interacts with the Boktai Trader in Oran Area 2 and declines to use Crossover Points before obtaining the VacuProg Key Item in the story, it can become permanently missable. When this happens, the story will proceed as if MegaMan already has the VacuProg as soon as he enters Oran Area 1 during Ch. 3, and you can get rid of the cyberclouds as normal, but the VacuProg item won't be in your Key Items.

Once the game is in this state, it is possible to get the VacuProg after all by obtaining a chip from the Boktai Trader, which will remove the VacuProg ability; then, without interacting with the Boktai Trader again, backtrack to Oran Area 1 and talk to Mr. Prog to obtain the VacuProg properly. However, this is no longer possible once the player defeats GyroMan (TP) / ShadowMan (TC).

This item is more easily missed in the Legacy Collection, since the Boktai Trader always appears on the Net, whereas in the GBA version, it only appears once the player has made a profile in the Crossover Battle mode.

Dark Chip NPCs

There are 2 certain NPCs that sell Dark Chips on the Net. If those chips are bought during Ch. 4 when the Leader Navi (ProtoMan/Colonel) is Lan's Navi, later going back to that NPC as MegaMan will give different dialogue than if MegaMan bought it.

Location If MegaMan bought it If Leader Navi bought it
SciLab Area 4
"Thanks for helping
me out like that."
"Don't try to give
it back,either!"
"This Navi helped me
out by buying my"
"weird-colored Wide-
Sht I didn't like
for 1000 Zennys."
End Area 1
(DarkDril - invisible path)
"No refunds if that's
what you want!"
"Get outta my face.
I ain't got time for
the likes of you!"

Mega Man Battle Network 5DS

In the BN5DS version of the game, some features will be skipped due to features using the W Slot function.

Chapter # Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
Ch. 2 BnusFldr (ExtraFolder) When you receive the NaviCust E-Mail and already have BN5Fldr from the W Slot. Available from a Navi in Kitchen Comp accessed via ACDC Area 2.

Mega Man Battle Network 6

Legacy Collection

Exclusive to the Legacy Collection version. (These changes have been fixed in the July 2023 update)

There is an oversight which can cause the Virus Battler to use the wrong set of rewards. When playing on English language, the rewards given are the same as the GBA English version. However, the Legacy Collection version is based on the GBA Japanese version, which has a different set of rewards and various chips are obtained from different locations. As a result, playing on the English language can cause the player to miss certain rewards which are only obtainable from the Virus Battler.

Of particular note is the Django3 D chip, which is required for Mega Chip and Program Advance Library completion and which can otherwise only be obtained through multiplayer.

Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
(LC)(EN) AirSpin1 F Virus Battle Machine V1 Chip Trader
(LC)(EN) AntiDmg R Virus Battle Machine V2 Chip Trader
(LC)(EN) Geddon L Virus Battle Machine V3 Chip Trader
(LC)(EN) Django3 D Virus Battle Machine V5 Boktai Trader, Chip Order

Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation

WindMan HP Memories

Due to a glitch, it is possible to permanently miss out on HP Memories for WindMan when the player is using multiple Navis and starts the day by using a different Navi, other than WindMan, which has progressed further in the story. If this is done too often, WindMan will be permanently unable to reach his maximum HP.

Rockman EXE Phantom of Network

Field Items

Chapter # Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
Ch. 1 Recov30 R Talk to a lady in ACDC Town and answer Yes. ACDC Area 2 NetDealer (1500zƶ), Government Area 2 BMD, Chip Trader

Competition Training

Starting in Ch. 3, a Navi in Registration Machine Comp can be challenged to receive a reward. Each chapter has its own set of virus battles and a unique reward. If you proceed to the next chapter without receiving the current chapter's reward, it cannot be received anymore.

Chapter # Missable Item Alternative ways to get
Ch. 3 Recov50 S Den Area 1 BMD, Chip Trader
Ch. 4 MokoRus1 H Moloko LV. 6~7, Chip Trader
Ch. 5 Vulcan3 O ACDC Area 3 BMD, Chip Order, Chip Trader
Ch. 6 Recov120 Q Chip Trader
Ch. 7 LongBlde B SwordySP LV. 10, Chip Trader

Mystery Data

Due to an error, one Mystery Data will permanently despawn if not collected before a certain condition is met.

Location Missable Item Despawn condition Alternative ways to get
Battle Machine Comp 3 5 BugFrags Defeat FireManSP in Request BBS #52. ---

Rockman EXE Legend of Network

Field Items

Chapter # Missable Item Location Alternative ways to get
Ch. 3 Magnum1 L Buy from a Mr. Prog in ACDC Area 3 for 2800zƶ. Can only be bought while you're out buying Magnum1 F for Higsby. Undernet2 NetMerchant (7900zƶ), Chip Trader
Ch. 3 WideSht1 D Receive from a Navi in Shrine Comp 3 after winning a virus battle. Can only be done after Higsby asks you to get WideSht1 D, until the end of Chapter 3. Lark (LV.9~10), Chip Order (5000zƶ), Chip Trader

BattleChip Giveaway

Starting in Chapter 1, a Navi in SciLab's Monument Comp can be talked to for a BattleChip. The given chip will change every chapter but the chip can only be obtained once per chapter.

Mine A can be received again in Chapter 8+ if it was already received in Chapter 8, so if you don't pick it up in Chapter 8, you miss out on one copy.

Chapter # Missable Item Alternative ways to get
Chapter 1 Recov30 E ACDC Area 1 BMD, Chip Order (5000zƶ), Chip Trader
Chapter 2 Vulcan1 C ACDC Area 1 BMD, Chip Order (2800zƶ), Chip Trader
Chapter 3 GrasSeed F Chip Trader
Chapter 4 Recov80 H Higsby's (7000zƶ), Chip Order (10000zƶ), Chip Trader
Chapter 5 TripCrak * Museum Comp 4 BMD, Chip Order (3000zƶ), Chip Trader
Chapter 6 StepSrd2 M Chip Order (11000zƶ), Chip Trader
Chapter 7 Recov150 T Mayl's HP BMD (Ch. 7), Chip Trader
Chapter 8 Mine A Undernet 4 BugFrag Trader (80 BF) (max 2), Government Area 2 BMD (Ch. 7), Receive from same Navi in Monument Comp in Ch. 8+, Chip Trader

Mega Man Star Force 1

Nothing is missable in Mega Man Star Force 1.

Mega Man Star Force 2

Nothing is missable in Mega Man Star Force 2.

Mega Man Star Force 3

V2 boss ghosts

After defeating the V1 of a boss, its V2 ghost will appear invisibly in a set location. These ghosts can only be fought up until their V2 is fought as part of the boss rematches during the story. After that, the ghosts will despawn.

While this does not lead to missable content, as the V1 and V2 boss cards can also be obtained from their V3 random encounter, this is an easier way to collect those cards, as the V2 ghosts yield a reward screen after battle, unlike the story rematches.