Glitches in Mega Man Battle Network 5

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

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This page is a list of glitches that appear in Mega Man Battle Network 5.

Major glitches

Liberation Warp glitch

This glitch occurs if MegaMan's maximum HP (including NaviCust and Mod Cards) is a certain amount. If you quit or complete a Liberation Mission, you will be automatically warped depending on the ending HP value in hexadecimal.

This glitch was officially acknowledged by Capcom, but they incorrectly state both sets of values yield the same result as HP value 01.[1]

In the Wii U Virtual Console rereleases of the game, this glitch was fixed.

Jack Out Warp lock

  • HP value 01: 1, 257, 513, 769, 1025, 1281, 1537, 1793, 2049, 2305, 2561, 2817, or 3073

MegaMan will be jacked out, but will not appear next to the PET icon. You will no longer be able to jack in, thus cannot progress more into the game. This is a game-breaking glitch that would require you to start a New Game or load a previous save.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes (Fixed in VC)
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Net Area Warp glitch

  • HP value 02: 2, 258, 514, 770, 1026, 1282, 1538, 1794, 2050, 2306, 2562, 2818, or 3074

MegaMan will warp to the last exact location the game considered MegaMan jacking out. This includes cutscenes that might take you out of bounds. This does not progress the game as story flags are triggered through a sequenced set of cutscenes. However, some areas can be accessed before the game allows it if the jack out point was during a cutscene. Talking to some objects in that period has potential to crash the game.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes (Fixed in VC)
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Dummy NPC glitch

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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.
Has Arbitrary Code Execution potential. Fill in details.

Due to MMBN5 containing some glitches that takes MegaMan out-of-bounds and skipping cutscene triggers, there are dummy NPCs that can be talked to that will lead to unusual programming behavior.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 ?
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Twin Liberation glitch

Select "No" when Meddy asks if you'd like to activate Twin Liberation. Now, if a team member clears a panel opposite to her like a Twin Liberation would go, the liberation will still be treated as a Twin Liberation. Also, no Order Points will be used.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 No
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 No

Double Karma glitch

If you run away from the battle, any karma you would gain or loss would be doubled. This happens because the game accidentally calls the function that applies DarkChip penalties two times: once at the end of the "successfully ran away" message, and once after the screen fades to black. In the English version of the games, this was fixed by removing the function call at the end of the message.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Double HP Loss glitch

As an extension to the karma glitch; Normally, if you use a DarkChip during battle, or your DarkSoul activates at 0 HP, then you lose 1 HP after the battle. However, in the Japanese GBA version of the game, if you run away from the battle, your HP and karma are deducted twice.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

AntiRecovery glitches

AntiRecovery Cut In lock

If you have an AntiRecovery chip ???? trap on, then attempt to set up another AntiRecovery chip, if the opponent attempts a cut in with a dimming recovery chip (for example, Roll), the battle will soft-lock. The game will require a reset.

This glitch was somewhat fixed in English versions of BN4 but has somehow returned in Japanese BN5. In later versions of BN5, the cut in order works as intended.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

AntiRecovery Dimming oversight

Normally the trigger of Trap Chips cannot be cut in. However, if a dimming chip (i.e. Roll) triggers AntiRecovery, the triggered AntiRecovery can be cut in to. If a non-dimming chip triggers AntiRecovery, it cannot be cut in to.

In the GBA Japanese version, it wasn't possible to cut in to a triggered AntiRecovery.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 No
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

A Button PowerAttack Carryover glitch

This section is under construction.
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.
TODO: Document interactions with DarkChips.

There is a period where the charge of an A PowerAttack can be passed on to any chip:

  • 1st method: Release the charge while it is being buffered (i.e. so the attack won't launch until MegaMan finishes moving), then immediately open the Custom Screen. Select any chip (even dimming chips) and that new chip will be used in the next chance MegaMan gets to launch a chip. The chip will obtain the added ability of that A PowerAttack.
  • 2nd method: Hold the charge and open the Custom Screen, select any chip (even dimming chips). Upon closing the Custom Screen, there is a frame perfect timing where the chip can be use and it will obtain the added ability of that A PowerAttack.

This works with:

  • Any Soul with A PowerAttack that increases the attack power x2: The x2 sound effect will play, and the chip will do x2 damage even for chips with no listed attack power such as GrabRevenge, with the exception of the GunDelSol series. This will also extend the animation length of the Django chips.
  • NapalmSoul: MegaMan will shoot the Napalm but will base the attack power on the new chip. If the ability is passed onto a DarkChip, the attack will glitch up.
  • ShadowSoul: If DarkSword is used, MegaMan will use it in a StepSlice fashion.
  • ProtoSoul: Same as any soul with x2 A PowerAttack, but will also use DarkSword in a StepSlice fashion.
Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

ChipRecovery Karma glitch


This can occur in a Network Duel and if MegaMan equips a Mod Card with the ChipRecovery ability. If MegaMan is non-Evil (470 or higher Karma), when the opponent uses a dimming chip, you can attempt to cut in with dimming DarkChip (DarkInvis, DarkSonic, DarkCircle). Non-Evil MegaMan is unable to use the DarkChip, but he will still heal with ChipRecovery from the attempts to use it. It can be used multiple times in that dimming period (about 7 A button presses).

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?

PinkCapsule Karma glitch

An extension of the ChipRecovery glitch, as it works outside Mod Cards by using Meddy Soul's PinkCapsule instead. However, since the capsule can only attach to a chip with an attack power, the only target is DarkCircle. PinkCapsule heals 10% of MegaMan's max HP with every use.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Poltergeist glitches

Handi X Bomb Poltergeist lock

If Poltergeist is used on the Handi virus' X marked TimeBomb, it'll throw the TimeBomb and soft-lock the game.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Handi Hole Bomb Poltergeist lock

If Poltergeist is used as soon as a Handi virus drops a TimeBomb in a hole panel, the Navi will attempt to use Poltergeist during the dim and will soft-lock the game.

In later versions, the Navi won't use Poltergeist in the dim and the dimming ends immediately.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

VDoll Poltergeist lock

If VDoll is set on the field and one player uses Poltergeist but the other player cuts in with a chip that will hit the VDoll, the game will soft-lock.

  • If P1 sets up VDoll, then P2 uses Poltergeist and P1 hits the VDoll, the game will soft-lock just as Poltergeist activates.
  • If P1 sets up VDoll, then P1 uses Poltergeist and P2 hits the VDoll, Poltergeist will activate successfully but then the game will soft-lock.

In later versions, the order of cut in chips works properly without freezing.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Support Bug Mod Card glitch

This requires the Piranha Mod Card active (has the ability to turn OFF Tango NCP if it's installed). If any Support NCP (Rush, Beat, Tango) is in the NaviCust and bugged; instead of applying Support Bug, it will install Rush and Beat NCPs as abilities.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?

Slasher AntiDamage Invincibility glitch

This requires MegaMan having AntiDamage ???? Trap on and holding A for Slasher. If MegaMan is struck just as the enemy enters the field (for example, on the front column and hit by Cactikil virus just as it rolls to MegaMan's side), the Slasher and AntiDamage will trigger, then MegaMan will return to the field with unlimited time invincibility. The invincibility will expire if MegaMan changes forms as forms reset status effects.

In later versions, MegaMan returns to the battlefield without invincibility.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Liberation Mission Folder glitches

These will occur if you immediately save without closing the menu, then reset and go into a Liberation Mission. These glitches can be used together.

Liberation Regular Chip glitch

First organize the folder. Select and Regular a chip within the MB limit. The chip is now highlighted. Swap the highlighted chip slot with the above MB chip you want to be the Regular Chip. Do not close the menu, save and immediately reset the game. Upon returning to the game, immediately go into a Liberation Mission. MegaMan will have the highlighted Regular chip, meanwhile the Team Navi will have the chip that took that slot as the Regular chip.

The glitch will be reset if you open the menu before the Liberation Mission. Giga Chips cannot be a Regular Chip and will be redirected to another chip by the game.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Liberation Folder glitch

This glitch will allow MegaMan and Team Navis to equip different Folders in a Liberation Mission. Open the menu, the Folder that's equipped when the menu is opened will be used by the Team Navis. Now switch to another Folder, this Folder will be used by MegaMan. Do not close the menu, save and immediately reset the game. Upon returning to the game, immediately go into a Liberation Mission. MegaMan will use the currently equipped Folder, meanwhile the Team Navis will use the other Folder. The glitch will be reset if you open the menu before the Liberation Mission.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Exit Regular Chip lock

In the Folder Edit, if you try to Regular a chip that is over the MB capacity and exit at the same time, the game will freeze at the textbox attempting to pop up.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Minor glitches

Command Code errors

Satelity error

If you press A + B to to select Satelity chip’s attack location, a command code sound goes off. However, no additional effect is added to Satelity.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 Yes
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

CrossDivide error

If you press Left + B before Colonel attacks, a command code sound goes off. However, no additional effect is added to CrossDivide.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Powie AI glitch

In the final version, Powie never jumps more than two times before doing a ground pound. This behavior is carried over from Mega Man Battle Network 2, where it is actually caused by a glitch. However, this game introduces a new AI glitch: it's actually supposed to attack after one jump 20% of the time, but it only does so under extremely rare circumstances.

This glitch is caused by the way the game determines whether Powie should attack after its first jump. The game does this by generating a random number r and using the SDK function for division, which calculates both division and modulo result. However, the game then uses the division result (r / 5) which has 429496729 possible values, instead of the modulo result (r % 5) which has 5 possible values.

What should be happening:
Jumps Chance to ground pound
1 1/5 (20%)
2 1/1 (100%)
What is actually happening:
Jumps Chance to ground pound
1 5/2147483648 (~0.00%)
2 1/1 (100%)
Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Unpredictable SoulCleaner glitch

SoulCleaner is supposed to only take effect when you can't run 100% of the time from an encounter, which is based on your Navi’s base maximum HP, excluding NaviCust Parts and Mod Cards. Due to a programming error, the game will use the remainder of the Navi's HP when divided by 256 when comparing against the area's HP requirement for 100% run rate.

This ends up being advantageous to the player as the maximum possible value used in the run rate comparison is 255, which means that the bonus will always trigger in areas with an HP threshold greater than 256, which includes all areas except ACDC Area, Oran Area, Main Comps, and some early game small comps.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Purple Mystery Data out-of-bounds glitch

By picking up certain purple mystery datas in a specific position, it is possible to move out of bounds by walking south after the text finishes. The player can move around freely out-of-bounds; continuously walking in one direction eventually results in the player entering an invisible copy of the map, with no objects.

In Double Team DS, using an Unlocker does not change your position like it does in the GBA game, thus preventing this glitch.

Oran Area 1 PMD

EXE5 Oran Area 1 out of bounds glitch.gif

By picking up the purple mystery data in Oran Area 1 from the south side, you can walk out-of-bounds.

In the international releases of the game, the purple mystery data was moved slightly so that picking it up from the south side no longer clips you through the wall. In Double Team DS, the purple mystery data is back in its original spot.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 No
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 No
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 No



It is possible to clip out of bounds using the Purple Mystery Data in ACDC Area 2, but this requires more precise movement after using the Unlocker. Due to this, it's possible to get the OldKey Key Item before the story asks to get it, as well as early access to Old Terminal Comp and SciLab Area 2. This PMD was not moved in the international releases.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 Yes
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 No
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 No

End Area 3 PMD


It is possible to clip out of bounds using the Purple Mystery Data in End Area 3, but this requires more precise movement after using the Unlocker. This PMD was not moved in the international releases.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 No
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 No

Battle Visual errors

Flipped Shocking Melody error

When the opponent is using Toad Soul's ShockNote attack, the note sprite won't be flipped.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 ?
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

BassCross Overlay errors

There are situations where the BassCross MegaMan overlay with glitch up:

Navi Change Unite error

If BassCross MegaMan Double Souls the turn he swaps in after a Navi Change, a blue BassCross overlay will be placed on top of the Double Soul.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
AntiSword error

When BassCross MegaMan uses AntiSword, the sprite’s animation will not line up.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

KnightMan Support glitch

For KnightMan’s Party Battle System support ability: If the opponent cuts in a damaging chip as you are about to use a chip that changes the area advantage, not only will the damaging chip would deal no damage to the active Navi, KnightMan would not lose any HP either.

Applies to:
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

FactoryComp4 Clip

In the FactoryComp4, right before CosmoMan; if MegaMan is standing right where the gate was and the gate is put back up, he will be pushed past the cutscene marker. MegaMan is able to talk to the CosmoMan NPC, resulting in freezing the game. This is fixed in later versions with more event blocks being implemented.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 No
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

ArmChange Unite glitch

If MegaMan is in Colonel Soul and you perform Arm Change with your Regular Chip, you will be unable to Chaos Unison with a Dark Chip if that chip takes up the 2nd slot in the Custom Screen.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

NumberMan Capsule glitch

If Meddy Soul’s Capsule chips are used with the NumberMan chip, instead of the status it should apply, the status will be changed depending on the roll of the die.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

ShadowMan Emotion Value error

ShadowMan’s Bakuen fire attack does not reduce Emotion Value. Because of this, it can’t remove Full Synchro. In later versions, it reduces Emotion Value as it should.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

SlashBehind oversight

In a Network Duel, if a Shadow Soul is using its SlashBehind ability and attempts to use a cut in while still facing backwards, the chip’s range will become strange. This is due to the chips repositioning their use according to MegaMan’s direction, which is backwards.

Some examples: Some chips will have the SlashBehind user attack their own field, obstacles will bevisually summoned in the opposite direction (PoisonPharaoh will face the user’s side, but will still drain the enemy side), some chips will still attack the enemy field (Meteors chip will attack enemy field but they will drop in a mirrored order).

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

No Save Slot-2 error

To obtain an early TP Chip and access BassCross MegaMan in BN5DS via the W Slot, a BN5GBA cart with certain Title Screen Marks is required. However, if the save has no data (New Game only, no Continue), the game will register it as having those Title Screen Marks and give the bonuses.

Applies to:
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Zero HP Field Screen glitch


Some attacks from DarkSoul (i.e. GunDelSol) will linger on the field even after MegaMan deletes all enemies and the Enemy Deleted text appears. DarkSoul will delete MegaMan but the battle will be successful with the reward screen appearing. Afterwards, MegaMan will appear on the Field Screen with 0 HP. If MegaMan were to go into battle with 0 HP, he will be deleted before the Custom Screen even appears.

In later versions, the attack stops immediately as soon as the Enemy Deleted text appear.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Higsby's Chip Order error

In Higsby's Chip Order, the codes listed for MrkCan1 is ordered as MKS instead of KMS, in alphabetical order like every other chip.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 No
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

GyroMan Gyro Form glitch


If the GyroMan boss goes into his Gyro Form, he actually momentarily leaves the battlefield without leaving a placeholder panel. The panel he's currently on can be taken with a Grab chip, MegaMan can walk on the same panel as he is on, and obstacles can be placed on the panel. After he attacks, he will warp to an open panel on his side. However, if there are no open panels (e.g. obstacles taking up all 3 panels of his backmost column), he will remain on the red side until an obstacle expires.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Walk on Arrow glitch


In the Factory Comps, dripping sludge will fall on the current Navi after they walk a certain number of steps. If the sludge drops just as the Navi steps on an arrow, it will damage the Navi and stop them right on the arrow. The Navi can walk on the arrow until they leave the path. As the sludge counts the steps, sludge will also drip down if enough steps are taken on the arrows.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Oran Island Wall quirk


In Oran Island, if you run to the left against the bottom-right wall of the stairs, Lan will go slower than normal. This is due to the wall collision being made two-sided.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Missing Mystery Datas

Kitchen Comp Missing BMD

In Kitchen Comp, there is supposed to be a Blue Mystery Data containing Thunder P, but doesn't actually spawn because the flag to call for it is disabled.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 Yes
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

Oran Area 1 Missing GMD

There is supposed to be another spot in Oran Area 1 where a Green Mystery Data is supposed to spawn. Due to the game running out of NPC slots, the GMD cannot spawn.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 ?
GBA North American v1.0 Yes
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?

LarkMan Attack Collision glitch

LarkMan's LarkDrive and AirDive attacks will continuously hit the panel MegaMan is on for massive damage. MegaMan will also instantly go into Worried, indicating his Emotion Value has been going down from multiple hits. The interaction will change depending on the defense MegaMan has on:

  • If MegaMan uses Shield: It will block all the hits.
  • If MegaMan uses Reflect, Guard, or Barrier: It won't block all the hits and MegaMan will receive damage. Also, even though AirDive is supposed to destroy chips if it lands, it won't destroy them in this case.

In later versions, LarkMan's attacks will only deal one hit on the panel.

Applies to:
GBA Japanese v1.0 Yes
GBA North American v1.0 No
GBA European v1.0 ?
DS Twin Leaders Japanese v1.0 ?
Double Team DS North American v1.0 ?
Double Team DS European v1.0 ?
