Version Differences in Mega Man Star Force

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

There are a number of Version Differences between versions of in the Mega Man Star Force series. Compared to the Mega Man Battle Network series, the changes are significantly less.

Mega Man Star Force 1

Star Force

Main page: Star Force

The main transformation system in SF1, the titular Star Force will be the primary form for that version. Brother Banding with other players will give access to the other Star Force. The differences between each form is significantly less than the other games.

Ice Pegasus
  • Aqua-elemental.
  • A freezing Aqua Charged Shot.
Fie Leo
  • Fire-elemental.
  • A powerful Fire Charged Shot that goes down the column.
Green Dragon
  • Wood-elemental.
  • A multi-hit Wood Charged Shot that covers a large range.
  • Status Guard: Mega Man can't receive status effects except for getting Countered.

Brother Band Boosts

The stat boosts given to other players through the Brother Band System are dependent on the version.

Pegasus Gives Brothers +1 Gauge, so their Custom Gauge fill up faster.
Leo Gives Brothers Mega Buster +1 Attack stat.
Dragon Lets Brothers have +1 Mega Class Card in their folder.

Boss Differences

Each game has one boss and their versions that can only be fought in that version.

Pegasus Only Leo Only Dragon Only
PegasusMgc LeoKingdom DragonSky

Library Differences

These Mega cards can only be obtained in their respective version. To receive them in the Card Box, they must be traded from the other version or obtain the ones in Cipher Mail.

Mega Cards
Pegasus Only Leo Only Dragon Only
PegasusMgc LeoKingdom DragonSky
PegasuMgcEXEX LeoKingdmEXEX DragonSkyEXEX
PegasuMgcSPSP LeoKingdmSPSP DragonSkySPSP

These Giga cards can only be obtained for the Card Box in that version. However, these can still be used via Brother Force roulette.

Giga Cards
Pegasus Only Leo Only Dragon Only
PegasuMgcGXGX LeoKingdmGXGX DragonSkyGXGX
Aqua+50 Fire+50 Wood+50
OxTackle GemniThndr GorgonEye
BrkTmeBmb DrknesHole DestrMissile
DarkSword LifeAura PoisonPhar

Mega Man Star Force 2

Tribe On

Main page: Tribe On

The main transformation system in SF2, the titular Tribe will be the primary form for that version. Brother Banding with other players will allow to fuse Tribes and combine their abilities, the Tribe given is dependent on the player’s version. Zerker is more inclined for chaining combos, Ninja for tricky techniques, and Saurian for power. Accessing other Tribes as a primary form can be done via Wave Command Card.

Thunder Zerker
  • Elec-elemental.
  • A paralyzing Elec Charged Shot.
  • Charge A Ability: Charge any number of cards, upon release all cards will be used cumulatively. If the card causes flashing, they won’t cause it in the combo.
  • Side Select: Instead of only being able to select vertical in the Custom Screen, cards can be selected horizontally too.
Wood Ninja
  • Wood-elemental.
  • A multi-hit Sword attribute Charged Shot.
  • Charge A Ability: Charge a non-dimming Standard card; when released, the card will auto-lock on the enemy and pierces invis.
  • Body Double: In addition to the Shield, pressing Up + Y will have an alternate guarding style that defends anything including breaking attacks. If Mega Man get hit, he'll warp to the enemy and slashes them.
Fire Saurian
  • Fire-elemental.
  • A high damage Fire Charged Shot that can damage 4 panels at once.
  • Charge A Ability: Charge a non-dimming Standard card; the card's attack damage will be boosted (bonus is dependent on the card).
  • Super Armor: Mega Man cannot be flinched aback, which means he won't lose Busting LV if he gets hit.

Mega Man Rogue

After clearing the story, Mega Man will receive items that lets him transform into Mega Man Rogue. While it contains its own abilities, some traits from the version's Tribe are present in it.

Giga Class Differences

These cards can only be obtained for the Card Box in that version. However, these can still be used via Brother roulette and Blank Cards.

Zerker Only Ninja Only Saurian Only
GemniThndr GorgonEye OxTackle
RogueBreak TrrntWave MT Magic
MilliKick BusterMax Normal+50
PoisonPhar DrknssHole BrkTmeBmb
Avalanche FlyngImpct PhntmSlsh

Mega Man Star Force 3

Noise Change

Main page: Noise Change

The main transformation system in SF3. All Noise Changes can be obtained in both versions, but 5 have a favored 87.5% chance to appear in one version, while the other 5 has a 12.5% chance. Opposite version Noise Change also cannot be obtained as your first 2 Noise Changes.

The forms are based on past and present enemies. Brother Banding or getting Opponent Noise of other players will allow to fuse Noise Changes and combine their abilities.

Favored Noise Change
Black Ace Red Joker
Libra Noise Cygnus Noise
Corvus Noise Taurus Noise
Cancer Noise Virgo Noise
Gemini Noise Crown Noise
Ophiuca Noise Wolf Noise


Main page: Finalization

The transformation system for the titular forms, Mega Man's folder will be swapped with a premade one to suit the form. Black Ace is more inclined for high-speed attacks, while Red Joker is more inclined to slower high-damage attacks.

Black Ace
  • Auto Lock-on: Mega Man's lock-on is always active.
  • Quick Gauge: Custom Gauge fills up faster.
  • Air Shoes & Float Shoes: Mega Man is unaffected by panel effects.
  • Max Buster: Mega Man's Buster stats become 5 in everything.
Red Joker
  • Super Armor: Mega Man cannot be flinched aback, which means he won't lose Busting LV if he gets hit.
  • Status Guard: Mega Man can't receive status effects except for Immobilize and getting Countered.
  • Max Buster: Mega Man's Buster stats become 5 in everything.

Giga Class Differences

These cards can only be obtained for the Card Box in that version. However, these can still be used via Brother roulette and (Japanese only) Battle Card Database.

Black Ace Only Red Joker Only
WingBlade DreadLazer
DrknssHole DestrMissl
MilliKick BusterMax
BrkTmeBmb OxTackle
MuBarrier MirrorsEdg