Battle Card Info (MMSF1)

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Information regarding the Battle Cards available in Mega Man Star Force.

Card Elements
Terminology Meaning
  • No additional properties.
  • Does x2 damage on enemies standing on Grass panels, then the panel is returned to normal.
  • Does x2 damage against Wood enemies.
    • If the enemy is Wood and on Grass panel, the damage will be x3.
  • Freezes on enemies standing on Ice panels, then the panel is returned to normal.
  • Does x2 damage against Fire enemies.
  • Does x2 damage on Bubbled enemies.
  • Does x2 damage against Aqua enemies.
  • The cards will not cause flashing (invisible frames).
  • Does x2 damage against Elec enemies.
Card Properties
Terminology Meaning
  • The attack will hit the Grabity virus family and trigger AntiSword.
  • The attack will pierce guards and instantly destroy obstacles. Will also instantly delete MonoSword virus family.
  • Does x2 damage on enemies that are Frozen.
  • The attack will instantly remove Barriers and Auras regardless of damage.
  • Summons an obstacle on the field, can be blown up by Bombalizer.
  • The card will trigger PoisnApple.
Pierces Invis
  • The attack can affect enemies through the Invisible status.

Standard Class Cards

ID Name Element AP Properties Effect
001 Cannon None 40 --- One shot ahead.
002 PlusCannon None 90 --- One shot ahead. Knocks back 1 panel.
003 HevyCannon None 150 --- One shot ahead. Knocks back 2 panels.
004 PlasmaGun1 Elec 30 --- Paralyzes enemy ahead for 1.5 seconds.
005 PlasmaGun2 Elec 50 --- Paralyzes enemy ahead for 1.5 seconds, V shape.
006 PlasmaGun3 Elec 70 --- Paralyzes enemy ahead for 1.5 seconds, X shape.
007 Gatling1 None 10 --- Up to x4. Knocks back enemy ahead 1 panel on every hit.
008 Gatling2 None 20 --- Up to x5. Knocks back enemy ahead 1 panel on every hit.
009 Gatling3 None 30 --- Up to x6. Knocks back enemy ahead 1 panel on every hit.
010 AirSpread None 10 Wind Up to x3. Spread 3x3 around hit target.
011 RdrMissil1 None 100 --- Auto-lock on non-elemental enemies.
012 RdrMissil2 None 130 --- Auto-lock on enemies with even tens in their HP.
013 RdrMissil3 None 200 --- Auto-lock on enemies with a status.
014 HeatBall1 Fire 60 --- Auto-locks on an enemy ahead.
015 HeatBall2 Fire 100 --- Auto-locks on an enemy ahead.
016 HeatBall3 Fire 180 --- Auto-locks on an enemy ahead.
017 IceMeteor1 Aqua 50 --- Nearest enemy's row is covered with Ice panels.
018 IceMeteor2 Aqua 90 --- Nearest enemy's row is covered with Ice panels.
019 IceMeteor3 Aqua 130 --- Nearest enemy's row is covered with Ice panels.
020 StunNukle Elec 130 --- Paralyzes one panel ahead for 2.5 seconds.
021 PoisNukle None 150 --- Gives LV4 HP Bug one panel ahead.
022 FreezNukle Aqua 180 --- Freezes one panel ahead for 2 seconds.
023 Sword None 80 Sword Slashes the panel ahead.
024 WideSword None 80 Sword Slashes the row ahead.
025 LongSword None 80 Sword Slashes 2 panels ahead.
026 BlazngEdge Fire 160 Sword Slashes the row ahead.
027 TidalEdge Aqua 190 Sword Slashes the row ahead.
028 StrikeEdge Elec 150 Sword Slashes the row ahead and Paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
029 ArboEdge Wood 180 Sword Slashes the row ahead.
030 BreakSabre None 200 Sword, Break Diagonal cut ahead, \ shape.
031 GrndWave1 None 50 --- Auto-targets an enemy.
032 GrndWave2 None 100 --- Auto-targets an enemy.
033 GrndWave3 None 150 --- Auto-targets an enemy.
034 JetAttack1 None 100 Break, Wind Rush down ahead.
035 JetAttack2 None 150 Break, Wind Rush down ahead.
036 JetAttack3 None 200 Break, Wind Rush down ahead.
037 PowerBomb1 None 80 --- Throws bomb 3 panels ahead. Explodes in + shape.
038 PowerBomb2 None 130 --- Throws bomb 3 panels ahead. Explodes in X shape.
039 PowerBomb3 None 180 --- Throws bomb 3 panels ahead. Explodes in 3x3.
040 GhstPulse1 None 90 Pierces Invis Shoots a shape one panel ahead and the row after that, removes Invisible and Confuses for 3 seconds.
041 GhstPulse2 None 100 Pierces Invis Shoots a shape one panel ahead and the row after that, removes Invisible and Paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
042 GhstPulse3 None 120 Pierces Invis Shoots a shape one panel ahead and the row after that, removes Invisible and LV2 HP Bug.
043 FireRing1 Fire 60 --- Boomerangs back on panel's edge. Can hit enemy ahead up to x2.
044 FireRing2 Fire 90 --- Boomerangs back on panel's edge. Can hit enemy ahead up to x2.
045 FireRing3 Fire 120 --- Boomerangs back on panel's edge. Can hit enemy ahead up to x2.
046 TimeBomb1 Fire 100 Summon Summon a TimeBomb on a empty panel 2 rows ahead. 3 seconds timer.
047 TimeBomb2 Fire 150 Summon Summon a TimeBomb on a empty panel 2 rows ahead. 3 seconds timer.
048 TimeBomb3 Fire 220 Summon Summon a TimeBomb on a empty panel 2 rows ahead. 3 seconds timer.
049 FireBzook1 Fire 100 --- If hits a target, the row is struck too. If hits off screen, furthest row is struck.
050 FireBzook2 Fire 130 --- If hits a target, the row is struck too. If hits off screen, furthest row is struck.
051 FireBzook3 Fire 160 --- If hits a target, the row is struck too. If hits off screen, furthest row is struck.
052 TailBurnr1 Fire 80 --- Flamethrower 3 panels ahead.
053 TailBurnr2 Fire 130 --- Flamethrower 3 panels ahead.
054 TailBurnr3 Fire 180 --- Flamethrower 3 panels ahead.
055 WideWave1 Aqua 70 --- Wave travels down the rows ahead.
056 WideWave2 Aqua 90 --- Wave travels down the rows ahead.
057 WideWave3 Aqua 120 --- Wave travels down the rows ahead.
058 ChainBubl1 Aqua 40 --- Shoots ahead and Bubbles for 2 seconds. If the target has enemies adjacent, they will be struck too. Continues up to 3 rows.
059 ChainBubl2 Aqua 60 --- Shoots ahead and Bubbles for 2 seconds. If the target has enemies adjacent, they will be struck too. Continues up to 3 rows.
060 ChainBubl3 Aqua 80 --- Shoots ahead and Bubbles for 2 seconds. If the target has enemies adjacent, they will be struck too. Continues up to 3 rows.
061 GreenInk None 90 --- Hit target explodes 3x3 with Grass panels.
062 BlueInk None 110 --- Hit target explodes 3x3 with Ice panels.
063 PurpleInk None 130 --- Hit target explodes 3x3 with Poison panels.
064 StikyRain1 Aqua 10 --- Targets all enemies x6.
065 StikyRain2 Aqua 20 --- Targets all enemies x6.
066 StikyRain3 Aqua 30 --- Targets all enemies x6.
067 CloudShot1 Elec 110 --- A cloud travels ahead until it stops on an enemy or object. Then explodes 3x3.
068 CloudShot2 Elec 140 --- A cloud travels ahead until it stops on an enemy or object. Then explodes 3x3.
069 CloudShot3 Elec 170 --- A cloud travels ahead until it stops on an enemy or object. Then explodes 3x3.
070 ThndrBall1 Elec 80 --- Thunder ball moves down ahead and turns to seek enemy. Paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
071 ThndrBall2 Elec 120 --- Thunder ball moves down ahead and turns to seek enemy. Paralyzes for 2 seconds.
072 ThndrBall3 Elec 150 --- Thunder ball moves down ahead and turns to seek enemy. Paralyzes for 2.5 seconds.
073 VolticEye1 Elec 40 Pierces Invis Press A to land on the row. Cursor targets closest enemy row and moves ahead.
074 VolticEye2 Elec 50 Pierces Invis Press A to land on the row. Cursor targets closest enemy row and moves ahead.
075 VolticEye3 Elec 60 Pierces Invis Press A to land on the row. Cursor targets closest enemy row and moves ahead.
076 FlickrKck1 Elec 40 --- Attacks 3 times on enemy. Blinds for 3 seconds.
077 FlickrKck2 Elec 50 --- Attacks 3 times on enemy. Blinds for 3 seconds.
078 FlickrKck3 Elec 60 --- Attacks 3 times on enemy. Blinds for 3 seconds.
079 JumboHmmr1 Wood 130 --- Attacks 2 rows ahead.
080 JumboHmmr2 Wood 160 --- Attacks 2 rows ahead.
081 JumboHmmr3 Wood 190 --- Attacks 2 rows ahead.
082 MopLance1 Wood 120 Sword Attacks 3 panels ahead.
083 MopLance2 Wood 140 Sword Attacks 3 panels ahead.
084 MopLance3 Wood 160 Sword Attacks 3 panels ahead.
085 Fokx-Fu1 Wood 160 Sword MegaMan subtitutes out. If an attack hits the Fokx, an invincible MegaMan slashes enemy's row.
086 Fokx-Fu2 Wood 180 Sword MegaMan subtitutes out. If an attack hits the Fokx, an invincible MegaMan slashes enemy's row.
087 Fokx-Fu3 Wood 200 Sword MegaMan subtitutes out. If an attack hits the Fokx, an invincible MegaMan slashes enemy's row.
088 VulcnSeed1 Wood 20 --- Shoots seeds ahead and 3 rows. If point-blank, hits x9. If not, hits x3.
089 VulcnSeed2 Wood 30 --- Shoots seeds ahead and 3 rows. If point-blank, hits x9. If not, hits x3.
090 VulcnSeed3 Wood 40 --- Shoots seeds ahead and 3 rows. If point-blank, hits x9. If not, hits x3.
091 BraveSwrd1 None 100 Sword, Break Slashes 2 panels ahead. Knocks back 1 panel.
092 BraveSwrd2 None 130 Sword, Break Slashes 2 panels ahead. Knocks back 1 panel.
093 BraveSwrd3 None 160 Sword, Break Slashes 2 panels ahead. Knocks back 1 panel.
094 JunkCube1 None 150 Break, Summon Summons junk cube 2 panels ahead. If an enemy is on the same row/column as it, it will slide into them.
095 JunkCube2 None 200 Break, Summon Summons junk cube 2 panels ahead. If an enemy is on the same row/column as it, it will slide into them.
096 JunkCube3 None 250 Break, Summon Summons junk cube 2 panels ahead. If an enemy is on the same row/column as it, it will slide into them.
097 SyncHook1 None 120 --- If the attack lands on a enemy, all enemies of that type gets hit too.
098 SyncHook2 None 150 --- If the attack lands on a enemy, all enemies of that type gets hit too.
099 SyncHook3 None 180 --- If the attack lands on a enemy, all enemies of that type gets hit too.
100 PowerSong None --- Summon Summon a LupaDonna one panel ahead. While it sings, MegaMan is Invincible.
101 QuakeSong None --- Summon Summon a LupaDonna one panel ahead. While it sings, the enemy is Immobilized.
102 TripSong None --- Summon Summon a LupaDonna one panel ahead. While it sings, the enemy is Confused.
103 MoaiFall1 None 120 Break Moai randomly falls on enemy field. Targets at least one enemy.
104 MoaiFall2 None 160 Break Moai randomly falls on enemy field. Targets at least one enemy.
105 MoaiFall3 None 200 Break Moai randomly falls on enemy field. Targets at least one enemy.
106 BigAx1 None 150 Sword Swings ax 3x2 ahead.
107 BigAx2 None 180 Sword Swings ax 3x2 ahead.
108 BigAx3 None 220 Sword Swings ax 3x2 ahead.
109 MagiCrysl1 None 30 Summon Summons crystal that shoots fire for a period.
110 MagiCrysl2 None 40 Summon Summons crystal that shoots Aqua for a period.
111 MagiCrysl3 None 50 Summon Summons crystal that shoots Elec for a period.
112 BlackHole1 None --- --- Drains all of the HP of enemies with 100 or less HP.
113 BlackHole2 None --- --- Drains all of the HP of enemies with 130 or less HP.
114 BlackHole3 None --- --- Drains all of the HP of enemies with 160 or less HP.
115 BrsrkSwrd1 None 60 Sword Auto targets and slashes x3 on the enemy.
116 BrsrkSwrd2 None 70 Sword Auto targets and slashes x3 on the enemy.
117 BrsrkSwrd3 None 80 Sword Auto targets and slashes x3 on the enemy.
118 GreenBurst Grass 30 --- Consumes Grass panels on the field and auto targets the enemy.
119 IceBurst Aqua 40 --- Consumes Ice panels on the field and auto targets the enemy.
120 PoisBurst None 50 --- Consumes Poison panels on the field and auto targets the enemy.
121 TyphnDance None 80 Wind MegaMan spins x2 in his surrounding 3x3 area.
122 JamminPnch None 260 Break Jammer replaces MegaMan and is summoned ahead punching 1 square. Can be used with Mega Attack.
123 JamMachGun None 30 Pierces Invis MegaMan disappears and 2 Jammers appear on the panels MegaMan wasn't on. Shoots up to x5.
124 Whistle None --- Break, Wind Enemy's guard is broken, they are flinched aback, and Pulled to the row in front of MegaMan.
125 Bombalizer None 200 --- All obstacles on the field explode 3x3.
126 AntiSword None 120 --- VS Only. Sets up 3x2 Traps panels on enemy side. When enemy uses a Sword card, it get consumed and MegaMan slashes them x3.
127 Recover10 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 10 HP.
128 Recover30 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 30 HP.
129 Recover50 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 50 HP.
130 Recover80 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 80 HP.
131 Recover120 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 120 HP.
132 Recover150 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 150 HP.
133 Recover200 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 200 HP.
134 Recover300 None --- Recovery MegaMan heals 300 HP.
135 Barrier None --- --- Barrier that can take hits up to 10 damage.
136 Barrier100 None --- --- Barrier that can take hits up to 100 damage.
137 Barrier200 None --- --- Barrier that can take hits up to 200 damage.
138 Aura None --- --- Aura that needs a single hit that does 100 damage to remove. Only lasts for 30 seconds.
139 Invisible None --- --- MegaMan becomes Invisible for 5 seconds.
140 SpiritFury None --- Pierces Invis VS Only. Sets up 3x2 Traps panels on enemy side. When enemy uses a Fire, Aqua, Elec, or Wood elemental card, it get consumed and their field explodes with that element. If Aqua, Freezes for 2 seconds. If Elec, Paralyzes for 2.5 seconds. If Wood, Confuses for 3 seconds.
141 PoisnApple None --- --- VS Only. Sets up 3x2 Traps panels on enemy side. When enemy uses a Recovery card, the HP healed is drained instead.
142 DoublCross None --- --- VS Only. Sets up 3x2 Traps panels on enemy side. When enemy uses a card that summons a boss, you use it instead.
143 GigaMine None 300 Pierces Invis VS Only. Sets up 2x3 Traps panels on enemy side. When enemy uses a Giga card, it get consumed and their field explodes.
144 GrassStage Wood --- --- Reset field to 3x3 Grass panels on enemy side.
145 IceStage Aqua --- --- Reset field to 3x3 Ice panels on enemy side.
146 GraviStage None --- --- Reset field to 3x3 Gravity panels on enemy side.
147 GNullStage None --- --- Reset field to 3x3 Guard Null panels on enemy side.
148 HolyPanel None --- --- Places a Holy panel under MegaMan.
149 ParlyzPlus None --- --- +1.5 second Paralysis effect to prior chip.
150 Attack+10 None --- --- +10 attack power to prior card if it has an attack value.

Mega Class Cards

ID Name Element AP Properties Effect
001 TaurusFire Fire 100 --- Taurus Fire is summoned one panel ahead, and attacks the panel ahead of him and the 3 rows after.
002 TaursFireEX Fire 140 --- Taurus Fire is summoned one panel ahead, and attacks the panel ahead of him and the 3 rows after.
003 TaursFireSP Fire 180~280 --- Taurus Fire is summoned one panel ahead, and attacks the panel ahead of him and the 3 rows after.
004 CygnusWing None 130 Break, Wind Cygnus Wing pirouettes around the edges of the field.
005 CygnsWingEX None 170 Break, Wind Cygnus Wing pirouettes around the edges of the field.
006 CygnsWingSP None 200~300 Break, Wind Cygnus Wing pirouettes around the edges of the field.
007 HarpNote None 20 Break If on the same row as the target: Shoots down the row and Breaks, then 5 notes attack that Paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
If not on the same row as the target: Two speakers are summoned on the panels MegaMan isn't on, then 3 notes attack.
008 HarpNoteEX None 25 Break If on the same row as the target: Shoots down the row and Breaks, then 5 notes attack that Paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
If not on the same row as the target: Two speakers are summoned on the panels MegaMan isn't on, then 3 notes attack.
009 HarpNoteSP None 30~55 Break If on the same row as the target: Shoots down the row and Breaks, then 5 notes attack that Paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
If not on the same row as the target: Two speakers are summoned on the panels MegaMan isn't on, then 3 notes attack.
010 LibraScals None 70 --- Attacks furthest row and MegaMan's row. 1st attack is Fire element, 2nd attack is Aqua element.
011 LibrScalsEX None 90 --- Attacks furthest row and MegaMan's row. 1st attack is Fire element, 2nd attack is Aqua element.
012 LibrScalsSP None 100~150 --- Attacks furthest row and MegaMan's row. 1st attack is Fire element, 2nd attack is Aqua element.
013 QnOphiuca Wood 120 Break Queen Ophiuca travels down the 2 columns ahead depending on the starting panel she's on. Every panel she travels will creates a Poison panel.
014 QnOphiucaEX Wood 140 Break Queen Ophiuca travels down the 2 columns ahead depending on the starting panel she's on. Every panel she travels will creates a Poison panel.
015 QnOphiucaSP Wood 160~260 Break Queen Ophiuca travels down the 2 columns ahead depending on the starting panel she's on. Every panel she travels will creates a Poison panel.
016 GeminSpark Elec 70 Sword, Break 1st Gemini shoots ahead and Breaks the target. Then 2nd Gemini attacks enemy's row and paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
017 GemnSpkEX Elec 80 Sword, Break 1st Gemini shoots ahead and Breaks the target. Then 2nd Gemini attacks enemy's row and paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
018 GemnSpkSP Elec 90~190 Sword, Break 1st Gemini shoots ahead and Breaks the target. Then 2nd Gemini attacks enemy's row and paralyzes for 1.5 seconds.
019 CancrBuble Aqua 100 --- Tidal Wave attacks closest enemy's row and the row behind it. Bubbles for 2 seconds.
020 CancrBubleEX Aqua 130 --- Tidal Wave attacks closest enemy's row and the row behind it. Bubbles for 2 seconds.
021 CancrBubleSP Aqua 150~200 --- Tidal Wave attacks closest enemy's row and the row behind it. Bubbles for 2 seconds.
022 WolfWoods Wood 80 Sword Slashes x2 on the enemy ahead. Wide, then 1 panel.
023 WolfWoodsEX Wood 90 Sword Slashes x2 on the enemy ahead. Wide, then 1 panel.
024 WolfWoodsSP Wood 100~170 Sword Slashes x2 on the enemy ahead. Wide, then 1 panel.
025 CrwnThundr Elec 150 --- Lightning falls in an X formation on the furthest 3x3 panels.
026 CrwnThundrEX Elec 180 --- Lightning falls in an X formation on the furthest 3x3 panels.
027 CrwnThundrSP Elec 230-330 --- Lightning falls in an X formation on the furthest 3x3 panels.
Pegasus Only
028 (Pegasus) PegasusMgc Aqua 160 --- Icicles travel down all rows and Freezes for 2 seconds.
029 (Pegasus) PegasuMgcEX Aqua 190 --- Icicles travel down all rows and Freezes for 2 seconds.
030 (Pegasus) PegasuMgcSP Aqua 240~340 --- Icicles travel down all rows and Freezes for 2 seconds.
Leo Only
028 (Leo) LeoKingdom Fire 230 --- Attacks the farthest 3x2 panels.
029 (Leo) LeoKingdmEX Fire 260 --- Attacks the farthest 3x2 panels.
030 (Leo) LeoKingdmSP Fire 300~400 --- Attacks the farthest 3x2 panels.
Dragon Only
028 (Dragon) DragonSky Wood 170 Wind Attacks straight ahead and the furthest row.
029 (Dragon) DragonSkyEX Wood 200 Wind Attacks straight ahead and the furthest row.
030 (Dragon) DragonSkySP Wood 230~330 Wind Attacks straight ahead and the furthest row.

Giga Class Cards

ID Name Element AP Properties Effect
Pegasus Only
001 (Pegasus) PegasuMgcGX Aqua 450 --- Attacks furthest 3x3 panels and Freezes for 2 seconds.
002 (Pegasus) Aqua+50 Aqua --- --- +50 attack power to prior card if it is a Aqua card and has an attack value.
003 (Pegasus) OxTackle None 420 Break Attacks straight ahead.
004 (Pegasus) BrkTmeBmb Fire 600 Break, Summon Summon a TimeBomb on a empty panel 2 rows ahead. 3 seconds timer.
005 (Pegasus) DarkSword None 360 Sword Attacks 3x2 ahead and those panels becomes Poison panels.
Leo Only
001 (Leo) LeoKingdmGX Fire 40 --- Attacks furthest 3x3 panels x12.
002 (Leo) Fire+50 Fire --- --- +50 attack power to prior card if it is a Fire card and has an attack value.
003 (Leo) GemniThndr Elec 400 Pierces Invis Attacks straight ahead and the farthest row. Targets struck directly ahead are Paralyzed for 2.5 seconds.
004 (Leo) DrknesHole None --- ---
  • VS virus or Jammer: Drains all of the HP of enemies with 250 or less HP
  • VS boss or multiplayer VS match: Drains all the HP if the enemy has 500 or less HP
005 (Leo) LifeAura None --- --- Aura that needs a single hit that does 200 damage to remove. Only lasts for 30 seconds.
Dragon Only
001 (Dragon) DragonSkyGX Wood 50 Wind Attacks furthest 3x3 panels x10.
002 (Dragon) Wood+50 Wood --- --- +50 attack power to prior card if it is a Wood card and has an attack value.
003 (Dragon) GorgonEye None 550 Pierces Invis Attacks straight ahead.
004 (Dragon) DestrMissl None 50 Pierces Invis Auto-targets enemy on Normal panels x10.
005 (Dragon) PoisonPhar None --- Summon Summon Poison Pharaoh in the same column 2 panels ahead. Drains enemy's HP; 10HP per second.

Lunar Knights Cards

Japanese version only. These are special crossover cards that can only be obtained and used by forming a Brother Band with Lunar Knights. These cards do not appear in the Library.

Class Name Element AP Properties Effect
Standard Solar Gun None 40 Pierces Invis Hit enemy's Invisible is removed, explodes in a V x3.
Standard Solar Gun V2 None 50 Pierces Invis Hit enemy's Invisible is removed, explodes in a V x3.
Standard Solar Gun V3 None 60 Pierces Invis Hit enemy's Invisible is removed, explodes in a V x3.
Standard Darkness Sword None 110 Sword Cuts 1 row ahead and to the sides of MegaMan. Inflicts LV1 HP Bug.
Standard Darkness Sword V2 None 150 Sword Cuts 1 row ahead and to the sides of MegaMan. Inflicts LV2 HP Bug.
Standard Darkness Sword V3 None 190 Sword Cuts 1 row ahead and to the sides of MegaMan. Inflicts LV3 HP Bug.
Standard Ursula Fire 120 --- Auto-target one enemy ahead.
Standard Ursula V2 Fire 150 --- Auto-target one enemy ahead.
Standard Ursula V3 Fire 200 --- Auto-target one enemy ahead.
Standard Tove None 50 Break Attacks the 3x3 panels on the enemy field x3. However, furthest row gets hit x4 instead.
Standard Tove V2 None 60 Break Attacks the 3x3 panels on the enemy field x3. However, furthest row gets hit x4 instead.
Standard Tove V3 None 70 Break Attacks the 3x3 panels on the enemy field x3. However, furthest row gets hit x4 instead.
Standard Alexander None 20 Wind Travels 9 panels and hits every row with an enemy. Hits each panel 3 times. Will boomerang if there are not enough rows with enemy.
Standard Alexander V2 None 25 Wind Travels 9 panels and hits every row with an enemy. Hits each panel 3 times. Will boomerang if there are not enough rows with enemy.
Standard Alexander V3 None 30 Wind Travels 9 panels and hits every row with an enemy. Hits each panel 3 times. Will boomerang if there are not enough rows with enemy.
Standard Ezra None 30 --- Auto-locks on enemy x3 and Freezes for 2 seconds.
Standard Ezra V2 None 40 --- Auto-locks on enemy x3 and Freezes for 2 seconds.
Standard Ezra V3 None 50 --- Auto-locks on enemy x3 and Freezes for 2 seconds.

Event Only Cards

These cards do not appear in the Library.

Class Name Element AP Properties Effect
Giga Andromeda None 400 Pierces Invis 100 damage missiles hit all rows ahead x3, then an invis piercing laser ahead that does 400.

Star Force Big Bang

These cards do not appear in the Library and only appear when a Star Force form lands a counter hit.

Name Element AP Properties Effect
Mag'sFreez Aqua 250 --- Freezes furthest 3x3 area for 2 seconds.
AtomcBlazr Fire 300 --- Blasts the 3 columns ahead.
ElemCyclne Wood 100 Wind Attacks the column MegaMan is on and ahead x3. Even though it's Wood elemental, the attack causes flashing frames.


HP Bug

MegaMan's HP drops steadily in battle. The rate depends on the HP Bug LV inflicted, the Level can be accumulated.