Map Guide (MMBN2)
From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki
This section is under construction. |
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
The areas in Mega Man Battle Network 2 and the Comps within them.
Real World
- ACDC Station
- ACDC Town
- Doghouse Comp
Broken Toy Comp
- Lan's House
- Control Panel Comp
- Lan's Room
- Lan's PC (goes to Den Area 1)
- Mayl's House
- Piano Comp
- Mayl's Room
- Mayl's PC (goes to Den Area 1)
- Dex's House
- Portable Game Comp
Dex's PC (goes to Den Area 2)
- Yai's Hall
- Bronze Statue Comp
- Yai's Bath
- Gas Comp 1
Gas Comp 2 - Yai's Room
- Telephone Comp
Yai's PC (goes to Den Area 1)
- Room 5A
- Blackboard Comp
Marine Harbor
- Marine Station
- Kotobuki Town (Ch. 8)
- Marine Harbor
- Ribitta's Van (goes to Den Area 3)
- Lobby
- Coffee Machine Comp
The Square (Official Square)
- License Office
- Test Room
- The Square
- Dad's Lab
- Monitor Comp
Wide Monitor Comp - Mother Computer
- Mother Comp 1
Mother Comp 2
Mother Comp 3
Mother Comp 4
Mother Comp 5
Okuden Valley
- Okuden Station
- Camp Entrance
- Camp Road 1
- Camp Road 2
- Guardian Comp
Bear Comp
- Camp
- Gas Stove Comp
Ribitta's Van (Ch. 2 only - goes to Den Area 3)
- Okuden Dam
- Bomb Comp 1
Bomb Comp 2
Bomb Comp 3
Bomb Comp 4
- Airport Station
- Den Airport
- Flight Board Comp
- Boarding (Electopia)
- Netopia Airport
- Boarding (Netopia)
- Gift Shop Comp (Departure)
Ribitta's Van (Arrival Ch. 5 only - goes to Den Area 3)
- Netopia Park
- Netopia Town
- Hotel Room
- Refrigerator Comp
- Jewelry Shop
- Millions' Bag (goes to Netopia 3)
- Underground
- Raoul's Radio (goes to Netopia 2)
- Netopia Castle
- Goddess Comp
- Banquet Room
- Confusion Room
- Aboveground
- Watchtower
- Castle Comp 4
Castle Comp 5
- Fire Room
- Castle Comp 3
- Lower Stairs
- Castle Comp 2
- Arch Room
- Arrow Room
- Castle Comp 1
- Trap Room
- Economy
- Television Comp
- Business
- First Class
- Crew Room
Kotobuki Town
- Kotobuki
- Vending Machine Comp
- Apartment 1F
- Autolock Comp
- Apartment 2F
- Room 021
- Apartment Comp 1
- Apartment 4F
- Room 042
- Apartment Comp 1
- Apartment 8F
- Room 082
- Apartment Comp 2
- Apartment 9F
- Room 093
- Apartment Comp 2
- Apartment 20F
- Room 201
- Apartment Comp 3
- Apartment 23F
- Room 232
- Apartment Comp 3
- Apartment 24F
- Room 243
- Apartment Comp 3
- Apartment 25F
- Room 253
- Apartment Comp 4
- Apartment 27F
- Room 271
- Apartment Comp 4
- Apartment 30F
- Penthouse
- Gospel Server 1
- Final Boss Room
- Gospel Server 2
- Den Area 1
- Yai's PC
Square Entrance
NetSquare Entrance
YumSquare Entrance
KotoSquare Entrance
- Den Area 2
- Dex's PC
Square Entrance
- Den Area 3
- Yumland 1
Netopia 1
- Square Entrance
- Den Area 2
The Square (Official Square)
Den Area 3 (upper path) to Koto Area
Den Area 1
- Koto Area
- KotoSquare Entrance
- KotoSquare Entrance
- Koto Area
UnderKoto to Undernet 3 (bottom path)
- Koto Square 1
- Koto Square 2
Gospel HQ
- Yumland 2
- YumSquare Entrance
Netopia 3
- YumSquare Entrance
- Yumland 2
YumSquare to Treasure Room
Yumland 1
- Netopia 2
- Raoul's Radio
NetSquare Entrance
- Netopia 3
- Millions' Bag
NetSquare Entrance
Yumland 2
Undernet 1
- NetSquare Entrance
- Netopia 2
Netopia Square
Netopia 3
Den Area 1
- Undernet 2
- Undernet 3 (upper path)
UnderSquare Entrance
- UnderSquare Entrance
- UnderSquare
- Undernet 4
- Undernet 5
WWW Area 1 (need to clear the story)
- Undernet 7 (need S License)
- WWW Area 1
- Den Area 1