Double Soul (ソウルユニゾン Soul Unison) is the main transformation system of Mega Man Battle Network 5, it can only be used by Good MegaMan.
ProtoMan Souls is geared more towards battles that take some careful setup. Meanwhile, Colonel Souls, have more destructive power but got its own quirks.[1]
How to Use
To Double Soul, the player must sacrifice the respective element chip to unite with MegaMan (the chip cannot be a Regular Chip). The transformation will last 3 turns or until it is overwritten by another Soul. However, the Navi Customizer part SoulTime+ and some Patch Cards have the ability to increase or decrease the number of turns.
- Each Soul can only be used once per battle.
- If MegaMan attempts to use a DarkChip while Double Soul, he will first lose the Double Soul form before executing the chip.
- The Souls' B Button PowerAttack value are now dependent on MegaMan's buster stats.
- MegaMan's B+Left ability can now only be used in his Normal form. When in a Soul, it is disabled (or replaced if the Soul has one). In BN4, Souls can continue using the Normal form’s equipped B+Left ability.
- The A PowerAttack for x2 chip attack has been changed to double the base attack power before any plus chips, instead of the attack power sum.
- If a "Unite" eligible chip is selected; when the cursor is on the bottom row of the Custom Screen, press left while on the leftmost chip or right on the rightmost chip, then it will slide the cursor to the "Unite" button. In BN4, doing this will still take the cursor to "OK".
- The Unison takes place before the BATTLE START text instead of after.
- Losing the Double Soul is now during a dim before the BATTLE START instead of when the player regains control of MegaMan after it expires.
- Search Soul now unites with Cursor element chips instead of Invisible element.
- Search Soul now allows the player to see how many chips an enemy is holding in Network Duels.
- Proto Soul no longer removes flashing from Sword attacks. Sword chips now retain their flashing properties. The WideSword B Button PwrAttack now causes flashing and cannot counter hit.
- Proto Soul now steps forward with a charged Z Saver.
Chaos Unison
Battle Network 5 introduces an extension of Double Soul in Chaos Unison (カオスユニゾン). To Chaos Unison, the player must sacrifice the respective DarkChip to unite with MegaMan. The transformation will only last 1 turn and cannot be extended. Chaos Unison counts as a different form than their Double Soul counterpart, so they can be used with their counterpart in the same battle.
They share the same abilities as the normal Souls except their B Button PowerAttacks become Dark Chips. The fully charged attack will alternate between green and purple.
- If released at purple, the Dark Chip will be used. Each successful use of the Dark Chip power will make the charge time take longer.
- If the button is released during pausing, it will use the charge when it was paused.
- If released at green, MegaMan loses his form and Dark Soul spawns on the enemy side using your most used chips during your playtime. The Dark Soul cannot be hit and will disappear after some time.
The negatives of the Dark Chips are also nullified, so MegaMan won’t be affected by bugs. However, if the attack damages the enemy they’ll receive a weaker variation of the bug you would’ve received.
Soul Abilities
Team ProtoMan
Magnet Soul |
Magnet Chaos
Elec chip
Elec: MegaMan is unaffected by Magnet panels and weak to Wood attacks.
B Button PowerAttack
MagBolt (10 x Buster Attack + 30) Elec attack. Pulls in the enemy. Paralyzes.
- B + Left: Magnet Field to the enemies in the same row. They're temporarily immobilized.
- A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Elec chip: x2 the chip's base attack power before plus chips.
Gyro Soul |
Gyro Chaos
Wind chip
B Button PowerAttack
TornadoArm (5 x Buster Attack + 15, hits up to 3 times depending on the range) BarrierDelete, removes Barriers and Aura if it hits.
- AirShoes: MegaMan ignores Hole panels.
- FloatShoes: MegaMan ignores Cracked, Swamp, Ice, Lava, Magnet and Water panels.
- When MegaMan uses a non-dimming Wind chip, his propeller will spin. The next non-dimming None or Wind chip will deal x2 attack power. If the used chip is a None chip, the propeller will stop spinning.
Napalm Soul |
Napalm Chaos
Fire chip
Fire: MegaMan is unaffected by Lava panels, loses HP while on Water panels, and weak to Aqua attacks.
B Button PowerAttack
FireVulcan (5 x Buster Attack + 5, hits up to 3 times) Fire attack.
- Fire chips gain +40 attack power.
- A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Fire chip: MegaMan shoots a Napalm with x2 the chip's base attack power before plus chips. The other ability's +40 boost is removed when the chip is charged up.
- If MegaMan has any chip with an attack value and steps on a Lava panel, the chip gains +10 for every panel absorbed.
Search Soul |
Search Chaos
Cursor chip
B Button PowerAttack
SnipeGun (2 x Buster Attack + 10, hits up to 5 times) Pierces invisible.
- Upon Unison, all invisible enemies are no longer flashing.
- A Shuffle button appears on the Custom Screen that can shuffle non-selected chips with the Folder. This can be used up to 3 times per turn.
- In a Network Duel, number of BattleChips the enemy is holding can be seen above their character.
Meddy Soul |
Meddy Chaos
Recovery chip
B Button PowerAttack
MeddyCapsule (10 x Buster Attack + 30).
- Two capsule Plus chips appear on the Custom Screen and can be attached to a chip with an attack value. That chip can no longer be part of a Program Advance.
- YellowCapsule: When the chip lands on the enemy, they become Confused.
- BlackCapsule: When the chip lands on the enemy, they become Blinded.
- WhiteCapsule: When the chip lands on the enemy, they become Paralyzed.
- PurpleCapsule: When the chip lands on the enemy, they'll receive an HP Bug.
- PinkCapsule: When the chip is used, MegaMan heals 10% of his HP.
- The Capsules given are random but the chances differ depends on how much HP MegaMan has left.
- More than 1/2 HP:
Yellow: 25% Black: 25% White: 31.25% Purple: 6.25% Pink: 12.5%
- Less than 1/2 HP:
Yellow: 18.75% Black: 18.75% White: 18.75% Purple: 6.25% Pink: 37.5%
Proto Soul |
Proto Chaos
Sword chip
B Button PowerAttack
WideSword (10 x Buster Attack + 80) Sword property.
- B + Left: Reflect. If an attack is blocked, 50 damage is sent down the row.
- A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Sword chip: StepSlice. x2 the chip's base attack power before plus chips, and MegaMan warps 2 steps forward while using it.
Team Colonel
Knight Soul |
Knight Chaos
Break chip
B Button PowerAttack
RoyalWreckingBall (10 x Buster Attack + 30) Breaking. Causes Confusion.
- If MegaMan uses non-dimming chip in the frontmost column, he'll become temporarily invincible.
- A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Break chip: x2 the chip's base attack power before plus chips.
Shadow Soul |
Shadow Chaos
Invisible chip
B Button PowerAttack
LongSword (10 x Buster Attack + 50) Sword property.
- MegaMan is faster when moving, he uses less frames.
- FloatShoes: MegaMan is unaffected by Cracked, Ice, Lava, Magnet, and Water panels.
- B + Left: AntiMagic. Sword property. Same effect as the Navi Customizer Program without ???? trap letters (50 AP).
- A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Sword chip: SlashBehind. MegaMan teleports behind the enemy and uses the chip.
- In a Network Duel, if the performing Shadow Soul uses a cut in, chips will have different ranges and visuals due to the flipped MegaMan.
Tomahawk Soul |
Tomahawk Chaos
Wood chip
Wood: MegaMan heals on Grass panels and is weak to Fire attacks.
B Button PowerAttack
TomahawkSwing (10 x Buster Attack + 70) Wood attack. Sword property.
- Status Guard: MegaMan can't be paralyzed, blinded, confused, or immobilized.
- Upon unison, the stage is reset to one completely filled with Grass panels.
- If MegaMan uses a Wood chip while on a Grass panel, the panel is consumed and that chip's attack power is x2.
Number Soul |
Number Chaos
Bonus Point chip
B Button PowerAttack
DieBomb (5 x Buster Attack + 5, up to x6) If the Die hits the enemy directly, it will only do x1 damage.
- All None chips gain +10 attack power.
- The Custom Screen displays 10 chips to select from.
Toad Soul |
Toad Chaos
Aqua chip
Aqua: MegaMan is unaffected by Ice and Water panels, and weak to Elec attacks.
B Button PowerAttack
ShockSong (10 x Buster Attack + 20) Elec attack. Paralyzes.
- When MegaMan is over a Water panel, he dives underwater. MegaMan cannot be damaged except by Elec attacks and attacks that pierces underground.
- A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Aqua Chip: x2 the chip's base attack power before plus chips.
Colonel Soul |
Colonel Chaos
Summon chip
B Button PowerAttack
ScreenDivide (10 x Buster Attack + 40) Sword property.
- On the Custom Screen, a non-dimming Standard None chip with an attack value can be selected to become MegaMan's B Button PowerAttack for one turn. This can only be used once per turn.
- If the number of turns is up on Colonel Chaos, and MegaMan changes into Colonel Soul on the next turn; the final turn where Colonel Chaos uses Arm Change will carry into Colonel Soul. The opposite cannot be done as Colonel Chaos' B Button Power Attack will take priority.
- If an obstacle is on the enemy's field and an enemy is on the same row as it, it becomes a Colonel Army.
- If the enemy is to the right of it: Vulcan (2 x Buster Attack + 10, up to 3 times) Paralyzes.
- If the enemy is within 2 panels to the left of it: Long Sword (10 x Buster Attack + 40) Sword property. Paralyzes. If VDoll is used, it will make 2 Colonel Army instead.
- The following abilities are not explained in the game’s e-mails:
- Napalm Soul’s Lava panel boosting chips
- Search Soul being able to see enemy’s chip count
- In European BN5DS’s English option, the Unite button uses the original Japanese’s Unison text.
- Unlike the usual PowerAttacks, the Chaos Unison B Button PowerAttack will release and use the charge after the game is unpaused via Start Button. So it's possible to get the charge color you want by pause buffering.
- The Rockman EXE 5 TGS 2004 trailer showed an early version of Chaos Unison where if you fail the B Button PowerAttack, it will revert MegaMan to the form's normal Double Soul instead of turning MegaMan into his base form.