Capcom Official Tournament Rules for MMBN

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

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These are the Capcom Official Rules (カプコン公式ルール) for the Mega Man Battle Network series.

Mega Man Battle Network 1

EXE1 was played at NetBattle Tournaments[1][2] and Net Battle Tour 2001[3][4] tournaments.


Preliminary Round

  • Battle for 3 minutes and the one with the most HP wins!
  • There is no limit to the number of chips you can use!


  • The time limit is 2 minutes after MAX Mode begins!
  • Utilize all the techniques you’ve got!

Mega Man Battle Network 2

EXE2 was played at Net Battle Tour 2002 tournaments. [5][6]


These are the rules: [7]

  • Hub Style is allowed!
  • Gospel chips are allowed!
  • Forbidden to use Prism Combo!
  • Only up to 1 kind of each Navi Chip.
  • Only up to 5 chips that are * (asterisk) code!

Mega Man Battle Network 3

EXE3 was played at Net Battle Tour 2003 and Net Battle Tour 2003 Final[8] tournaments. Tournaments with White version were played before Blue version came out[9]. There are 2 classes: General and Junior.

  • Junior: 1st to 4th grade Elementary
  • General: 5th grade Elementary to 3rd grade Junior High


These are the rules: [10]

  • All chips can be used, including Punk and BassGS distribution chips.
  • There is no restriction to the number of Navi Chips and * code chips.
  • All of MegaMan's Styles can be used.
  • Restrictions:

Mega Man Battle Network 4

EXE4 was played at Net Battle Tour 2004[11], Survival Net Battle 2004, and Survival Net Battle 2004 Final[12] tournaments. There are 2 classes: General and Junior. [13]

  • Junior: 1st to 4th grade Elementary
  • General: 5th grade Elementary to 3rd grade Junior High


These are the rules: [14]

Mega Man Battle Network 5

EXE5 was played at Survival Net Battle 2005[15] and King of Netbattler Championship[16] tournaments. Tournaments with Team ProtoMan were played before Team Colonel came out[17]. There are 3 classes: Junior, Senior, and Masters.

Junior/Senior Class

These are the rules only for Junior and Senior Classes: [18]

  • Junior: 1st to 4th grade Elementary
  • Senior: 5th Grade Elementary to 3rd grade Junior High [19]
  • Forbidden to enter Patched MegaMan with Patch Cards through the Card e-Reader+ (however, BassCross MegaMan is allowed).

Masters Class

These are the rules only for Masters Class: [20]

  • No age limit.
  • Patched MegaMan with Patch Cards through the Card e-Reader+ can enter.
  • Forbidden to use BugStop in the NaviCustomizer (Dad's Repair Program Patch Card can be used).

Joint Rules

These are rules that apply for more than 1 Class:

  • BassCross MegaMan can enter.
  • LeadRaid and ChaosLrd chips can be used.
  • Forbidden to use any bugs that make MegaMan continuously invincible.
  • Forbidden to include DarkInvs chip in the Folder (cannot use Shadow Chaos either). Dark Double Soul that occurs at 1 HP is allowed.
  • If Dark Double Soul uses a chip it normally can't like DarkInvis, there is risk of disqualification.
  • For game balance, Dark MegaMan from Dark Double Soul or failing Chaos Unison charge can only use the same chip or Program Advance up to 3 times. If the same Mega, Giga, Dark, or PA chips are used at least 4 times, there is risk of disqualification. However, Standard chips can be use any number of times.
  • If the opponent uses Dark Double Soul or fails the Chaos Unison charge, and Dark MegaMan only uses "chips that cannot attack unless you press the A button" (e.g. CircGun, SearchMnSP, etc.) and waste match time; a judge may be called to extend the time. Additionally, the battler who inducted such a battle may be disqualified as per the judge's call.
  • Please do battles in "Single Battle", "Practice".
  • Forbidden to pause, soft reset, or disconnect the cable before the Result screen is displayed for the match.
  • Forbidden to enter the tournament with a Nintendo DS or GameBoy Micro.
  • Forbidden to enter the tournament with software that uses a machine other than "Card e-Reader+".
  • If there is a chip or program obtained through illegal data modification, there will be a complete disqualification even if they are not used.

Mega Man Battle Network 6

EXE6 was played at Survival Net Battle 2006 [21] and King of Netbattler Championship tournaments. There are 4 classes: Junior, Senior, Masters, and Gate.

Junior/Senior Class

These are the rules only for Junior and Senior Classes: [22]

  • Junior: 1st to 4th grade Elementary
  • Senior: 5th grade Elementary to 3rd grade Junior High
  • Only MegaMan can enter Masters Class.
  • Forbidden to enter Patched MegaMan with Patch Cards through the Card e-Reader+.
  • Forbidden to use BassCross MegaMan from theater and DVD bonus.

Masters Class

These are the rules only for Masters Class: [23]

  • No age limit.
  • Only MegaMan can enter Masters Class.
  • Forbidden to use MegaMan or Link Navis from Navi Data Chip with Takara's Beast Link Gate.
  • Patched MegaMan with Patch Cards through the Card e-Reader+ can enter.
  • Can use BassCross MegaMan from theater and DVD bonus.
  • Forbidden to use Patch Card Part 1 "8 Shadow" and Patch Card Part 2 "12 Momogra".

Gate Class

These are the rules only for Gate Class: [24]

  • Open to students from 1st grade Elementary to 3rd year Junior High.
  • Can only enter a Link Navi through Takara's Beast Link Gate. ProtoMan can be entered as a Navi Data Chip (needs to be self-brought, there is no rental). Forbidden to enter with Navi Data Chip MegaMan, Dark MegaMan, Colonel, and Bass.
  • Forbidden to enter the tournament with Link Navi Data stats using a machine other than "Link PET_EX" and "BattleChip Stadium".

Joint Rules

These are rules that apply for more than 1 Class:

  • Event distribution chips can be used.
  • Forbidden to battle with the Beast Link Gate attached.
  • Any number of Program Advances can be used.
  • Please do battles in "Single Battle", "Practice".
  • Forbidden to pause, soft reset, or disconnect the cable before the Result screen is displayed for the match.
  • Forbidden to enter the tournament with a Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, or GameBoy Micro.
  • Forbidden to battle using a Wireless Adapter.
  • If there is a chip, program, or Link Navi status obtained through illegal data modification, there will be a complete disqualification even if they are not used.
  • Forbidden to enter the tournament with software that uses a machine other than "Card e-Reader+" and "Beast Link Gate".
  • Winners of Masters Class cannot enter Gate Class.
  • Winners of Gate Class can enter Masters Class, but if they win, they cannot proceed to the finals.

Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star

EXEOSS was played at Survival Net Battle NEO tournaments in 2010. There are 2 classes: Junior and Senior.


These are the rules for Junior Class[25] and Senior Class[26].

  • Junior: 1st to 4th grade Elementary
  • Senior: 5th grade Elementary to 3rd grade Junior High
  • Any character can be chosen, MegaMan.EXE or Mega Man SF.
  • Event distributions chips, Bass and Rogue, can be used.
  • Forbidden to use PopUp, DropDown, and IronBody BattleChips.
  • Program Advances can be used any number of times.
  • In the qualifying round, if 15 turns passed and Final Match is reached, both players will receive a Draw. Immediately end the battle, turn off the power, and find another opponent.
  • For battles, use "NetBattle", "Practice".
  • The battles will be done using a special communication cable prepared by the tournament organizer.
  • Players will use their own DS, but only Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite can be used.
  • Before the battle, turn off the DS' power and follow the judge's instructions. Make sure the communication cable is firmly set into the Advance slot, then turn on the power.
  • When the battle is over, make sure to save, turn off the power switch, unplug the communication cable, and prepare to move.
  • After the battle, it is prohibited to disconnect the communication cable before the Result screen is shown.
  • If there is a chip obtained through illegal data modification, there will be a complete disqualification even if they are not used.


Survival Net Battle

Each player will receive Tickets. For 30 minutes, players will battle each other (in Single Battles), the losing player must give their Ticket to the winning player. Players move on to the next opponent and will keep battling until they run out of tickets [27]. Players with 0 tickets will be ejected from the qualifying area.

Once the time is up, the players with the most Tickets will move on to the top cut finals [28], which will be decided in Triple Battles.

Comic-Con International 2006

MMBN6 was played at Comic-Con International 2006. Here are the rules for the San Diego convention’s tournament: [29][30]

Net battlers will receive three Mega Man tokens to begin with and can acquire more by defeating other opponents. Up to 32 players will be divided into groups of six and will play through two 30 minute rounds. At the end of each round, players with the most tokens will continue. The top two competitors will receive grand prizes.

All players must bring their own hardware and copy of the game. Capcom will provide Game Boy Advance Game Link Cables for the competition. Acceptable hardware includes: Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP. However, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and Game Boy Micro systems will not be allowed. In addition, wireless adapters, e-Readers or cheats will also not be allowed.
