Patch Cards in Mega Man Battle Network 4
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Patch Cards (改造カード Modification Card), also known as Mod Cards, is a feature using the Card e-Reader+ on the GBA and an extra built-in feature on the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. Both versions of Mega Man Battle Network 4 can scan in cards to further customize their MegaMan, as well as other features.
Patch Cards for Battle Network 4 come in 2 categories: Patch Card and Character Card. Patch Cards have features that can connect with Battle Network 4, while Character Cards are merely physical collectibles.
Patch Cards
Patch Cards can be installed into 6 Addresses: 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F. Each address can only hold 1 card.
- Address 0F is reserved for PET Screen Color modifications.
- Having Patch Cards enabled will prevent registering records against Ω bosses. If they are beaten for the first time, they will only register as “—-:—-:—-” for their time.
- MegaMan Color Change cards will only change his color and not modify his element. The color will also be altered depending on MegaMan's karma level.
- Since the Double Soul cards do not reset MegaMan’s karma, he will be able to use Evil Chips in Double Soul forms.
Bass XX
If any Patch Cards are active, a stronger version of Bass, BassXX (read as Bass Double X), can be encountered in Black Earth 2 instead of BassΩ. This encounter can be LocEnemy, then players can fight BassXX using non-Patched MegaMan in later encounters.
Patch Card List
- Part 1: Cards #001-030
- Part 2: Cards #031-060
- Part 3: Cards #061-090, Guts/Wind/Fire/Aqua/Proto/Junk Soul Cards
- Part 4: Cards #091-120, Roll/Search/Thunder/Number/Metal/Wood Soul Cards
Serial ID | ID # | Card | Effect | Bug | Modified Address |
134-A001 | 001 | Max HP Up | Max HP+100. | --- | 0A |
134-A002 | 002 | Max HP Up | Max HP+100. | --- | 0C |
134-A003 | 003 | Max HP Up | Max HP+150. | --- | 0B |
134-A004 | 004 | Max HP Up | Max HP+150. | --- | 0A |
134-A005 | 005 | Max HP Up | Max HP+200. | --- | 0A |
134-A006 | 006 | Max HP Up | Max HP+200. | --- | 0B |
134-A007 | 007 | Max HP Up | Max HP+250. | --- | 0C |
134-A008 | 008 | Max HP Up | Max HP+250. | --- | 0A |
134-A009 | 009 | Max HP Up | Max HP+300. | --- | 0A |
134-A010 | 010 | Max HP Up | Max HP+300. | --- | 0B |
134-A011 | 011 | First Barrier 100 | Start with Barr100. | Battle HP Drain | 0C |
134-A012 | 012 | Buster Patch | Normal Shot gives Blind effect. | Auto moves forward | 0A |
134-A013 | 013 | Buster Patch | Normal Shot spawns Grass Panels. | --- | 0A |
134-A014 | 014 | Panel Change | Moving off panel spawns Metal Panels. | --- | 0D |
134-A015 | 015 | Panel Change | Moving off panel spawns Cracked Panels. | --- | 0D |
134-A016 | 016 | Panel Change | Moving off panel spawns Hole Panels. | --- | 0D |
134-A017 | 017 | Custom2 | Add 2 slots in the Custom Screen. | Custom HP Drain | 0A |
134-A018 | 018 | MegaFolder2 | 2 more MegaChips are allowed in the Folder. | Minus 1 slot in the Custom Screen | 0D |
134-A019 | 019 | Buster Attack 10 | Buster's Attack LV becomes 10. | Battle HP Drain | 0A |
134-A020 | 020 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes GutMG (GutsMachineGun). | --- | 0E |
134-A021 | 021 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Cannon. | --- | 0E |
134-A022 | 022 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes MiniBomb. | --- | 0E |
134-A023 | 023 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes HeatShot. | --- | 0E |
134-A024 | 024 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Bubbler. | --- | 0E |
134-A025 | 025 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Thunder1. | --- | 0E |
134-A026 | 026 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Sword. | --- | 0E |
134-A027 | 027 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Spreader. | --- | 0E |
134-A028 | 028 | PET Menu Color Change | PET menu colors become Blue. | --- | 0F |
134-A029 | 029 | PET Screen Color Change | PET menu colors become Pink. | --- | 0F |
134-A030 | 030 | PET Screen Color Change | PET menu colors become Green. | --- | 0F |
134-D001 | 031 | Max HP Up | Max HP+350. | --- | 0B |
134-D002 | 032 | Max HP Up | Max HP+350. | --- | 0C |
134-D003 | 033 | Max HP Up | Max HP+400. | --- | 0A |
134-D004 | 034 | Max HP Up | Max HP+400. | --- | 0B |
134-D005 | 035 | Max HP Up | Max HP+450. | Battle HP Drain | 0B |
134-D006 | 036 | Max HP Up | Max HP+450. | MegaMan is Confused | 0C |
134-D007 | 037 | Max HP Up | Max HP+500. | --- | 0E |
134-D008 | 038 | Max HP Up | Max HP+500. | Battle HP Drain | 0A |
134-D009 | 039 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes AirShot. | --- | 0D |
134-D010 | 040 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes a random Trap (????) chip.
--- | 0D |
134-D011 | 041 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes BugBomb. | --- | 0D |
134-D012 | 042 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes CrackOut. | --- | 0D |
134-D013 | 043 | Buster Patch | Normal Shot spawns Cracked Panels. | --- | 0A |
134-D014 | 044 | Buster Patch | Normal Shot spawns Swamp Panels. | --- | 0A |
134-D015 | 045 | Default Full Synchro | Starts battles in Full Synchro. | --- | 0C |
134-D016 | 046 | First Barrier 200 | Start with Barr200. | Battle HP Drain | 0C |
134-D017 | 047 | Weapon Change | B Button becomes Guard1. | --- | 0A |
134-D018 | 048 | Weapon Change | B Button becomes CrackOut. | --- | 0A |
134-D019 | 049 | Buster Attack 15 | Buster's Attack LV becomes 15. | Battle HP Drain & MegaMan is Confused | 0A |
134-D020 | 050 | GigaFolder1 | 1 more GigaChip is allowed in the Folder. | Minus 1 slot in the Custom Screen | 0B |
134-D021 | 051 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes CopyDmg. | --- | 0E |
134-D022 | 052 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WideSht1. | --- | 0E |
134-D023 | 053 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Blizzard. | --- | 0E |
134-D024 | 054 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes HeatBrth. | --- | 0E |
134-D025 | 055 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes ElecShok. | --- | 0E |
134-D026 | 056 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WoodPwdr. | --- | 0E |
134-D027 | 057 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes PnlRetrn. | --- | 0E |
134-D028 | 058 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WideSwrd. | --- | 0E |
134-D029 | 059 | MegaMan Color Change | MegaMan's battle colors become Red. | --- | 0C |
134-D030 | 060 | MegaMan Color Change | MegaMan's battle colors become Yellow. | --- | 0C |
134-E001 | 061 | Max HP Up | Max HP+550. | --- | 0B |
134-E002 | 062 | Max HP Up | Max HP+550 | --- | 0D |
134-E003 | 063 | Max HP Up | Max HP+600. | --- | 0C |
134-E004 | 064 | Max HP Up | Max HP+600. | --- | 0A |
134-E005 | 065 | Max HP Up | Max HP+650. | --- | 0E |
134-E006 | 066 | Max HP Up | Max HP+650. | Battle HP Drain | 0B |
134-E007 | 067 | Max HP Up | Max HP+700. | MegaMan is Confused | 0A |
134-E008 | 068 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes MegEnBom. | --- | 0D |
134-E009 | 069 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes Recov10. | --- | 0D |
134-E010 | 070 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes PnlRetrn. | --- | 0D |
134-E011 | 071 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes NrthWind. | --- | 0D |
134-E012 | 072 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes Lance. | --- | 0D |
134-E013 | 073 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes DublCrak. | --- | 0D |
134-E014 | 074 | Triple Supporter 1/2 | (#074 and #075 must be used together) Rush, Beat, and Tango NCP become active. | --- | 0B |
134-E015 | 075 | Triple Supporter 2/2 | 0C | ||
134-E016 | 076 | All Guard 1/2 | (#076 and #077 must be used together) MegaMan has permanent guard body. Can only be damaged by breaking attacks and HP drain. | (#076 + #077 active) Battle HP Drain | 0C |
134-E017 | 077 | All Guard 2/2 | 0D | ||
134-E018 | 078 | First Life Aura | Start with LifeAura. | Battle HP Drain | 0C |
134-E019 | 079 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Dark Hole. | --- | 0E |
134-E020 | 080 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WideSht2. | --- | 0E |
134-E021 | 081 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes ZapRing. | --- | 0E |
134-E022 | 082 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes SandRing. | --- | 0E |
134-E023 | 083 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes EnergBom. | --- | 0E |
134-E024 | 084 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Thunder2. | --- | 0E |
134-E025 | 085 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Repair. | --- | 0E |
134-E026 | 086 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes TripCrak. | --- | 0E |
134-E027 | 087 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes LongSwrd. | --- | 0E |
134-E028 | 088 | PET Screen Color Change | PET menu colors become Black. | --- | 0F |
134-E029 | 089 | MegaMan Color Change | MegaMan's battle colors become White. | --- | 0C |
134-E030 | 090 | MegaMan Color Change | MegaMan's battle colors become Green. | --- | 0C |
134-F001 | 091 | Max HP Up | Max HP+700. | Moving off panel spawns Swamp Panels. | 0B |
134-F002 | 092 | Max HP Up | Max HP+750. | --- | 0A |
134-F003 | 093 | Max HP Up | Max HP+750. | Battle HP Drain | 0B |
134-F004 | 094 | Max HP Up | Max HP+800. | --- | 0A |
134-F005 | 095 | Max HP Up | Max HP+800. | Moving off panel spawns Swamp Panels. | 0B |
134-F006 | 096 | Max HP Up | Max HP+850. | --- | 0A |
134-F007 | 097 | Max HP Up | Max HP+850. | Battle HP Drain | 0B |
134-F008 | 098 | Max HP Up | Max HP+900. | --- | 0E |
134-F009 | 099 | Max HP Up | Max HP+900. | Battle HP Drain | 0B |
134-F010 | 100 | Max HP Up | Max HP+950. | Battle HP Drain | 0B |
134-F011 | 101 | Max HP Up | Max HP+1000. | --- | 0E |
134-F012 | 102 | Buster Patch | Normal Shot spawns Ice Panels. | --- | 0A |
134-F013 | 103 | FullCustom Charge 1/2 | (#103 and #104 must be used together) B Button PowerAttack becomes FullCust. | (#103 + #104 active) Minus 2 slots in the Custom Screen | 0D |
134-F014 | 104 | FullCustom Charge 2/2 | 0E | ||
134-F015 | 105 | Panel Change | Moving off panel spawns Holy Panels. | Battle HP Drain & Custom HP Drain | 0D |
134-F016 | 106 | Weapon Change | B Button becomes Reflect. | Battle HP Drain | 0A |
134-F017 | 107 | Weapon Change | B Button becomes Flower (In NetworkDuel, the opponent's MegaMan enters Angry emotion). | --- | 0A |
134-F018 | 108 | Weapon Change | B Button becomes WaterGun (one panel, 100 attack power). | --- | 0A |
134-F019 | 109 | MegaFolder3 | 3 more MegaChips are allowed in the Folder. | Minus 1 slot in the Custom Screen | 0C |
134-F020 | 110 | Custom3 | Add 3 slots in the Custom Screen. | Custom HP Drain | 0D |
134-F021 | 111 | GigaFolder1 | 1 more GigaChip is allowed in the Folder. | --- | 0A |
134-F022 | 112 | B+Left Ability Activation | B+Left becomes TripCrak. | --- | 0D |
134-F023 | 113 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WideSht3. | --- | 0E |
134-F024 | 114 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Thunder3. | --- | 0E |
134-F025 | 115 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WindRack. | --- | 0E |
134-F026 | 116 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes MegEnBom. | --- | 0E |
134-F027 | 117 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes Ball. | --- | 0E |
134-F028 | 118 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes BugBomb. | --- | 0E |
134-F029 | 119 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes WideBlde. | Auto moves forward | 0E |
134-F030 | 120 | Charge Shot Switch | B Button PowerAttack becomes LongBlde. | Auto moves forward | 0E |
134-G001 | 121 | Roll Soul | (RS) Start battles in permanent RollSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G002 | 122 | Guts Soul | (RS) Start battles in permanent GutsSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G003 | 123 | Wind Soul | (RS) Start battles in permanent WindSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G004 | 124 | Search Soul | (RS) Start battles in permanent SearchSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G005 | 125 | Fire Soul | (RS) Start battles in permanent FireSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G006 | 126 | Thunder Soul | (RS) Start battles in permanent ThunderSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G007 | 127 | Proto Soul | (BM) Start battles in permanent ProtoSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G008 | 128 | Number Soul | (BM) Start battles in permanent NumberSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G009 | 129 | Metal Soul | (BM) Start battles in permanent MetalSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G010 | 130 | Junk Soul | (BM) Start battles in permanent JunkSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G011 | 131 | Aqua Soul | (BM) Start battles in permanent AquaSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
134-G012 | 132 | Wood Soul | (BM) Start battles in permanent WoodSoul. | Battle HP Drain | 0E |
Promotional Cards
Serial ID | ID # | Card | Effect | Modified Address |
134-B001 | 000 | Weapon Change | B Button becomes MiniBomb. | 0A |
134-C001 | --- | Prix Power | Scan both sides to add PrixPowr G to your pack. | --- |
134-C002 | --- | Duo | Scan both sides to add Duo D to your pack. | --- |
Character Cards
- Part 1: Cards #01-17
- Part 2: Cards #18-30
- Part 3: Cards #31-45
- Part 4: Cards #46-58
Serial ID | ID # | Card |
134-W001 | 01 | MegaMan |
134-W002 | 02 | Roll |
134-W003 | 03 | GutsMan |
134-W004 | 04 | ProtoMan |
134-W005 | 05 | FireMan |
134-W006 | 06 | NumberMan |
134-W007 | 07 | StoneMan |
134-W008 | 08 | IceMan |
134-W009 | 09 | ColorMan |
134-W010 | 10 | ElecMan |
134-W011 | 11 | BombMan |
134-W012 | 12 | MagicMan |
134-W013 | 13 | WoodMan |
134-W014 | 14 | SkullMan |
134-W015 | 15 | SharkMan |
134-W016 | 16 | PharaohMan |
134-W017 | 17 | ShadowMan |
134-X001 | 18 | AirMan |
134-X002 | 19 | QuickMan |
134-X003 | 20 | CutMan |
134-X004 | 21 | KnightMan |
134-X005 | 22 | MagnetMan |
134-X006 | 23 | FreezeMan |
134-X007 | 24 | ToadMan |
134-X008 | 25 | GateMan |
134-X009 | 26 | ThunderMan |
134-X010 | 27 | SnakeMan |
134-X011 | 28 | HeatMan |
134-X012 | 29 | NapalmMan |
134-X013 | 30 | PlanetMan |
134-Y001 | 31 | FlashMan |
134-Y002 | 32 | BeastMan |
134-Y003 | 33 | BubbleMan |
134-Y004 | 34 | DesertMan |
134-Y005 | 35 | PlantMan |
134-Y006 | 36 | FlameMan |
134-Y007 | 37 | DrillMan |
134-Y008 | 38 | MetalMan |
134-Y009 | 39 | KingMan |
134-Y010 | 40 | MistMan |
134-Y011 | 41 | BowlMan |
134-Y012 | 42 | DarkMan |
134-Y013 | 43 | JapanMan |
134-Y014 | 44 | Punk |
134-Y015 | 45 | Serenade |
134-Z001 | 46 | WindMan |
134-Z002 | 47 | SearchMan |
134-Z003 | 48 | JunkMan |
134-Z004 | 49 | AquaMan |
134-Z005 | 50 | TopMan |
134-Z006 | 51 | SparkMan |
134-Z007 | 52 | BurnMan |
134-Z008 | 53 | ColdMan |
134-Z009 | 54 | ShadeMan |
134-Z010 | 55 | LaserMan |
134-Z011 | 56 | KendoMan |
134-Z012 | 57 | VideoMan |
134-Z013 | 58 | Bass |
- In a Network Duel, if the Promo Card BattleChips are scanned in Player 1’s game and not in Player 2’s game, Player 2 will see the name of the chips as a (EN) blank or (JP) ????. If Player 2 receives the event chips via Junk Soul, they will appear with a blank chip image and the aforementioned names as the chip description. They can still be used as normal.
- In the Legacy Collection Patch Card menu, the WaterGun attack is called “DlayWatr”, which is the internal data name for the attack. This is a leftover from BN3 where some instance of Power Attack is instead called “Delay Attack”. It appears as WaterGun in the in-game menu.