Blank Cards
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Blank Cards are cards found in Mega Man Star Force 2 that can be overwritten into other cards using the Touch Command System. This is part of the Wave Command Cards.
- This feature cannot be used in the European version, many of the Blank Cards were replaced with 2000z.
How to Input
This is the overlay layout for the Touch Command System. Upon touching, a star marker will confirm that spot has been touched.
If the card is still Blank: Touch the card, then enter the input to transform it into a Battle Card. It will have a blue name.
If the card is already a Battle Card: Select the card and press the Select button.
- In Chapter 2, Aaron Boreal gives one after upgrading the Star Carrier (Wilshire Hills).
- In the European version, this is the only Blank Card that is not replaced with 2000z. Instead, you will get nothing.
- In Bud's room, examine the top of his bed (Echo Ridge).
- In Zack's room, examine the basketball hoop (Echo Ridge).
- Cock-A-Doodle ES BMW (Mess Village)
- Luz Stufalot's Star Carrier Quest (Observation Deck - Loch Mess).
- Old Dragonfly ES BMW (Whazzap)
- Ammonite ES BMW (Whazzap)
- Murian ES BMW (Room of Heroes - Mu)
- Aaron Boreal's Help Quest (Shopping Plaza - Wilshire Hills)
- Broken Display ES BMW (Alt. Wilshire Hills)
Blank Cards
With Blank Cards, it's possible to have duplicates of a Mega and Giga Card in a folder. They do not count towards the "only have one kind in a Folder" rule.
Standard Cards
These cards are all exclusive to WCC and are not obtainable elsewhere in the game.
Input | ID | Name |
DOPQSA | Battle Card: S-001 | PlasmaSprd |
POSAQD | Battle Card: S-002 | ImpactHook |
SADQOP | Battle Card: S-003 | SrchMissle |
DFQRSA | Battle Card: S-004 | DstryUpper |
QFSARD | Battle Card: S-005 | ElecGrnde |
SADRFQ | Battle Card: S-006 | SonicSword |
DFISTA | Battle Card: S-007 | GiantAxe |
IFTASD | Battle Card: S-008 | IceMeteor |
DEGJLB | Battle Card: S-009 | WoodMeteor |
GELBJD | Battle Card: S-010 | SevrMeteor |
LBDJEG | Battle Card: S-011 | TimeBomb |
EGPRTB | Battle Card: S-012 | PulseNoise |
PGTBRE | Battle Card: S-013 | WrriorSoul |
TBERGP | Battle Card: S-014 | Muramasa |
EGJRTB | Battle Card: S-015 | ExtiMeteor |
JGTBRE | Battle Card: S-016 | AllPoison |
EGJSTB | Battle Card: S-017 | Fire+30 |
JGTBSE | Battle Card: S-018 | Aqua+30 |
TBESGJ | Battle Card: S-019 | Elec+30 |
EGRSTB | Battle Card: S-020 | Wood+30 |
RGTBSE | Battle Card: S-021 | PowerSong |
TBESGR | Battle Card: S-022 | QuakeSong |
ENPRTB | Battle Card: S-023 | TripSong |
Mega Cards
RogueSword and Star Force 1 Mega Cards are exclusive to WCC and are not obtainable elsewhere in the game.
Input | ID | Name |
IFNBKD | Battle Card: M-001 | DrkPhntm |
BEGJLA | Battle Card: M-002 | DrkPhntmEX |
GELAJB | Battle Card: M-003 | DrkPhntmSP |
DFIKSA | Battle Card: M-004 | YetiBlzzrd |
IFSAKD | Battle Card: M-005 | YtBlzzrdEX |
SADKFI | Battle Card: M-006 | YtBlzzrdSP |
DFIKNA | Battle Card: M-007 | Rogue |
IFNAKD | Battle Card: M-008 | RogueEX |
NADKFI | Battle Card: M-009 | RogueSP |
LABJEG | Battle Card: M-010 | PlesioSrf |
BEGJTA | Battle Card: M-011 | PlsioSrfEX |
GETAJB | Battle Card: M-012 | PlsioSrfSP |
NBDKFI | Battle Card: M-013 | TerraCndr |
DFIQSA | Battle Card: M-014 | TrraCndrEX |
IFSAQD | Battle Card: M-015 | TrraCondorSP |
DFPQSA | Battle Card: M-016 | Hollow |
PFSAQD | Battle Card: M-017 | HollowEX |
SADQFP | Battle Card: M-018 | HollowSP |
TABJEG | Battle Card: M-019 | TaurusFire |
BDFIKA | Battle Card: M-020 | TaursFireEX |
GJLOQE | Battle Card: M-021 | TaursFireSP |
FDKAIB | Battle Card: M-022 | HarpNote |
KABIDF | Battle Card: M-023 | HarpNoteEX |
OLSGQJ | Battle Card: M-024 | HarpNoteSP |
DLOQSA | Battle Card: M-025 | QnOphiuca |
OLSAQD | Battle Card: M-026 | QnOphiucaEX |
FIKNPD | Battle Card: M-027 | QnOphiucaSP |
SADQLO | Battle Card: M-028 | GeminSpark |
DFOQSA | Battle Card: M-029 | GemnSpkEX |
JLOQSG | Battle Card: M-030 | GemnSpkSP |
OFSAQD | Battle Card: M-031 | CancrBuble |
SADQFO | Battle Card: M-032 | CancrBublEX |
DFIKNB | Battle Card: M-033 | CancrBublSP |
DFIRSA | Battle Card: M-034 | KngFooKid |
IFSARD | Battle Card: M-035 | KngFooKdEX |
SADRFI | Battle Card: M-036 | KngFooKdSP |
DNOQSA | Battle Card: M-037 | GenAuriga |
ONSAQD | Battle Card: M-038 | GnAurgaEX |
SADQNO | Battle Card: M-039 | GnAurgaSP |
DFIKTA | Battle Card: M-040 | ApolloFlm |
IFTAKD | Battle Card: M-041 | AplloFlmEX |
TADKFI | Battle Card: M-042 | AplloFlmSP |
TADSFI | Battle Card: M-043 | RogueSwrd |
JLOQSA | Battle Card: M-044 | RgueSwrdEX |
OLSAQJ | Battle Card: M-045 | RgueSwrdSP |
SAJQLO | Battle Card: M-046 | CygnusWing |
KLOQSA | Battle Card: M-047 | CygnsWingEX |
OLSAQK | Battle Card: M-048 | CygnsWingSP |
SAKQLO | Battle Card: M-049 | LibraScals |
LNOQSA | Battle Card: M-050 | LibrScalsEX |
TBERGJ | Battle Card: M-051 | LibrScalsSP |
EGJLTB | Battle Card: M-052 | WolfWoods |
JGTBLE | Battle Card: M-053 | WolfWoodsEX |
TBELGJ | Battle Card: M-054 | WolfWoodsSP |
EGJLOB | Battle Card: M-055 | CrwnThundr |
JGOBLE | Battle Card: M-056 | CrwnThndrEX |
OBELGJ | Battle Card: M-057 | CrwnThndrSP |
PNTBRE | Battle Card: M-058 | PegasusMgc |
TBERNP | Battle Card: M-059 | PegasuMgcEX |
EOPRTB | Battle Card: M-060 | PegasuMgcSP |
POTBRE | Battle Card: M-061 | LeoKingdom |
TBEROP | Battle Card: M-062 | LeoKingdmEX |
EPQRTB | Battle Card: M-063 | LeoKingdmSP |
QPTBRE | Battle Card: M-064 | DragonSky |
TBERPQ | Battle Card: M-065 | DragonSkyEX |
KNPRTB | Battle Card: M-066 | DragonSkySP |
Giga Card
The Admin GX cards are exclusive to WCC and are not obtainable elsewhere in the game. This is the only way to add other version Giga Class Cards in the Folder.
Input | ID | Name |
SADQFI | Battle Card: G-001 | OxTackle |
BJLOQT | Battle Card: G-002 | TrrntWave |
OQTBJL | Battle Card: G-003 (Secret Card: 001) |
RogueBreak |
IKNPST | Battle Card: G-004 (Battle Card: G-003) |
PoisonPhar |
TOQLJB | Battle Card: G-005 (Battle Card: G-004) |
MilliKick |
PSTIKN | Battle Card: G-006 (Battle Card: G-005) |
GemniThndr |
GJLOQT | Battle Card: G-007 (Battle Card: G-006) |
Avalanche |
OQTGJL | Battle Card: G-008 (Battle Card: G-007) |
FlyngImpct |
TPSNKI | Battle Card: G-009 (Battle Card: G-008) |
DrknssHole |
AKNPST | Battle Card: G-010 (Secret Card: 002) |
BusterMax |
PSTAKN | Battle Card: G-011 (Battle Card: G-009) |
GorgonEye |
TOQLJG | Battle Card: G-012 (Secret Card: 003) |
MT Magic |
BDFGQT | Battle Card: G-013 (Battle Card: G-010) |
PhntmSlsh |
JLOQST | Battle Card: G-014 (Battle Card: G-012) |
Normal+50 |
TPSNKA | Battle Card: G-015 (Battle Card: G-011) |
BrkTmeBmb |
ONSAQL | Battle Card: G-016 (Battle Card: G-013) |
PegasuMgcGX |
EGQRTB | Battle Card: G-017 (Battle Card: G-014) |
LeoKingdmGX |
PNTBRK | Battle Card: G-018 (Battle Card: G-015) |
DragonSkyGX |
- In the European version, the English localization made a grammatical mistake due to altering the Blank Card dialogue. After completing Aaron Boreal's Star Carrier quest, the reward dialogue will be "Geo got a "2000 Zennys"!" instead of "Geo got: "2000 Zennys"!"