Information of where to find the Battle Cards available in Mega Man Star Force 3.
Terminology |
Blue Mystery Waves. These Mystery Waves can only be picked up once and will not spawn again.
Purple Mystery Waves. These Mystery Waves require the Unlocker SubCard to open. Can only be picked up once and will not spawn again. There are 9 PMWs in this game.
Green Mystery Waves. These Mystery Waves will always spawn when you change from Mega Man back into Geo, but only if you had entered the Wave Road or a Noise Wave as Mega Man. Some areas have 1 GMW, while others have 2. They each have their own drop lists.
Gold / Yellow Mystery Waves. It has a 50% chance of spawning at this time, and it will spawn in one random area (out of 24 possible areas). As it spawns upon pulsing out, a YMW will be visible on the Wave Road while you're walking around as Geo, and you can then go pulse in and collect it.
Standard Class Cards
ID |
Name |
001 |
Cannon |
002 |
PlusCannon |
003 |
HevyCannon |
004 |
PlasmaGun |
005 |
AirSpread1 |
006 |
AirSpread2 |
007 |
AirSpread3 |
008 |
MadVulcn1 |
009 |
MadVulcn2 |
010 |
MadVulcn3 |
011 |
BlackInk |
012 |
MiniGrnade |
013 |
Sword |
014 |
WideSword |
015 |
LongSword |
016 |
Bushido1 |
017 |
Bushido2 |
018 |
Bushido3 |
019 |
GreatAxe |
020 |
FlameAxe |
021 |
WindyAtk1 |
022 |
WindyAtk2 |
023 |
WindyAtk3 |
024 |
SyncHook1 |
025 |
SyncHook2 |
026 |
SyncHook3 |
027 |
DrillArm1 |
028 |
DrillArm2 |
029 |
DrillArm3 |
030 |
TyphnDance |
031 |
TrnadoDnce |
032 |
WhtMeteor |
033 |
SilvMeteor |
034 |
GrandWave1 |
035 |
GrandWave2 |
036 |
GrandWave3 |
037 |
JetAttack1 |
038 |
JetAttack2 |
039 |
JetAttack3 |
040 |
Buki1 |
041 |
Buki2 |
042 |
Buki3 |
043 |
SmileCoin1 |
044 |
SmileCoin2 |
045 |
SmileCoin3 |
046 |
BigDrop1 |
047 |
BigDrop2 |
048 |
BigDrop3 |
049 |
BuzzSaw1 |
050 |
BuzzSaw2 |
051 |
BuzzSaw3 |
052 |
SkullArrw1 |
053 |
SkullArrw2 |
054 |
SkullArrw3 |
055 |
MuTech1 |
056 |
MuTech2 |
057 |
MuTech3 |
058 |
TimeBomb1 |
059 |
TimeBomb2 |
060 |
TimeBomb3 |
061 |
HeatUppr1 |
062 |
HeatUppr2 |
063 |
HeatUppr3 |
064 |
MechFlame1 |
065 |
MechFlame2 |
066 |
MechFlame3 |
067 |
MadFire1 |
068 |
MadFire2 |
069 |
MadFire3 |
070 |
WideWave1 |
071 |
WideWave2 |
072 |
WideWave3 |
073 |
BubblHook1 |
074 |
BubblHook2 |
075 |
BubblHook3 |
076 |
SharkAtk1 |
077 |
SharkAtk2 |
078 |
SharkAtk3 |
079 |
IceSpin1 |
080 |
IceSpin2 |
081 |
IceSpin3 |
082 |
StlthLzr1 |
083 |
StlthLzr2 |
084 |
StlthLzr3 |
085 |
MummyHand1 |
086 |
MummyHand2 |
087 |
MummyHand3 |
088 |
ThndrHead1 |
089 |
ThndrHead2 |
090 |
ThndrHead3 |
091 |
FlashStrk1 |
092 |
FlashStrk2 |
093 |
FlashStrk3 |
094 |
ArachAtk1 |
095 |
ArachAtk2 |
096 |
ArachAtk3 |
097 |
Shuriken1 |
098 |
Shuriken2 |
099 |
Shuriken3 |
100 |
PollnShot1 |
101 |
PollnShot2 |
102 |
PollnShot3 |
103 |
AcornBomb1 |
104 |
AcornBomb2 |
105 |
AcornBomb3 |
106 |
BeastSlap1 |
107 |
BeastSlap2 |
108 |
BeastSlap3 |
109 |
NoiseWzrd1 |
110 |
NoiseWzrd2 |
111 |
NoiseWzrd3 |
112 |
MalWizard1 |
113 |
MalWizard2 |
114 |
MalWizard3 |
115 |
BlackHole1 |
116 |
BlackHole2 |
117 |
BlackHole3 |
118 |
DblStone |
119 |
Bombalizer |
120 |
DivideLine |
121 |
DblEater |
122 |
PanlFormat |
123 |
PanicCloud |
124 |
Recover10 |
125 |
Recover30 |
126 |
Recover50 |
127 |
Recover80 |
128 |
Recover120 |
129 |
Recover150 |
130 |
Recover200 |
131 |
Recover300 |
132 |
Barrier |
133 |
SprBarrier |
134 |
Aura |
135 |
Invisible |
136 |
Whistle |
137 |
MegaCrushr |
138 |
SpiritFury |
139 |
AntiSword |
140 |
PoisnApple |
141 |
DoublCross |
142 |
GigaMine |
143 |
GrassStage |
144 |
IceStage |
145 |
PrlyzeStg |
146 |
HolyPanel |
147 |
AtkPanel |
148 |
GravtyPlus |
149 |
ParalyzPlus |
150 |
Attack+10 |
Mega Class Cards
ID |
Name |
001 |
xx |
002 |
xx |
003 |
xx |
004 |
xx |
005 |
xx |
006 |
xx |
007 |
xx |
008 |
xx |
009 |
xx |
010 |
xx |
011 |
xx |
012 |
xx |
013 |
xx |
014 |
xx |
015 |
xx |
016 |
xx |
017 |
xx |
018 |
xx |
019 |
xx |
020 |
xx |
021 |
xx |
022 |
xx |
023 |
xx |
024 |
xx |
025 |
xx |
026 |
xx |
027 |
xx |
028 |
xx |
029 |
xx |
030 |
xx |
031 |
xx |
032 |
xx |
033 |
xx |
034 |
xx |
035 |
xx |
036 |
xx |
037 |
xx |
038 |
xx |
039 |
xx |
040 |
xx |
041 |
xx |
042 |
xx |
043 |
xx |
044 |
xx |
045 |
xx |
Giga Class Cards
Black Ace Only
ID |
Name |
001 (BA) |
WingBlade |
- E-Mail from A. C. Eos (Ch. 7)
002 (BA) |
DrknssHole |
- Noise Wave4 BMD (500 total battles gate)
003 (BA) |
MilliKick |
004 (BA) |
BrkTmeBmb |
005 (BA) |
MuBarrier |
- Noise Wave1 Noise Frag Trader (30NF)
Red Joker Only
ID |
Name |
001 (RJ) |
DreadLazer |
- E-Mail from A. C. Eos (Ch. 7)
002 (RJ) |
DestrMissl |
- Noise Wave4 BMD (500 total battles gate)
003 (RJ) |
BusterMax |
004 (RJ) |
OxTackle |
005 (RJ) |
MirrorsEdge |
- Noise Wave1 Noise Frag Trader (30NF)
Illegal Data
Standard Illegal Cards
ID |
Name |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
Mega Illegal Cards
ID |
Name |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
--- |
xx |
Giga Illegal Cards
ID |
Name |
--- |
PegasuMgcGX |
Unobtainable. (JP) For use in Battle Card Database only.
--- |
LeoKingdmGX |
Unobtainable. (JP) For use in Battle Card Database only.
--- |
DragonSkyGX |
Unobtainable. (JP) For use in Battle Card Database only.
--- |
GorgonEye |
--- |
GemniThndr |
--- |
Avalanche |
--- |
TrrntWave |
--- |
FlyngImpct |
--- |
RogueBreak |
- Illegal Data Lv. 7 drop
- Illegal Data Lv. 8 drop
--- |
HolyLight |
- Illegal Data Lv. 7 drop
- Illegal Data Lv. 8 drop
--- |
WickdFlame |
- Illegal Data Lv. 7 drop
- Illegal Data Lv. 8 drop
Event Only Cards
These cards do not appear in the Library.
Class |
Name |
Mega |
AcidArrest |
Only obtainable at real-life events.
Giga |
CrmsnMteor |
Only obtainable at real-life events.