Shop Locations (EXE4.5)

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.

These are the shops in Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation. In this game, the shop stocks are infinite. Some shops will sell a special chip only for Roll and StarMan if they get a specific fortune for that day, or if it's Ladies Day (Wednesday) for Roll.


Internet 3

Item Price Special Price
Spreader 800z 400z
EnergBom 1200z 700z
TwnFng1 1800z 1000z
AirHoc1 2400z 1400z
LongSwrd 2000z 1200z
Recov80 3000z 1800z

Toy Box Comp

Item Price Special Price
M-Cannon 6200z 3700z
MegEnBom 6500z 3900z
AntiDmg 8300z 4900z
GrabBnsh 8800z 5200z
BugFix 9000z 5400z
HolyDrem 58000z 34800z
VarSwrd --- 10500z

Internet 8

Item Price Special Price
ColorPt 2800z 1600z
WindRack 4500z 2700z
HiCannon 4800z 2800z
Barr100 6000z 3600z
Tornado 7800z 4600z
SuprVulc 10000z 6000z
BlkBomb --- 7900z

Internet 11

Item Price Special Price
RollAro1 3800z 2200z
GutPnch1 4600z 2700z
HawkCut1 6000z 3,600z
NumbrBl1 6800z 4000z
Slasher 7200z 4300z
Guardian 9800z 5800z
FinalGun --- 40000z

Old TV Comp 2

Item Price Special Price
AntiNavi 6900z 4100z
Recov300 9500z 5700z
FstGauge 10000z 6000z
Jealousy 11200z 6700z
GunSolEX 15000z 9000z
DeltaRay 60000z 36000z
SignlRed --- 38000z

BugFrag Traders

Internet 9

Item Price
BugBomb 20 BF
AntiRecv 25 BF
Static 32 BF
BugChain 44 BF
BugCurse 70 BF
BugCharg 80 BF
BlakBarr 100 BF

SubChip Dealer

Electric Stove Comp

Item Price Special Price
MiniEnrg 100z 100z
LocEnemy 6000z 3600z
SneakRun 300z 100z

Internet 6

Item Price Special Price
Untrap 1000z 600z
FullEnrg 6000z 1800z
Unlocker 4000z 2400z

Golf Course Comp 2

Instead of discount, this dealer's stock will differ depending on the special day.

Item Price Special Item Special Price
MiniEnrg 100z FullEnrg 1800z
LocEnemy 6000z LocEnemy 3600z
SneakRun 300z Unlocker 2400z

Undernet 1

Item Price Special Price
FullEnrg 3000z 1800z
LocEnemy 6000z 3600z
Unlocker 4000z 2400z