
Talk:Glitches in Rockman EXE 4.5

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

Revision as of 17:00, 1 November 2022 by Luckytyphlosion (talk | contribs) (Tourney selection glitch)

Navi Freezes

Certain Navis hang for a bit on original Nintendo DS.

BurnerMan ID sort

yeah 4.5 put burnerman under shademan for some reason

BurnerMan ID sort in pack is different than in library.

Tourney selection glitch

GreigaMaster — 09/30/2019 hey prop are you aware of a bug when picking the finalist for tournaments? It's supposed to be able to pick from 2 potential finalists but theres an issue with this line

080497E8 bl    0x80013DC;Get chip trader RNG
080497EC mov    r1,#0x1
080497EE and    r2,r1

It gets a chip trader rng number but it does the AND with r2 instead of r0. r2 is an intermediate value which is (oldrngvalue<<1) so this will always result in a 0 and only the first of 2 finalists is ever picked.

GreigaMaster — 09/30/2019 I would think this code shows intent of what they actually wanted.