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==G Virus Hotspot==
==G Virus Hotspot==
Certain maps have G virus hotspots, usually located near landmarks. If you get a random battle in one of these spots, the battle has a high chance to contain G viruses that don't normally appear in the area.
Certain maps have G virus hotspots, usually located near landmarks. If you get a random battle in one of these spots, the battle has a high chance to contain G viruses that don't normally appear in the area. The areas are sometimes hinted by a NPC in the area.
Note: some of the G virus spots are very small and you need to basically be touching the landmark in order for it to register. All of them are on solid ground, not on Wave Roads.
Note: some of the G virus spots are very small and you need to basically be touching the landmark in order for it to register. All of them are on solid ground, not on Wave Roads.

Latest revision as of 08:52, 1 February 2025

G Viruses in Mega Man Star Force 2 are enemies that can drop ★ Battle Cards, which are stronger versions of Battle Cards that can also boost cards with the same name. They can be found randomly in battles taking place of normal viruses. However, there are ways to manipulate increased appearances of G viruses.

G Virus Hotspot

Certain maps have G virus hotspots, usually located near landmarks. If you get a random battle in one of these spots, the battle has a high chance to contain G viruses that don't normally appear in the area. The areas are sometimes hinted by a NPC in the area.

Note: some of the G virus spots are very small and you need to basically be touching the landmark in order for it to register. All of them are on solid ground, not on Wave Roads.

When a random battle is selected in a G virus spot, the battle has a 15-in-16 chance to contain the listed G viruses, or a 1-in-16 chance to contain a Mr. Hertz (once Ability Waves have been unlocked).

Enemy Location
FokxG Echo Ridge ER (starting in Ch. 5, near the southwest trees in the park)
MatJinnG Geo's Living Room ER (starting in Ch. 5, on the blue mat next to the TV)
HotRoaderG Hills Boulevard ER (on the highway)
HareJetG Grizzly Peak ER (near either of the snowmen next to the hotel entrances)
PrivateMopG Peak Hotel ER (near the sliding doors at the main entrance - enter from outside)
BoomG Museum ER (in the Zerker exhibit - gray flooring)
StreamCancroG Messie's Cove ER (behind the waterfalls, both higher and lower level)
MonoSwordG Whazzap ER (starting in Ch. 6, near the statue of Budicus)
ShockMummyG Mu (near any of the fallen Murians)
RaidG Room of Heroes (near any of the Murians inside the walls on the lower level, except where you find Ebesh)

For Alt. Echo Ridge ER and Alt. Messie's Cove ER, the G virus spots are still present, but no G viruses have been defined for them. As such, when a random battle is selected in these spots, there is a 1-in-16 chance to get a Mr. Hertz battle and a 15-in-16 chance to get no battle at all (in which case, both the step counter and encounter rate are still reset).

The same goes for Echo Ridge ER and Geo's Living Room ER when you go there before the G virus appearance condition is met. For Whazzap ER it doesn't work because the Hertz encounter there is not marked as a Hertz encounter, so it will not appear in the G virus spot.

G Cards

Instead of leaving it to chance, the appearance of a specific G Virus can be guaranteed by using a Wave Command Card. This cannot be used in the European version.

How to Input

MMSF2 Card Template Unofficial.png MMSF2 Card Template Unofficial wStars.png

This is the overlay layout for the Touch Command System. Upon touching, a star marker will confirm that spot has been touched.

In the Mega menu, press select and Mega will give a prompt to input. Upon input, until the game is reset, that certain virus will only appear in their G form. Only one card can be active at a time. The effect will only last until the game is reset.

Input ID Name
JGODLE G Card: 001 MettennaG
ODELGJ G Card: 002 Mettenna2G
EFIKND G Card: 003 Mettenna3G
IFNDKE G Card: 004 BaseMortarG
NDEKFI G Card: 005 BaseGunnerG
FIKNPE G Card: 006 BaseSniperG
ACEGIS G Card: 007 DarkReaperG
GISACE G Card: 008 DarkJokerG
SGIECA G Card: 009 DarkDemonG
ACEFGS G Card: 010 HareJetG
FGSACE G Card: 011 HareRocketG
SFGECA G Card: 012 HareNitroG
FIKNPQ G Card: 013 HotRoaderG
NPQFIK G Card: 014 HotMotorG
QNPKIF G Card: 015 HotBikerG
GJLOPQ G Card: 016 BubbaDanceG
OPQGJL G Card: 017 HoppaDanceG
QOPLJG G Card: 018 JakaDanceG
EGJLOP G Card: 019 BoomG
KIPFNG G Card: 020 BangG
PFGNIK G Card: 021 Ka-BoomG
IKNPRF G Card: 022 BomG
NKRFPI G Card: 023 BomBomG
RFIPKN G Card: 024 BomBomBomG
IKNPRG G Card: 025 GooeyG
NKRGPI G Card: 026 GoopyG
RGIPKN G Card: 027 GloppyG
FIKNOP G Card: 028 StreamCancroG
NOPFIK G Card: 029 RiverCancroG
PNOKIF G Card: 030 SeaCancroG
DFIKNO G Card: 031 FokxG
KNODFI G Card: 032 CopyFokxG
OKNIFD G Card: 033 GuideFokxG
EGJLNO G Card: 034 SnoRollG
LNOEGJ G Card: 035 SnoRollerG
OLNJGE G Card: 036 SnoRollestG
CEGJLO G Card: 037 PiranG
JLOCEG G Card: 038 PiranerG
OJLGEC G Card: 039 PiranestG
CEGJLN G Card: 040 LampisG
JLNCEG G Card: 041 LucisG
TOQLBA G Card: 042 LumisG
BDFIKT G Card: 043 EyezG
IKTBDF G Card: 044 GuardEyezG
TIKFDB G Card: 045 ProtectEyezG
BDFIJT G Card: 046 StealthG
IJTBDF G Card: 047 MegaStealthG
TIJFDB G Card: 048 GigaStealthG
BDFGIT G Card: 049 ShockMummyG
GITBDF G Card: 050 ShockTutG
TGIFDB G Card: 051 ShockSetiG
SNPKCA G Card: 052 PrivateMopG
AIKNPS G Card: 053 ColonelMopG
NPSAIK G Card: 054 GeneralMopG
SNPKIA G Card: 055 StormG
FIKNPS G Card: 056 CycloneG
NPSFIK G Card: 057 TempestG
SNPKIF G Card: 058 FlitG
ACDNPS G Card: 059 FlitterG
NPSACD G Card: 060 FlitterizeG
SNPDCA G Card: 061 BoodachG
SGPECA G Card: 062 BooSpookG
ACEFPS G Card: 063 BooGeistG
FPSACE G Card: 064 MatJinnG
SFPECA G Card: 065 RugJinnG
ACDEPS G Card: 066 CarpetJinnG
EPSACD G Card: 067 PuffG
SEPDCA G Card: 068 FluffG
ACEGJS G Card: 069 MuffG
GJSACE G Card: 070 RaidG
SGJECA G Card: 071 RavageG
IJLOQG G Card: 072 RansackG
LJQGOI G Card: 073 AirSquiggleG
QGIOJL G Card: 074 AirSquirmG
JLOQSI G Card: 075 AirWobbleG
OLSIQJ G Card: 076 MonoSwordG
SIJQLO G Card: 077 MonoSwordinG
KIPENF G Card: 078 MonoSwordilG
PEFNIK G Card: 079 MoaianG
DFIKLN G Card: 080 StoneheadG
KLNDFI G Card: 081 GiantFaceG
NKLIFD G Card: 082 GrabityG
BDFIKL G Card: 083 GrabotronG
IKLBDF G Card: 084
(Secret Card: 004)
LIKFDB G Card: 085
(Secret Card: 005)
LOPEGJ G Card: 086
(Secret Card: 006)
PLOJGE G Card: 087
(Secret Card: 007)