Schedule in Rockman EXE 4.5: Difference between revisions

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

Line 245: Line 245:
*New Year’s Day (January 1st)
*New Year’s Day (January 1st)
*Setsubun (February 3rd)
*Setsubun (February 3rd)
*National Foundation Day - Japan (February 11th)
*Japan’s National Foundation Day (February 11th)
*Valentine’s Day (February 14th)
*Valentine’s Day (February 14th)
*Hinamatsuri (March 3rd)
*Hinamatsuri (March 3rd)

Revision as of 21:38, 25 December 2023

These are events that can occur day-to-day in Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation.

Daily Events

These are events you can do every single day.

  • Everyday Tournaments (9AM-9:59AM, 1PM-1:59PM, 4PM-4:59PM, 8PM-8:59PM)
    • Electric Stove Comp (via Internet 2)
    • Broken Radio Comp (via Internet 8)
    • Fridge Comp (via Internet 11)
    • Pipe Organ Comp (via Undernet 3)

Day-to-day Events

These are events you can do on these days.


  • (Weekends) You can participate in the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • StarMan - Internet 4.
    • ProtoMan - Internet 12.
    • ShadowMan - Undernet 3.


  • (Weekdays) You can register for the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • WindBox and Weather viruses will appear more often today.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • NumberMan - Internet 1.
    • MetalMan - Internet 6.
    • SearchMan - Internet 11.
  • Trash Day: From 6AM Monday to 5:59AM Tuesday, items can be found in garbage piles. The piles can be found in these areas and contain the following:
Internet 3 (1 pile) Internet 6 (3 piles) Internet 11 (1 pile)
  • MiniBomb
  • WideSwrd
  • Invis
  • Barrier
  • 240z
  • 430z
  • 1 BugFrag
  • 2 BugFrags
  • Tornado
  • MiniBomb
  • BlkBomb
  • GrabBnsh
  • 490z
  • 670z
  • 2 BugFrags
  • 3 BugFrags
  • MiniBomb
  • VarSwrd
  • FstGauge
  • MetaGel
  • 560z
  • 770z
  • 3 BugFrags
  • 4 BugFrags


  • (Weekdays) You can register for the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • Fire-based viruses will appear more often today.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • FireMan - Internet 4.
    • NapalmMan - Internet 12.
  • Trash Day: From 6AM Monday to 5:59AM Tuesday, items can be found in garbage piles. The piles can be found in these areas and contain the following:
Internet 3 (1 pile) Internet 6 (3 piles) Internet 11 (1 pile)
  • MiniBomb
  • WideSwrd
  • Invis
  • Barrier
  • 240z
  • 430z
  • 1 BugFrag
  • 2 BugFrags
  • Tornado
  • MiniBomb
  • BlkBomb
  • GrabBnsh
  • 490z
  • 670z
  • 2 BugFrags
  • 3 BugFrags
  • MiniBomb
  • VarSwrd
  • FstGauge
  • MetaGel
  • 560z
  • 770z
  • 3 BugFrags
  • 4 BugFrags


  • (Weekdays) You can register for the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • Aqua-based viruses will appear more often today.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • AquaMan - Internet 2.
    • Roll - Internet 3.
    • IceMan - Internet 8.
  • Ladies Day: Roll gets a discount at BattleChip and SubChip NetDealers.
    • Exclusive chips NetDealers locations:
      • Internet 8 - BlkBomb
      • Internet 11 - FinalGun
      • ToyBox Comp (via Internet 5) - VarSword
      • Old TV Comp 2 (via Undernet 3) - SignalRed


  • (Weekdays) You can register for the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • Wood-based viruses will appear more often today.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • PlantMan - Internet 6.
    • WoodMan - Internet 10.


  • (Weekdays) You can register for the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • Elec-based viruses will appear more often today.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • ElecMan - Internet 7.
    • ThunderMan - Internet 9.
  • Battle Friday: Many NormalNavis, HeelNavis, and Virus Breeders on the Net can be challenged to a NetBattles.
Normal Navis
Location Navi HP
Internet 1 NormalNavi 300
Internet 3 NormalNavi V2 600
Internet 4 NormalNavi V2 600
Internet 5 NormalNavi V2 600
Internet 6 NormalNavi V2 600
Internet 6 NormalNavi V3 800
Internet 8 NormalNavi 300
Internet 8 NormalNavi V2 600
Toy Box Comp NormalNavi V2 600
Golf Course Comp 2 NormalNavi V3 800
Mower Comp NormalNavi V3 800
Internet 9 NormalNavi 300
Internet 9 NormalNavi V2 600
Internet 12 NormalNavi SP 1200
Undernet 4 NormalNavi V3 800
Heel Navis
Location Navi HP
Internet 2 HeelNavi SP 1300
Internet 4 HeelNavi V2 700
Internet 5 HeelNavi 400
Internet 8 HeelNavi 400
Internet 8 HeelNavi V3 900
Golf Course Comp 2 HeelNavi V2 700
Golf Course Comp 2 HeelNavi V3 900
Internet 11 HeelNavi 400
Internet 11 HeelNavi V3 900
Internet 12 HeelNavi V3 900
Undernet 1 HeelNavi 400
Undernet 1 HeelNavi V3 900
Undernet 2 HeelNavi 400
Undernet 2 HeelNavi SP 1300
Undernet 3 HeelNavi SP 1300
Undernet 4 HeelNavi V2 700
Undernet 4 HeelNavi V3 900
Undernet 4 HeelNavi V3 900
Urban Ruins Comp 1 HeelNavi V2 700
Urban Ruins Comp 1 HeelNavi V3 900
Urban Ruins Comp 2 HeelNavi 400
Urban Ruins Comp 2 HeelNavi 400
Urban Ruins Comp 2 HeelNavi SP 1300
Virus Breeders
Location Viruses
Internet 4 MettEX, MettEX, Moloko
Toy Box Comp MettEX, MettEx, MettEX
Car Comp 2 BillyEX, BillyEX, DharmaEX
Internet 10 CirKillEX, MelodyEX, CirKillEX
Urban Ruins Comp 1 VulGear, Shrimpy2, Tromby
Pipe Organ Comp (Left) Milko, Walland
Pipe Organ Comp (Right) Mettaur2, Bark


  • (Weekends) You can participate in the Silver, Gold, Official, or Under Tournament.
  • Fightable Navis:
    • GutsMan - Internet 2.
    • WindMan - Internet 5.
    • JunkMan - Internet 8.
    • KnightMan - Internet 11.

Special greeting messages

This section is under construction.
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate.
Check Setsubun and if National Foundation day is only for players that picked school.

If the PET menu is opened during special days, each Navi will give a special dialogue related to that day.

  • New Year’s Day (January 1st)
  • Setsubun (February 3rd)
  • Japan’s National Foundation Day (February 11th)
  • Valentine’s Day (February 14th)
  • Hinamatsuri (March 3rd)
  • Children’s Day (May 5th)
  • Tanabata (July 7th)
  • Christmas Eve (December 24th)
  • Christmas (December 25th)
  • New Year’s Eve (December 31st)
  • Player’s birthday