BattleChip Info (EXE4.5): Difference between revisions

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

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(50 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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These are the BattleChips available in Rockman EXE 4.5. Due to the game not having an official English version, the names from Battle Network 4 will be used.
Information regarding the BattleChips available in [[Rockman EXE 4.5]]. Due to the game not having an official English version, the names from Battle Network 4 will be used.

*GMD = Green Mystery Data
{| class="wikitable"
*BMD = Blue Mystery Data
*PMD = Purple Mystery Data
|Gauge||In Operation Battle, this chip will consume your Custom Gauge depending on its BattleChip class.
|Sword||The attack is considered as a Sword attack, even if it's not its primary element. It will trigger the AntiSwrd chip.
|Break||The attack is considered as a Break attack, even if it's not its primary element. It will pierce through guards and obstacles.
|Pierce||The attack can go through enemies and obstacles.
|Pierces Invis||The attack can affect enemies through the Invisible status.
|Pierces Underground||The attack can affect enemies underground such as the PopUp chip.

==Standard Class Chips==
==Standard Class Chips==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!ID #||BattleChip||Location||Rarity
!ID||Name||Element||Atk||Gauge||! class="wikitable unsortable" | Properties||MB||Rarity
|024||GunSol1||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||15||★★
|025||GunSol2||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||25||★★★
|026||GunSol3||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||35||★★★★
|027||Blizzard||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|Aqua||100||yes||Pierces Underground||26||★★
|028||HeatBrth||data-sort-value="01Fire"|Fire||90||yes||Pierces Underground||30||★★
|029||ElecShok||data-sort-value="03Elec"|Elec||80||yes||Pierces Underground||40||★★★
|030||WoodPwdr||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||100||yes||Pierces Underground||40||★★★
|042||Tornado||data-sort-value="11Wind"|Wind||20||yes||Pierces Underground||22||★★★
|043||Static||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||20||yes||Pierces Underground||30||★★★
|044||MiniBomb||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||50||yes||Pierces Underground||5||★
|045||EnergBom||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||40||yes||Pierces Underground||11||★★★
|046||MegEnBom||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||60||yes||Pierces Underground||30||★★★★
|047||Ball||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||140||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||30||★★★
|056||LongSwrd||data-sort-value="07Sword"|Sword||80||yes||Sword, Pierce||25||★★★
|058||LongBlde||data-sort-value="07Sword"|Sword||130||yes||Sword, Pierce||40||★★★★
|060||VarSwrd||data-sort-value="07Sword"|Sword||150||yes||Sword, Pierce||60||★★★★
|063||AirHoc1||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||50||yes||Pierce, Break||20||★
|064||AirHoc2||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||60||yes||Pierce, Break||30||★★
|065||AirHoc3||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||70||yes||Pierce, Break||40||★★★
|001||Cannon||Starter Folder; Chip Trader; Special Chip Trader||★
|082||CircGun1||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||80||yes||Pierces Underground||28||★
|083||CircGun2||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||100||yes||Pierces Underground||40||★★
|084||CircGun3||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||120||yes||Pierces Underground||52||★★★
|086||Magnum||data-sort-value="09Crack"|Panel Destruction||130||yes||Pierces Underground||52||★★★
|087||BigHamr1||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||160||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||22||★
|088||BigHamr2||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||220||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||33||★★
|089||BigHamr3||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||280||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||44||★★★
|094||Mine||data-sort-value="10Summon"|Summon||300||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||42||★★★
|102||VDoll||data-sort-value="10Summon"|Summon||---||no||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||58||★★★★
|103||Guard1||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||50||no||Pierces Underground||4||★
|104||Guard2||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||80||no||Pierces Underground||10||★★
|105||Guard3||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||110||no||Pierces Underground||16||★★★
|106||CrakOut||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||---||no||None||4||★
|107||DublCrak||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||---||no||None||7||★
|108||TripCrak||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||---||no||None||10||★
|118||PanlGrab||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||no||Pierces Underground||6||★
|119||AreaGrab||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||no||Pierces Underground||8||★
|120||MetaGel||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|Aqua||120||yes||Pierces Underground||52||★★★★
|121||GrabBnsh||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Pierces Underground||24||★★★
|122||GrabRvng||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Pierces Underground||48||★★★★
|124||Geddon1||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||---||yes||None||34||★★★
|125||Geddon2||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||---||yes||None||47||★★★
|129||Blinder||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||no||Pierces Invis||9||★★
|130||NrthWind||data-sort-value="11Wind"|Wind||---||no||Break, Pierces Invis||33||★★★
|138||AntiFire||data-sort-value="01Fire"|Fire||200||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||58||★★★
|139||AntiWatr||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|Aqua||200||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||54||★★★
|140||AntiElec||data-sort-value="03Elec"|Elec||200||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||59||★★★
|141||AntiWood||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||200||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||55||★★★
|145||AntiRecv||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Pierces Invis||37||★★★
|147||LifeSync||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Break, Pierces Invis||12||★★
|148||Atk+10||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||---||no||None||6||★
|149||Navi+20||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||---||no||None||36||★★★
|150||ColorPt||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||---||no||None||25||★★
|160||SeekBom1||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||80||yes||Pierces Underground||25||★★
|161||SeekBom2||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||110||yes||Pierces Underground||35||★★★
|162||SeekBom3||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||140||yes||Pierces Underground||45||★★★★
|163||Meteors1||data-sort-value="01Fire"|Fire||50||yes||Pierces Underground||15||★★
|164||Meteors2||data-sort-value="01Fire"|Fire||60||yes||Pierces Underground||23||★★★
|165||Meteors3||data-sort-value="01Fire"|Fire||70||yes||Pierces Underground||31||★★★★
|175||MetlGer1||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||100||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||20||★★
|176||MetlGer2||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||130||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||28||★★★
|177||MetlGer3||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||160||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||36||★★★★
|178||PanlSht1||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||100||yes||None||19||★★
|179||PanlSht2||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||60||yes||None||25||★★★
|180||PanlSht3||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||80||yes||None||31||★★★★
|181||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|AquaUp1||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|Aqua||110||yes||Pierces Underground||22||★★
|182||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|AquaUp2||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|Aqua||140||yes||Pierces Underground||28||★★★
|183||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|AquaUp3||data-sort-value="02Aqua"|Aqua||170||yes||Pierces Underground||34||★★★★
|184||GreenWd1||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||120||yes||None, Pierces Underground||35||★★
|185||GreenWd2||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||140||yes||None, Pierces Underground||40||★★★
|186||GreenWd3||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||160||yes||None, Pierces Underground||45||★★★★
|189||CannBall||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||40||★★★★★
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
*Static and Hole are no longer EvilChips.
*Static and Hole are no longer EvilChips.
*WoodPwdr no longer just flinches the enemy, it now gives invisible status to them.
*WoodPwdr no longer just flinches the enemy, it now cause flashing.
*GunSol chip series no longer requires holding down the A button. Also, it can no longer increase in attack power. It will always deliver its lowest damage from 4.
*GunSol chip series no longer requires holding down the A button. Also, it can no longer increase in attack power. It will always deliver its lowest damage from 4.
*VarSword no longer requires input and will deliver a command input on its own.
*VarSword no longer requires input and will deliver a command input on its own.
*Counter chip series now requires to be slot in at the moment the counter frames are up, the Navi no longer holds on to it until the enemy are in their counter frames.
*Stolen area doesn’t reset the Grab timer, so you will lose the stolen area even if you just stole them.
*SloGauge does not affect your opponent's gauge.
*SloGauge does not affect your opponent's gauge.
*NumberBl chip series now deliver one less hit.
*NumbrBl chip series now deliver one less hit.
*Marking now disables the Navi's Buster.
*Marking now disables the Navi's Buster.

==Mega Class Chips==
==Mega Class Chips==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!ID #||BattleChip||Attack||Location||Rarity
!ID||Name||Element||Atk||Gauge||! class="wikitable unsortable" | Properties||MB||Rarity
|003||ShotStar||data-sort-value="01Fire"|Fire||40||yes||Pierces Underground||73||★★★★★
|001||SuprVulc||10||Internet 8 NetDealer||★★★★
|004||GodHammr||data-sort-value="10Summon"|Summon||250||yes||Pierces Underground||68||★★★★
|002||NeoVari||240||Undernet 2 PMD; Battle Friday-1200HP NormlNavi (LV9~S)||★★★★★
|005||Guardian||data-sort-value="10Summon"|Summon||200||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||64||★★★★
|006||Jealousy||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||80||no||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||35||★★★★
|007||BugChain||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||59||★★★★★
|012||Atk+30||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||---||no||None||63||★★★★
|013||DblPoint||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||---||no||None||50||★★★★
|014||Muramasa||(MaxHP - HP)||Place||★★★★★
|019||Roll||20||Roll (LV5~S); Rollα (LV5~7); Rollβ (LV5~7); RollΩ (LV5~7)||★★★★
|022||GutsMan||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||80||yes||None||32||★★★★
|020||RollSP||55||Rollβ (LV9~S); RollΩ (LV9~S)||★★★★★
|023||GutsMnSP||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||150||yes||None||68||★★★★★
|021||RollDS||30 ~ 80||Rollα (LV7~S); Rollβ (LV7~10); RollΩ (LV9~S)||★★★★★
|024||GutsMnDS||data-sort-value="09Crack"| Panel Destruction ||100~200||yes||None||68||★★★★★
|085||BlakWeap||---||Urban Ruins Comp 1 PMD||★★★★★
|025||WindMan||data-sort-value="11Wind"|Wind||40||yes||Pierces Underground||48||★★★★
|026||WindMnSP||data-sort-value="11Wind"|Wind||75||yes||Pierces Underground||64||★★★★★
|027||WindMnDS||data-sort-value="11Wind"|Wind||50~100||yes||Pierces Underground||64||★★★★★
|028||SerchMan||data-sort-value="08Invisible"|Invisible||20||yes||Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||45||★★★★
|029||SrchMnSP||data-sort-value="08Invisible"|Invisible||50||yes||Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||70||★★★★★
|030||SrchMnDS||data-sort-value="08Invisible"|Invisible||25~75||yes||Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||70||★★★★★
|034||ThunMan||data-sort-value="03Elec"|Elec||90||yes||Pierces Underground||48||★★★★
|035||ThunMnSP||data-sort-value="03Elec"|Elec||170||yes||Pierces Underground||68||★★★★★
|036||ThunMnDS||data-sort-value="03Elec"|Elec||120~220||yes||Pierces Underground||68||★★★★★
|040||NumbrMan||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||30||yes||None||33||★★★★
|041||NumbrMnSP||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||65||yes||None||66||★★★★★
|042||NumbrMnDS||data-sort-value="06Plus"|Bonus Point||40~90||yes||None||66||★★★★★
|043||MetalMan||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||160||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||52||★★★★
|044||MetlMnSP||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||250||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||74||★★★★★
|045||MetlMnDS||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||200~300||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||74||★★★★★
|052||WoodMan||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||130||yes||Pierces Underground||50||★★★★
|053||WoodMnSP||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||200||yes||Pierces Underground||76||★★★★★
|054||WoodMnDS||data-sort-value="04Wood"|Wood||150~250||yes||Pierces Underground||76||★★★★★
|055||TopMan||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||20||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||54||★★★★
|056||TopMnSP||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||55||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||71||★★★★★
|057||TopMnDS||data-sort-value="12Break"|Break||30~80||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||71||★★★★★
|064||ShadeMan||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||120||yes||Pierces Invis||73||★★★★
|065||ShadMnSP||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||190||yes||Pierces Invis||88||★★★★★
|066||ShadMnDS||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||140~240||yes||Pierces Invis||88||★★★★★
|070||LaserMan||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||100||no||Pierce, Pierces Invis||60||★★★★
|071||LasrMnSP||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||170||yes||Pierce, Pierces Invis||80||★★★★★
|072||LasrMnDS||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||120~220||yes||Pierce, Pierces Invis||80||★★★★★
|079||GunSolEX||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||---||yes||Pierce, Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||80||★★★★
|080||Z Saver||data-sort-value="07Sword"|Sword||100||yes||Sword||80||★★★★★
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
Line 198: Line 590:
*SP Navi Chips can no longer increase in attack power.
*SP Navi Chips can no longer increase in attack power.
*NeoVari no longer requires input and will deliver a command input on its own.
*NeoVari no longer requires input and will deliver a command input on its own.
*Anubis no longer removes invisible status nor drain HP through invisible status.
*Anubis no longer removes invisible status nor drain HP through Invisible status.
*LaserMan chip series cannot power down the enemy.
*The BurnMan chip series are moved in the Library from before ShadeMan's chips to after. However, the chips are not moved around in the Folder's chip ordering.
*GunSolEX no longer requires holding down the A button. Also, it can no longer increase in attack power. It will always deliver its lowest damage from 4.
*FireMan chip series do not have their [[Command Codes|Command Code]].
*BlakWeap no longer increased the Navi's Buster ATK to 10, now it only increases it by 5.
*LaserMan chip series do not have their [[Command Codes|Command Code]].
*GunSolEX chips no longer requires holding down the A button. Also, it can no longer increase in attack power. It will always deliver its lowest damage from 4.
*BlakWeap no longer increases the Navi's Buster ATK to 10, now it only increases it by 5.

==Giga Class Chips==
==Giga Class Chips==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!ID #||BattleChip||Attack||Location||Rarity
!ID||Name||Element||Atk||Gauge||! class="wikitable unsortable" | Properties||MB||Rarity
|001||RedSun||300||StarManΩ (LV9~S)||★★★★★
|001||RedSun||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||300||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||90||★★★★★
|002||HolyDrem||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||50||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||92||★★★★★
|003||Bass||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||60||yes||Pierces Underground||95||★★★★★
|006||BlueMoon||400||StarManΩ (LV9~S)||★★★★★
|006||BlueMoon||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||400||yes||Break, Pierces Underground||90||★★★★★
|007||SignlRed||data-sort-value="10Summon"|Summon||---||yes||Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground||61||★★★★★
|008||BassAnly||data-sort-value="13Null"|None||160||yes||Pierces Underground||95||★★★★★
|011||FinalGun||---||Internet 11 NetDealer||★★★★★
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
*BugCharg, BugCurse,and BlakBarr are no longer EvilChips.
*BugCharg, BugCurse, and BlakBarr are no longer EvilChips.
*RedSun and BlueMoon can no longer increase in attack power.
*RedSun and BlueMoon can no longer increase in attack power.
*BugCharg can no longer increase the number of hits by the number of passing turns. It now will always shoot 5 times.
*BugCharg can no longer increase the number of hits by the number of passing turns. It now will always shoot 5 times.
*DeltaRay no longer requires inputs.
*DeltaRay no longer requires inputs.
==Program Advances==
===Changes from Battle Network 4===
*BodyGuard now cracks panels it lands on.
*DarkNeo is no longer an EvilChip.
*The Japanese guidebook has some errors:
**Muramasa says it peaks at 256 attack power, when it can go up to 999.
**LaserMan chip series is said to all not consume the gauge. However in the game, only the first version LaserMan chip will consume the gauge.

[[Category:Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation]] [[Category:BattleChips]]
[[Category:Rockman EXE 4.5: Real Operation]] [[Category:BattleChips]]

Revision as of 10:33, 23 October 2023

Information regarding the BattleChips available in Rockman EXE 4.5. Due to the game not having an official English version, the names from Battle Network 4 will be used.

Terminology Meaning
Gauge In Operation Battle, this chip will consume your Custom Gauge depending on its BattleChip class.
Sword The attack is considered as a Sword attack, even if it's not its primary element. It will trigger the AntiSwrd chip.
Break The attack is considered as a Break attack, even if it's not its primary element. It will pierce through guards and obstacles.
Pierce The attack can go through enemies and obstacles.
Pierces Invis The attack can affect enemies through the Invisible status.
Pierces Underground The attack can affect enemies underground such as the PopUp chip.

Standard Class Chips

ID Name Element Atk Gauge Properties MB Rarity
001 Cannon None 40 yes None 8
002 HiCannon None 80 yes None 24 ★★
003 M-Cannon None 120 yes None 40 ★★★
004 AirShot Wind 20 no None 6 ★★
005 Vulcan1 None 10 yes Pierce 6
006 Vulcan2 None 10 yes Pierce 18 ★★
007 Vulcan3 None 10 yes Pierce 30 ★★★
008 Spreader None 30 yes None 10 ★★
009 HeatShot Fire 40 yes None 8
010 Heat-V Fire 70 yes None 22 ★★
011 HeatSide Fire 100 yes None 44 ★★★
012 Bubbler Aqua 50 yes None 12
013 Bub-V Aqua 80 yes None 22 ★★
014 BubSide Aqua 110 yes None 44 ★★★
015 Thunder1 Elec 40 yes None 7
016 Thunder2 Elec 60 yes None 18 ★★
017 Thunder3 Elec 80 yes None 33 ★★★
018 WideSht1 Aqua 60 yes None 10
019 WideSht2 Aqua 80 yes None 30 ★★
020 WideSht3 Aqua 100 yes None 50 ★★★
021 FlmLine1 Fire 70 yes None 18
022 FlmLine2 Fire 120 yes None 26 ★★
023 FlmLine3 Fire 170 yes None 54 ★★★
024 GunSol1 None --- yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 15 ★★
025 GunSol2 None --- yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 25 ★★★
026 GunSol3 None --- yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 35 ★★★★
027 Blizzard Aqua 100 yes Pierces Underground 26 ★★
028 HeatBrth Fire 90 yes Pierces Underground 30 ★★
029 ElecShok Elec 80 yes Pierces Underground 40 ★★★
030 WoodPwdr Wood 100 yes Pierces Underground 40 ★★★
031 SandRing None --- no None 8 ★★
032 TwnFng1 None 70 yes None 13
033 TwnFng2 None 100 yes None 26 ★★
034 TwnFng3 None 130 yes None 39 ★★★
035 ElemFlar Fire 100 yes Pierce 24 ★★★
036 ElemIce Aqua 100 yes Pierce 24 ★★★
037 ElemLeaf Wood 80 yes Pierce 24 ★★★
038 ElemSand None 120 yes Pierce 24 ★★★
039 MagBolt1 Elec 90 yes None 18
040 MagBolt2 Elec 110 yes None 28 ★★
041 MagBolt3 Elec 130 yes None 38 ★★★
042 Tornado Wind 20 yes Pierces Underground 22 ★★★
043 Static None 20 yes Pierces Underground 30 ★★★
044 MiniBomb None 50 yes Pierces Underground 5
045 EnergBom None 40 yes Pierces Underground 11 ★★★
046 MegEnBom None 60 yes Pierces Underground 30 ★★★★
047 Ball Break 140 yes Break, Pierces Underground 30 ★★★
048 BlkBomb Fire 210 yes Break 55 ★★★★
049 Geyser Aqua 200 yes None 38 ★★★★
050 BugBomb None --- yes None 30 ★★★
051 Binder1 None 60 yes None 10
052 Binder2 None 80 yes None 17 ★★
053 Binder3 None 100 yes None 24 ★★★
054 Sword Sword 80 yes Sword 9
055 WideSwrd Sword 80 yes Sword 16 ★★
056 LongSwrd Sword 80 yes Sword, Pierce 25 ★★★
057 WideBlde Sword 130 yes Sword 38 ★★★★
058 LongBlde Sword 130 yes Sword, Pierce 40 ★★★★
059 CustSwrd Sword 0~256 no Sword 20 ★★★
060 VarSwrd Sword 150 yes Sword, Pierce 60 ★★★★
061 Slasher Sword 240 yes Sword 18 ★★★
062 WindRack Wind 100 yes None 23 ★★★
063 AirHoc1 Break 50 yes Pierce, Break 20
064 AirHoc2 Break 60 yes Pierce, Break 30 ★★
065 AirHoc3 Break 70 yes Pierce, Break 40 ★★★
066 Counter1 None 70 no None 14 ★★★
067 Counter2 None 110 no None 28 ★★★
068 Counter3 None 150 no None 42 ★★★
069 Boomer1 Wood 60 yes Pierce 16
070 Boomer2 Wood 80 yes Pierce 28 ★★
071 Boomer3 Wood 100 yes Pierce 40 ★★★
072 SidBmbo1 Wood 80 yes Pierce 14
073 SidBmbo2 Wood 110 yes Pierce 22 ★★
074 SidBmbo3 Wood 140 yes Pierce 30 ★★★
075 Lance Wood 130 yes None 42 ★★★★
076 WhitWeb1 Wood 40 yes None 26
077 WhitWeb2 Wood 40 yes None 36 ★★
078 WhitWeb3 Wood 40 yes None 46 ★★★
079 MokoRus1 None 60 yes None 14
080 MokoRus2 None 90 yes None 28 ★★
081 MokoRus3 None 120 yes None 42 ★★★
082 CircGun1 None 80 yes Pierces Underground 28
083 CircGun2 None 100 yes Pierces Underground 40 ★★
084 CircGun3 None 120 yes Pierces Underground 52 ★★★
085 Snake None 20 yes None 60 ★★★★
086 Magnum Panel Destruction 130 yes Pierces Underground 52 ★★★
087 BigHamr1 Break 160 yes Break, Pierces Underground 22
088 BigHamr2 Break 220 yes Break, Pierces Underground 33 ★★
089 BigHamr3 Break 280 yes Break, Pierces Underground 44 ★★★
090 BoyBomb1 Summon 220 yes None 30
091 BoyBomb2 Summon 250 yes None 40 ★★
092 BoyBomb3 Summon 280 yes None 50 ★★★
093 TimeBomb Summon 150 yes None 55 ★★★
094 Mine Summon 300 yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 42 ★★★
095 RockCube Summon --- no Break 6
096 Wind Wind --- no None 10 ★★
097 Fan Wind --- no None 10 ★★
098 Fanfare Summon --- yes Break 20 ★★
099 Discord Summon --- yes Break 20 ★★
100 Timpani Summon --- yes Break 20 ★★
101 Silence Summon --- yes Break 20 ★★
102 VDoll Summon --- no Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 58 ★★★★
103 Guard1 None 50 no Pierces Underground 4
104 Guard2 None 80 no Pierces Underground 10 ★★
105 Guard3 None 110 no Pierces Underground 16 ★★★
106 CrakOut Panel Destruction --- no None 4
107 DublCrak Panel Destruction --- no None 7
108 TripCrak Panel Destruction --- no None 10
109 Recov10 Recovery --- yes None 8
110 Recov30 Recovery --- yes None 16
111 Recov50 Recovery --- yes None 24
112 Recov80 Recovery --- yes None 32 ★★
113 Recov120 Recovery --- yes None 40 ★★
114 Recov150 Recovery --- yes None 48 ★★★
115 Recov200 Recovery --- yes None 56 ★★★
116 Recov300 Recovery --- yes None 64 ★★★★
117 Repair Recovery --- no None 5
118 PanlGrab None --- no Pierces Underground 6
119 AreaGrab None --- no Pierces Underground 8
120 MetaGel Aqua 120 yes Pierces Underground 52 ★★★★
121 GrabBnsh None --- yes Pierces Underground 24 ★★★
122 GrabRvng None --- yes Pierces Underground 48 ★★★★
123 PnlRetrn None --- no None 14 ★★
124 Geddon1 Panel Destruction --- yes None 34 ★★★
125 Geddon2 Panel Destruction --- yes None 47 ★★★
126 Geddon3 None --- yes None 62 ★★★★
127 SloGauge None --- no None 22 ★★★
128 FstGauge None --- no None 32 ★★★
129 Blinder None --- no Pierces Invis 9 ★★
130 NrthWind Wind --- no Break, Pierces Invis 33 ★★★
131 HolyPanl None --- no None 24 ★★
132 Hole None --- no None 23 ★★★
133 Invis Invisible --- no None 12 ★★★
134 PopUp Invisible --- no None 21 ★★★
135 Barrier None --- no None 7 ★★
136 Barr100 None --- yes None 27 ★★★
137 Barr200 None --- yes None 47 ★★★★
138 AntiFire Fire 200 yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 58 ★★★
139 AntiWatr Aqua 200 yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 54 ★★★
140 AntiElec Elec 200 yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 59 ★★★
141 AntiWood Wood 200 yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 55 ★★★
142 AntiDmg None 120 yes Sword 31 ★★★
143 AntiSwrd Sword 100 yes Sword 43 ★★★
144 AntiNavi None --- yes None 44 ★★★★
145 AntiRecv None --- yes Pierces Invis 37 ★★★
146 CopyDmg None --- yes Break 12 ★★
147 LifeSync None --- yes Break, Pierces Invis 12 ★★
148 Atk+10 Bonus Point --- no None 6
149 Navi+20 Bonus Point --- no None 36 ★★★
150 ColorPt Bonus Point --- no None 25 ★★
151 RollAro1 None 50 yes None 32 ★★
152 RollAro2 None 70 yes None 38 ★★★
153 RollAro3 None 90 yes None 44 ★★★★
154 GutPnch1 None 100 yes None 22 ★★
155 GutPnch2 None 140 yes None 36 ★★★
156 GutPnch3 None 180 yes None 50 ★★★★
157 PropBom1 None 120 yes None 18 ★★
158 PropBom2 None 160 yes None 26 ★★★
159 PropBom3 None 200 yes None 34 ★★★★
160 SeekBom1 None 80 yes Pierces Underground 25 ★★
161 SeekBom2 None 110 yes Pierces Underground 35 ★★★
162 SeekBom3 None 140 yes Pierces Underground 45 ★★★★
163 Meteors1 Fire 50 yes Pierces Underground 15 ★★
164 Meteors2 Fire 60 yes Pierces Underground 23 ★★★
165 Meteors3 Fire 70 yes Pierces Underground 31 ★★★★
166 Ligtnin1 Elec 100 yes None 37 ★★
167 Ligtnin2 Elec 130 yes None 33 ★★★
168 Ligtnin3 Elec 160 yes None 39 ★★★★
169 HawkCut1 Sword 80 yes Sword 40 ★★
170 HawkCut2 Sword 90 yes Sword 50 ★★★
171 HawkCut3 Sword 100 yes Sword 60 ★★★★
172 NumbrBl1 None 0-99 yes None 28 ★★
173 NumbrBl2 None 0-99 yes None 35 ★★★
174 NumbrBl3 None 0-99 yes None 42 ★★★★
175 MetlGer1 Break 100 yes Break, Pierces Underground 20 ★★
176 MetlGer2 Break 130 yes Break, Pierces Underground 28 ★★★
177 MetlGer3 Break 160 yes Break, Pierces Underground 36 ★★★★
178 PanlSht1 Panel Destruction 100 yes None 19 ★★
179 PanlSht2 Panel Destruction 60 yes None 25 ★★★
180 PanlSht3 Panel Destruction 80 yes None 31 ★★★★
181 AquaUp1 Aqua 110 yes Pierces Underground 22 ★★
182 AquaUp2 Aqua 140 yes Pierces Underground 28 ★★★
183 AquaUp3 Aqua 170 yes Pierces Underground 34 ★★★★
184 GreenWd1 Wood 120 yes None, Pierces Underground 35 ★★
185 GreenWd2 Wood 140 yes None, Pierces Underground 40 ★★★
186 GreenWd3 Wood 160 yes None, Pierces Underground 45 ★★★★
187 Marking None --- no None 10 ★★★★★
188 CannMode None --- yes None 30 ★★★★★
189 CannBall None --- yes Break, Pierces Underground 40 ★★★★★
190 SwrdMode None --- yes Sword 50 ★★★★★

Changes from Battle Network 4

  • Static and Hole are no longer EvilChips.
  • WoodPwdr no longer just flinches the enemy, it now cause flashing.
  • GunSol chip series no longer requires holding down the A button. Also, it can no longer increase in attack power. It will always deliver its lowest damage from 4.
  • VarSword no longer requires input and will deliver a command input on its own.
  • Counter chip series now requires to be slot in at the moment the counter frames are up, the Navi no longer holds on to it until the enemy are in their counter frames.
  • Stolen area doesn’t reset the Grab timer, so you will lose the stolen area even if you just stole them.
  • SloGauge does not affect your opponent's gauge.
  • NumbrBl chip series now deliver one less hit.
  • Marking now disables the Navi's Buster.

Mega Class Chips

ID Name Element Atk Gauge Properties MB Rarity
001 SuprVulc None 10 yes Pierce 75 ★★★★
002 NeoVari Sword 240 yes Sword 74 ★★★★★
003 ShotStar Fire 40 yes Pierces Underground 73 ★★★★★
004 GodHammr Summon 250 yes Pierces Underground 68 ★★★★
005 Guardian Summon 200 yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 64 ★★★★
006 Jealousy None 80 no Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 35 ★★★★
007 BugChain None --- yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 59 ★★★★★
008 BugFix None --- no None 62 ★★★★
009 FullCust None --- no None 45 ★★★★
010 LifeAura None --- yes None 70 ★★★★★
011 Snctuary None --- yes None 62 ★★★★
012 Atk+30 Bonus Point --- no None 63 ★★★★
013 DblPoint Bonus Point --- no None 50 ★★★★
014 Muramasa Sword 0~999 yes Sword 81 ★★★★★
015 Anubis Summon --- yes None 86 ★★★★★
016 ElemDark None 220 yes None 38 ★★★★
017 BlakWing None 20 yes None 58 ★★★★
018 DrkLine None --- no None 59 ★★★★
019 Roll Recovery 20 yes None 28 ★★★★
020 RollSP Recovery 55 yes None 60 ★★★★★
021 RollDS Recovery 30~80 yes None 60 ★★★★★
022 GutsMan Panel Destruction 80 yes None 32 ★★★★
023 GutsMnSP Panel Destruction 150 yes None 68 ★★★★★
024 GutsMnDS Panel Destruction 100~200 yes None 68 ★★★★★
025 WindMan Wind 40 yes Pierces Underground 48 ★★★★
026 WindMnSP Wind 75 yes Pierces Underground 64 ★★★★★
027 WindMnDS Wind 50~100 yes Pierces Underground 64 ★★★★★
028 SerchMan Invisible 20 yes Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 45 ★★★★
029 SrchMnSP Invisible 50 yes Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 70 ★★★★★
030 SrchMnDS Invisible 25~75 yes Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 70 ★★★★★
031 FireMan Fire 100 yes Pierce 36 ★★★★
032 FireMnSP Fire 200 yes Pierce 72 ★★★★★
033 FireMnDS Fire 150~250 yes Pierce 72 ★★★★★
034 ThunMan Elec 90 yes Pierces Underground 48 ★★★★
035 ThunMnSP Elec 170 yes Pierces Underground 68 ★★★★★
036 ThunMnDS Elec 120~220 yes Pierces Underground 68 ★★★★★
037 ProtoMan Sword 100 yes Sword 54 ★★★★
038 ProtoMSP Sword 190 yes Sword 79 ★★★★★
039 ProtoMDS Sword 140~240 yes Sword 79 ★★★★★
040 NumbrMan Bonus Point 30 yes None 33 ★★★★
041 NumbrMnSP Bonus Point 65 yes None 66 ★★★★★
042 NumbrMnDS Bonus Point 40~90 yes None 66 ★★★★★
043 MetalMan Break 160 yes Break, Pierces Underground 52 ★★★★
044 MetlMnSP Break 250 yes Break, Pierces Underground 74 ★★★★★
045 MetlMnDS Break 200~300 yes Break, Pierces Underground 74 ★★★★★
046 JunkMan Summon 100 yes Break 80 ★★★★
047 JunkMnSP Summon 150 yes Break 80 ★★★★★
048 JunkMnDS Summon 100~200 yes Break 80 ★★★★★
049 AquaMan Aqua 70 yes None 41 ★★★★
050 AquaMnSP Aqua 130 yes None 63 ★★★★★
051 AquaMnDS Aqua 80~180 yes None 63 ★★★★★
052 WoodMan Wood 130 yes Pierces Underground 50 ★★★★
053 WoodMnSP Wood 200 yes Pierces Underground 76 ★★★★★
054 WoodMnDS Wood 150~250 yes Pierces Underground 76 ★★★★★
055 TopMan Break 20 yes Break, Pierces Underground 54 ★★★★
056 TopMnSP Break 55 yes Break, Pierces Underground 71 ★★★★★
057 TopMnDS Break 30~80 yes Break, Pierces Underground 71 ★★★★★
058 ColdMan Aqua 100 yes Break 53 ★★★★
059 ColdManSP Aqua 180 yes Break 72 ★★★★★
060 ColdManDS Aqua 130~230 yes Break 72 ★★★★★
061 SparkMan Elec 70 yes None 55 ★★★★
062 SprkMnSP Elec 150 yes None 77 ★★★★★
063 SprkMnDS Elec 100~200 yes None 77 ★★★★★
064 ShadeMan None 120 yes Pierces Invis 73 ★★★★
065 ShadMnSP None 190 yes Pierces Invis 88 ★★★★★
066 ShadMnDS None 140~240 yes Pierces Invis 88 ★★★★★
067 BurnMan Fire 60 yes Pierce 46 ★★★★
068 BurnMnSP Fire 95 yes Pierce 69 ★★★★★
069 BurnMnDS Fire 70~120 yes Pierce 69 ★★★★★
070 LaserMan None 100 no Pierce, Pierces Invis 60 ★★★★
071 LasrMnSP None 170 yes Pierce, Pierces Invis 80 ★★★★★
072 LasrMnDS None 120~220 yes Pierce, Pierces Invis 80 ★★★★★
073 KendoMan None 70 yes None 45 ★★★★
074 KendMnSP None 105 yes None 75 ★★★★★
075 KendMnDS None 80~130 yes None 75 ★★★★★
076 VideoMan None 25 yes None 44 ★★★★
077 VideMnSP None 55 yes None 67 ★★★★★
078 VideMnDS None 30~80 yes None 67 ★★★★★
079 GunSolEX None --- yes Pierce, Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 80 ★★★★
080 Z Saver Sword 100 yes Sword 80 ★★★★★
081 FirePlus None --- no None 80 ★★★★★
082 ThunPlus None --- no None 80 ★★★★★
083 AquaPowr None --- no None 80 ★★★★★
084 WoodPowr None --- no None 80 ★★★★★
085 BlakWeap None --- yes None 64 ★★★★★

Changes from Battle Network 4

  • Muramasa, Anubis, ElemDark, BlakWing, DarkLine, and DS Navi Chips are no longer EvilChips.
  • SP Navi Chips can no longer increase in attack power.
  • NeoVari no longer requires input and will deliver a command input on its own.
  • Anubis no longer removes invisible status nor drain HP through Invisible status.
  • The BurnMan chip series are moved in the Library from before ShadeMan's chips to after. However, the chips are not moved around in the Folder's chip ordering.
  • FireMan chip series do not have their Command Code.
  • LaserMan chip series do not have their Command Code.
  • GunSolEX chips no longer requires holding down the A button. Also, it can no longer increase in attack power. It will always deliver its lowest damage from 4.
  • BlakWeap no longer increases the Navi's Buster ATK to 10, now it only increases it by 5.

Giga Class Chips

ID Name Element Atk Gauge Properties MB Rarity
001 RedSun None 300 yes Break, Pierces Underground 90 ★★★★★
002 HolyDrem None 50 yes Break, Pierces Underground 92 ★★★★★
003 Bass None 60 yes Pierces Underground 95 ★★★★★
004 BugCharg None 80 yes None 77 ★★★★★
005 BlakBarr None --- yes None 87 ★★★★★
006 BlueMoon None 400 yes Break, Pierces Underground 90 ★★★★★
007 SignlRed Summon --- yes Break, Pierces Invis, Pierces Underground 61 ★★★★★
008 BassAnly None 160 yes Pierces Underground 95 ★★★★★
009 BugCurse None --- yes Break 73 ★★★★★
010 DeltaRay Sword 260 yes Sword 82 ★★★★★
011 FinalGun None 50 yes Break 80 ★★★★★

Changes from Battle Network 4

  • BugCharg, BugCurse, and BlakBarr are no longer EvilChips.
  • RedSun and BlueMoon can no longer increase in attack power.
  • BugCharg can no longer increase the number of hits by the number of passing turns. It now will always shoot 5 times.
  • DeltaRay no longer requires inputs.

Program Advances

Changes from Battle Network 4

  • BodyGuard now cracks panels it lands on.
  • DarkNeo is no longer an EvilChip.


  • The Japanese guidebook has some errors:
    • Muramasa says it peaks at 256 attack power, when it can go up to 999.
    • LaserMan chip series is said to all not consume the gauge. However in the game, only the first version LaserMan chip will consume the gauge.