Glitches in Mega Man Battle Network 6
From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki
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These are the glitches for Mega Man Battle Network 6.
Major glitches
Select Chip glitch
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Old write-up. Please recheck. |
Log on a computer as a Link Navi. Replace the Regular Chip or Tag Chips with another chip in their slots. Without closing the menu, immediately enter a Network Duel, those chips will replace the original Regular and Tag Chips.
In the Legacy Collection, you cannot enter the Comm. menu at all while using a Link Navi.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
Tornado Plus Chip glitch
When certain Plus chips is attached to Tornado and used over an elemental panel, it won’t do their intended effect and instead a different additional boost will be added.
- WhiteCapsule: Instead of paralyzing, it will double the damage in addition to the doubled attack from the elemental panel.
- Uninstall: Instead of uninstalling, it will paralyze the enemy.
This is due an oversight due to changing Tornado’s boost from dealing double the number of hits to doing double the damage instead.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
B Button PowerAttack Boost glitch
This glitch applies to the following B Button PowerAttacks:
- Slash Cross' WideSlash
- Aqua Cross' BubbleShot
- TomahawkMan's TomahawkSwing
- 137-B002 Puffy (MMBN1) Patch Card's BubbleSpread
After using a chip with a "+" attack boost and no chip afterwards, their B Button PowerAttacks will gain AP equal to the boost of the chip that was used (e.g. Slash Cross base +50 boost will increase his B Button PowerAttack +50). Using another chip or the B Button attack will remove the glitch.
- This boost also applies if the chip was boosted by other attack boosters such as Attack+30, DoublePoint, Otenko, even other Cross' boosts like Charge Cross's +100 A Button Power Attack (e.g. Attack+30 plus the base+50 boost will increase his B Button PowerAttack +80).
- A x2 multiplier will not work for this glitch.
In later versions and the Legacy Collection, this glitch was fixed for Slash Cross and Aqua Cross, but the glitch remains for TomahawkMan and BubbleSpread.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes (but partially fixed) |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes (but partially fixed) |
Anubis progress lock
The Japanese version of the game contains a progression-halting oversight that can occur if you accept the "Self Request" Request BBS before opening the gate to Graveyard 2.
Finishing said quest requires a copy of the Anubis chip, which is obtained exclusively in Graveyard 2. However, opening Graveyard 2 requires that you obtain all Mega class chips, which includes all of ProtoMan's chips; but to fight ProtoMan SP, you need to have finished the bottom 25 quests on the Request BBS. Once you've accepted the Self Request BBS quest, you cannot complete any other quests until you finish it, which you cannot do if Graveyard 2 is inaccessible, so the quest becomes impossible to complete normally.
To get out of this situation, the player must obtain ProtoManEX and ProtoManSP through other methods:
- Trade from another game pak.
- Use the “Chaud's Mission” e-Reader Item Card.
- If none of the above can be done, the only remaining option is to try and get ProtoManEX from the Green Town Chip Trader Special, and get ProtoManSP from Graveyard 1 Gold Mystery Data.
In the English version of the game, this is not an issue since you don't need the M Comp mark to get to the Anubis PMD.
In the Legacy Collection, this issue is directly addressed in the Chaud's Mission Patch Card, recommending its use if this situation occurs. As the Item Card is now packaged as a bonus feature in the game, it is now easily accessible compared to before.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | No |
Legacy Collection | Mitigated |
A Button PowerAttack Carryover glitch
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Add more details about Slash Cross, mention differences in Slash Beast, test other beast forms, mention None chip into Beast Out interaction, investigate further in general |
There is a period where the charge of an A Button PowerAttack can be passed on to any chip. Release the charge while it is being buffered (i.e. the attack won't launch until MegaMan finishes moving), then immediately open the Custom Screen. Select any chip (even dimming chips) and that new chip will be used in the next chance MegaMan gets to launch a chip. The chip will obtain the added ability of that A Button PowerAttack.
This works with:
- Slash Cross: This will transform the chip into a special attack depending on the chip. Some chips may crash the game.
- Elec Cross: The chip will cause paralysis.
- Ground Cross: Rocks will fall when the chip is used.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
ElementTrap glitches
Double ElementTrap lock
When both sides have an ElementTrap chip active, then if 1 player uses an elemental dimming chip and the other player cuts in their own elemental dimming chip, both ElementTraps will attempt to trigger at the same time and the battle will soft-lock. The game will require a reset.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | No |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
VDoll ElementTrap lock
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Investigate whether port priority matters. |
When you set up a ElementTrap and the opponent has placed a VDoll on the field, if the opponent triggers your ElementTrap and hits their VDoll at the same time, the game will soft-lock.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | No |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Cross Weakness ElementTrap glitch
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Investigate further. |
To achieve this glitch:
- P1 sets up an ElementTrap.
- P1 uses an dimming chip that removes the Cross of P2. P2 uses a dimming chip that triggers ElementTrap (Fire, Aqua, Elec, or Wood element). The chips should be used consecutively in a cut in. The order they are used does not matter.
After the screen-dim ends, ElementTrap will activate on the player, but the Cross loss animation will cancel out the screen-dim effect, and ElementTrap will happen in real time. Multiple factors such as port priority, objects on the field which can cause screen-dim (e.g. Guardian, V-Doll) activating, and ElementTrap activating on the Cross loss player's side can affect the success of this glitch. Or even cause different glitch effects.
While ElementTrap is activating in real time, dimming chips used will function in real time. It is possible for multiple screen-dims to play in real time if they are used in succession before all active screen-dims completely resolve. Under certain conditions, using dimming chips during this period can cause a softlock. It is also possible to open the Custom Screen and pause while a dimming chip is playing out in real time.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
B Button PowerAttack Invisible glitch
This glitch applies to Patch Cards that gives the B Button PowerAttack Invisible: 137-A008 Shadow and 137-B012 Momogra
When you use an attack (even abilities such as Shield), its attack parameters won’t be cleared before writing the time period of the Invisible PowerAttack. So the Invisible duration will partially inherit how long it lasts depending on the last attack. The RollingLog series and WideBurn Program Advance series provide an incredibly long Invisible period.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes (but inaccessible) |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
ChargeShot Addition glitch
When Patch Cards with the "ChargeShot Addition" ability is paired with "B PowerAttack: ChargeShot", the ChargeShot Addition ability's chance of activation becomes 100% instead of a random chance.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | ? |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
AntiRecovery Dimming oversight
Normally the trigger of Trap Chips cannot be cut in. However, if a dimming chip (e.g. Roll) triggers AntiRecovery, the triggered Trap can be cut in to. As a comparison, if a non-dimming chip triggers AntiRecovery, it cannot be cut in to.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
HackJckSP BattleChip oversight
In the NA/EU versions of the game, the content of the CountSP BattleChip was removed. However, they forgot to remove the CountSP reward from a Gold Mystery Data in Graveyard. So it is possible to obtain this chip in the NA/EU game legitimately under the name “HackJckSP”. The chip will have no chip image and attempting to use it in battle will crash the game (jumps to address 0x0000000).
Applies to: | |
Japanese | No |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
SlipRunner Walk glitch and lock
When the SlipRunner NPC is equipped, if you pressing A and B buttons at the same time while interacting with an object or NPC, MegaMan will maintain the slip state with full control. This can be cancelled by colliding with a wall or press B Button to do a normal slip. During this state:
- The player is unable to open the PET menu, press the L Button for dialogue, or jack out.
- MegaMan is unable to get random encounters.
- If MegaMan goes through a warp with it active, the game will softlock.
- In the Japanese version, triggering this using a Mystery Data will softlock the game. This is fixed in the English version of the game.
This glitch is fixed in the Virtual Console version of the game.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes (Fixed in VC) |
North American | Yes (partially fixed) (Fixed in VC) |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
DustCross suck in LittleBoiler glitch
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Investigate the exact frame needed to suck in |
If DustCross uses its B+Left suck in ability just as a LittleBoiler explodes, the LittleBoiler will rapidly spawn more LittleBoiler objects. This causes the game to run out of type 1 battle objects and available sprites, which results in rapid slowdown. This glitch can be used to cause the DoubleHero lock.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Decorative Battle Object Rendering Array Overflow
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Confirmed crashes on the triple SnakeArm fight in Graveyard 2 in the Legacy Collection, but is it the same glitch? |
Every frame, the game populates an array listing the battle objects to render, one array for each battle object type. There is no bounds checking on this array so it is possible to cause overflow if too many battle objects are rendered in a frame. While no meaningful corruption is possible with type 1 (usually viruses, navis, and player related) and type 3 (general purpose) objects, there is important data relating to player inputs after the array for type 4 (decorative) objects, which when corrupted, can cause crashes or bring up an unused Chip Gate textbox. This glitch is very rare and difficult to pull off because 35+ type 4 objects have to be rendered in a single frame to cause corruption, but the maximum number of type 4 objects is 32. So the only way to cause corruption is for the game to render some type 4 objects, free some type 4 objects, and then spawn new type 4 objects to be then rendered, all in a single frame, in order to render more objects than the 32 type 4 object limit.
This glitch is possible in fights with SnakeArms, as they produce many type 4 objects (explosions) upon defeat, due to each segment of the SnakeArm being its own object. Other setups may be possible.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
RushFood Count error
Usually, building a RushFood bridge requires 1 RushFood per square. In the English GBA version, building a bridge requires you to have 1 RushFood per square to trigger the dialogue, but it will only use up 1 RushFood upon completion.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | No |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
Minor glitches
Visual Errors
These are visual errors in the game that can be seen without taking special steps to make it happen.
BugFix Positioning quirk
While a Navi is using the BugFix chip, their sprite's shadow is slightly moved up during the animation. The positioning fixes itself after the animation.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | ? |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
HeatMan Throwing error
In HeatMan's throwing animation, his sprite's fire overlay animation doesn't line up.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Gregar/Falzar Chip Final Turn Custom Gauge error
When the Gregar or Falzar Chip is used in the final turn of a Network Duel, the Custom Gauge will erroneously reappear after being used, partially covered by the countdown.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | — |
European | — |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
DarkMech Overlay error
If MegaMan is blinded, the overlay for DarkMech when it shoots its thunder ball attack is visible. In the English GBA version, DarkMech remains invisible while MegaMan is blinded.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Text Errors
PulseBulb Virus Battler description
In the Japanese version, in PulseBulb's virus description in the Virus Battler, it states that its attack inflicts Confuse. However, this is incorrect, the attack inflicts Paralyze instead.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | No |
Legacy Collection | No |
Wide Burner Program Advance combination
In the Japanese version, the P.A. Memos for the Wide Burner Program Advances list that it needs three Wide Burner chips. This should be Hell's Burner.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | No |
Legacy Collection | No |
Chip Order error
In Tab’s Chip Order, the codes listed for Snake is ordered as HML instead of HLM, in alphabetical order like every other chip.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
ProtoMan Null Mode glitch
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Old sample. Redo and rewrite. |
When ProtoMan performs his TranceMove attack and collides with anything, it disables his collision until he reaches a new panel. But with Poison Pharaoh out on the field, the smoke makes contact first. He then loses collision and cannot move to another panel to get back. This is remedied with him doing the attack again with the PoisonPharaoh gone from the field.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
LittleBoiler glitches
SunMoon LittleBoiler glitch
Using the SunMoon Program Advance on a LittleBoiler causes the value on the LittleBoiler to disappear. Afterwards, the Kettle sprite spawns on all sorts of attacks, chip attacks, enemy attacks, etc.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
LittleBoiler HP oversight
LittleBoiler will automatically overheat if it is hit 3 times and deals damage equal to the HP shown on it. If it's hit with a dimming attack, its HP will continue to go up past the 3 hits. However, the damage dealt will only be equal to the HP it had during the 3rd hit.
In later versions, the shown HP stops increasing after the 3rd hit, now showing the correct HP equal to the maximum damage it would deal.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Kettle glitches
Kettle Bubble glitch
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Also works with the invincible Count in Boktai side-quest. Re-classify as a more general glitch due to status effects. |
If the Kettle that can only damaged by fire attacks is bubbled, then struck with a Thunder attack, it will glitch up the Kettle for a short period, It continuously pop the bubble multiple times and have the confused visual.
In later versions, the Kettle cannot be Bubbled.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Kettle Simultaneous Delete
If a Navi gets deleted by a Kettle virus' last ditch attack, the Navi still wins the battle and returns to the Field Screen with 1 HP intact.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
RareBox Encounter error
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Does this unlock WindBox in the Virus Battler if the BattlerCard is obtained later? |
In the Japanese versions of the game, the RareBox virus appears in Mr. Weather Comp 1 even if the player has not yet obtained the BattlerCard and deleted 16 WindBox species viruses.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Buster Bug Very Tired oversight
When MegaMan is in Very Tired emotion, his Buster attack becomes LV1. However, the ChargeShot from Buster Bug remains the same Attack Level from before becoming Very Tired.
In later versions, ChargeShot attack becomes LV1 as it should.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Cross Weakness oversight
If a Cross is hit with their weakness at the same frame of a different attack of another element, the Cross form will not get removed. This can be more easily seen with the PoisonPharaoh Program Advance and wind gust.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Trap Damage Override glitch
If a ???? trap is triggered but the attack has not yet activated, the trap’s properties can be replaced by using a new trap chip. The previous trap chip will fire but obtain the properties of the new chip (attack power, status effects). If the trap is removed by a Cursor attack before it activates, it will still go on but with 0 attack power.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Beast Lock-On glitch
When the AntiDamage trap is active and Beast Out MegaMan uses GunDelSol, it won’t wait until the attack finishes and instantly activates instead. If AntiDamage is triggered when MegaMan is moved due to lock-on with GunDelSol, MegaMan won’t snap back to the panel he was on before the lock-on. His new positioning will become the lock-on panel. With this, MegaMan can become stuck on the enemy side of the battlefield.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Pavilion Comp 3 Wall quirk
In Pavilion Comp 3, if you run to the right against a path on the top-right of the cloud map, MegaMan will go slower than normal. This is due to the wall collision being made two-sided.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
MeteorKnuckle Final Hit quirk
The MeteorKnuckle chip immediately ends its dimming just as the final knuckle lands. In Network Duel, if an opponent sets up an AntiDamage or a Barrier chip and you cut in with MeteorKnuckle, the opponent defense will set up right before the final knuckle lands. That final hit will instantly remove that defense before the defense chip’s dimming has a chance to end.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Heady HP glitch
If you lower a Heady's HP via CopyDamage or LifeSynchro while its head is protruding outwards, then deal enough damage to delete before it fully retracts, its HP will underflow to ~65,000 HP.
This occurs because when the Heady virus attacks, it spawns a new object with the same HP as the Heady virus. This new object updates both its HP and the virus's HP whenever it receives collision damage. However, the game only checks if collision damage will delete in accordance to the object's HP and not the virus's HP. By lowering the Heady virus's HP via CopyDamage or LifeSynchro it is possible to desynchronize these two HP values. Underflow will then occur if the attack deals more than what it requires to delete as the game thinks the attack was not lethal, since it uses the HP value before CopyDamage or LifeSynchro was used.
In later versions, the game will also check if underflow occurs on the virus's HP.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Losing Beast Out Off Field glitch
In Network Duel, this can only occur to Player 2 on the Link Cable (Client on Wireless Adapter) on the turn they are about to lose Beast Out. MegaMan needs to be hit by an attack that knocks back (e.g. GrabBanish, WindRacket) and while in the slide, open the Custom Screen. If MegaMan doesn't transform when the Custom Screen closes, MegaMan will keep on sliding and go off screen. There is no way to hit the MegaMan. MegaMan will return to the battle field if he turns into a Cross.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Gregar Extra Attack quirk
Usually, the extra attacks from chips have their own fixed attack value and cannot be boosted by Plus chips. There is an exception for the Gregar chip, whose falling rocks do get boosted.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | — |
European | — |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
This section is under construction. |
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
How does it determine what NCP to bug if there's more than 1 re-uncompressed part? |
This glitch can occur if you have more than one of a NaviCust Part and uncompress the one on the list, or remove the 1 NCP, uncompress it and exit out without running the NaviCust.
If you place a compressed NCP, then uncompress it, other NCPs will consider that compressed NCP on the map as uncompressed. Any other NCP touching it in its uncompressed size will be bugged, even if the square is invisible or occupied by another NCP.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
Compress RUN error
Attempting to compress the RUN button with ALBRALLBAL will trigger the successful compression sound, but nothing will happen.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Weather Comp 3 out-of-bounds
In Weather Comp 3, a section of the ramp to the cloud can be walked through. Once it's passed, it will carry MegaMan to the ground floor, out-of-bounds.
- While doing the dungeon in Chapter 5, being out-of-bounds allows MegaMan to walk straight to the cutscene trigger with ElementMan and skip the Comp puzzle.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
Seaside Area 3 Walk on Arrows
In Seaside Area 3, if you position yourself by the Heal Water area and walk in a specific way to the right, it is possible to walk on the arrow panels without being pushed.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | No |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes |
DoubleHero lock
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Add video. |
If the DoubleHero PA is used when there are exactly 31 type 1 battle objects on the field (30~31 if the player is in a Cross or Beast Out), the game will softlock. This is because the game does not properly check if an object is spawned, being unable to progress execution as it is waiting for an object that does not exist.
One possible way to achieve this is in the triple SnakeArm fight in (JP)(LC) Graveyard 2 / (EN) Graveyard, by using one or more SandWorm chips, opening the custom screen right after the chips are used, and then using DoubleHero almost immediately after, however this setup is still very inconsistent. It is also possible to cause this glitch using the DustCross suck in LittleBoiler glitch. Other setups may be possible.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
HauntedCandle Fire on Grass oversight
Despite being immune to Fire attacks, HauntedCandle will still take 1x damage if they are hit by a Fire attack while on a Grass panel.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | ? |
EraseMan Text error
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Do more thorough testing. |
While doing EraseMan’s lesson: if you press the L Button while EraseMan is outside the Undernet, “Dummy text” will appear as the textbox message.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | Yes (English language) |
Chip Delete glitch
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Check in every version of the game. |
If the enemy attacks with a chip deleting attack at the same moment you use a chip (such as Gregar and TomahawkMan's attack, as well as the LarkMan Patch Card), strange occurrences will happen. This is due to the game attempting to load the chip index 0xFFFF, which is outbounds of the chip table. Due to the differences in ROM data, what will happen will differ according to which game is played.
- JP Glaga = Shoots a 10 AP Super Sonic Boom using a Cannon.
- JP Falzer = Shoots a 10 AP Super Sonic Boom using a Cannon.
- NA Gregar = Crashes the game.
- NA Falzar = ??
- EU Gregar = ??
- EU Falzar = ??
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Legacy Collection | No |
Legacy Collection
Visual errors
In the Navi Customizer: If you scroll all the way down to where RUN is visible and highlight any part above it, then scroll up using L, the bottom part will have its text be lit up even though it's not highlighted.