Wallpaper (MMSF2)

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

These are the Wallpapers in Mega Man Star Force 2. They can be assigned in the Key Item menu.

Item Location
NormalWP Start with it.
Sonia WP Complete Sonia Strumm's help quest.
Luna WP Examine the computer in Luna's Room.
Bud WP Examine the computer in Bud's Room.
Zack WP Examine the computer in Zack's Room.
Amy WP Complete Amy Gelande's help quest.
Hertz WP Buy from merchant Hertz in Mega Display ES (Wilshire Hills ER) for 3000zƶ.
LM WP Buy from woman at Shopping Plaza 3F desk for 3000zƶ.
Solo WP Examine downed Mr. Hertz at Alternate Wilshire Hills ER.
DX WP Defeat all the DX Bosses.
  • This wallpaper cannot be obtained in the European version due to requiring Wave Command Cards.


  • There is a Mega Man wallpaper that can be seen in some NPC Star Carriers but it cannot be obtained by the player.