Virus Breeder

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Virus Breeder is a feature in Mega Man Battle Network 3 where you can find and feed viruses, then use their chip in battle.

How to Use

The Virus Breeder Machine will appear in SciLab starting in Chapter 7. In order to obtain a virus for the Virus Breeder, you must find set invisible location on the net that will produce a special virus fight (similar to Alpha version Navi fights). After beating them, they will transfer to the Virus Breeder Machine. Talk to the NPC next to the machine to receive each respective virus' VirusChip.

You can feed each virus family 100 BugFrags. The 100 BugFrags can be allocated among the viruses and it will change their attack power if they are selected in their chip.

Virus Locations

Virus Location
Mettaur ACDC 1, requires WWW-ID obtained from "Help with rehab" Job.
Bunny Do the "Please adopt a virus!" Job.
Spikey Demon Comp on Hades Island.
Swordy Undernet 1, blue path.
Jelly Beach 2, bottom path.
Mushy SciLab 2, near green desk.
Momogra Zoo Comp 4, platform where BeastMan was.
KillerEye Principal's PC 1, near 5-B blackboard.
Scuttlest Secret Area 1, left from entrance.
Scuttlest 2 Secret Area 3, dead end on a Press path.

Ω Locations

Once the story is beaten and 100 BugFrags are fed to a virus species, talk to the Mr. Prog and you will get the chance to get fight their Ω (Omega) version. Once you find the Ω version in a similar manner as the original version, they will be added to the Breeder and can be used in the chip.

Virus Location
MettaurΩ Blackboard Comp in Class 5-A.
BunnyΩ Bed Comp in Hospital.
SpikeyΩ Zoo Comp 2 dead end.
SwordyΩ Alarm Comp in Zoo, near the Panda.
JellyΩ Lion Comp at Ura Inn bath.
MushyΩ Hospital Comp 1, near jack in point.
MomograΩ Yoka 1, platform where BubbleMan was.
KllrEyeΩ DoorSensor Comp in SciLab, hidden within door in Lobby.
ScuttleΩ Wall Comp at Castle Wily, hidden near boat.

Attack Powers


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Mettaur 40 140
Mettaur2 80 180
Mettaur3 120 220
MettaurΩ 150 250


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Bunny 60 160
TuffBunny 90 190
MegaBunny 140 240
BunnyΩ 160 260


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Spikey 50 150
Spikey2 80 180
Spikey3 120 220
SpikeyΩ 170 270


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Swordy 120 220
Swordy2 120 220
Swordy3 120 220
SwordyΩ 120 220


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Jelly 50 150
HeatJelly 80 180
ErthJelly 80 180
JellyΩ 150 250


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Mushy 60 160
Mashy 80 180
Moshy 100 200
MushyΩ 120 220


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Momogra 90 190
Momogro 120 220
Momogre 150 250
MomograΩ 200 300


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
KillerEye 100 200
DemonEye 100 200
JokerEye 100 200
KllrEyeΩ 150 250


Virus Min. ATK Max ATK
Scutz 150 250
Scuttle 200 300
Scuttler 130 230
Scuttzer 100 200
Scuttlest 100 200
ScuttleΩ 200 300
