Shop Locations (MMSF3)

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

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Missing Big Wave prices.

These are the shops in Mega Man Star Force 3. All stock are infinite except for HP Memory and Giga Cards.

In this game, items from shops that use Zennys can also be bought from BIG WAVE but at a 20% increase, except for the Candy Shop in Spica Mall.


In the real world.

Normal Stock

Item Cost
DrillArm1 1800zƶ
AtkPanel 1000zƶ
Recover50 1000zƶ
BigDrop1 3500zƶ
TyphnDance 4000zƶ
Bombalizer 4500zƶ
ThndrHead1 7000zƶ
(BA) MilliKick
(RJ) BusterMax

Sale Items

This is the stock for items in the 70% off box. There is 3 possible stock. The Sale Item stock will be updated if you travel to another area's map (e.g. National Astro Wave).

Stock #1
Item Cost
Unlocker 800zƶ
GravtyPlus 120zƶ
Sword 150zƶ
PlasmaGun 200zƶ
Cannon 200zƶ
Stock #2
Item Cost
SmEnrgy 80zƶ
Cannon 200zƶ
Attack+10 130zƶ
Barrier 150zƶ
Stock #3
Item Cost
SmEnrgy 80zƶ
LrgEnrgy 150zƶ
Attack+10 130zƶ
Sword 150zƶ
Stock #4
Item Cost
LrgEnrgy 150zƶ
MiniGrnade 130zƶ
AirSpread1 100zƶ
Recover10 50zƶ

Echo Ridge

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
HPMem20 1000zƶ
HPMem20 2000zƶ
HPMem20 4000zƶ
SmEnrgy 100zƶ 120zƶ
LrgEnrgy 200zƶ 240zƶ
Unlocker 4000zƶ 4800zƶ

Noise Wave1

Available starting in Ch 6. Located in Noise Wave1, via Echo Ridge, top-left corner from the school.

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
HPMem20 3000zƶ
HPMem20 4500zƶ
HPMem20 6000zƶ
D. Enrgy 800zƶ 960zƶ
SrchEye 3000zƶ 3600zƶ
Unlocker 4000zƶ 4800zƶ

Spica Mall

Spica Mall

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
SyncHook1 2000zƶ 2400zƶ
GrandWave1 400zƶ 480zƶ
MadVulcn1 600zƶ 720zƶ
WideWave1 1500zƶ 1800zƶ

Candy Shop

In the real world. The stock from this shop cannot be bought at Big Wave.

Item Cost
SmEnrgy 100zƶ
LrgEnrgy 200zƶ
D. Enrgy 800zƶ
SprBarrier 6000zƶ
DblStone 3000zƶ
Recover120 2400zƶ
AntiSword 4800zƶ

WBG Studios

WBG Main Bldg

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
HPMem20 2000zƶ
HPMem20 3000zƶ
HPMem20 5000zƶ
SmEnrgy 100zƶ 120zƶ
LrgEnrgy 200zƶ 240zƶ
Cloaker 500zƶ 600zƶ

Astro Wave

National Astro Wave2

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
GreatAxe 18000zƶ 21600zƶ
BeastSlap2 3000zƶ 3600zƶ
PanicCloud 2700zƶ 3240zƶ
TimeBomb1 5200zƶ 6240zƶ
ParalyzPlus 1200zƶ 1440zƶ

National WAZA HQ

SatellaPolice HQ

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
LrgEnergy 200zƶ 240zƶ
D. Enrgy 800zƶ 960zƶ
Cloaker 500zƶ 600zƶ
SrchEye 3000zƶ 3600zƶ

Secret Shelter

Via Event Stage in WBG Studios

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
WhtMeteor 6000zƶ 7200zƶ
WindyAtk2 4000zƶ 4800zƶ
PrlyzeStg 3600zƶ 4320zƶ
Recover150 3000zƶ 3600zƶ

Orbital Base

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
HPMem20 4000zƶ
HPMem20 6000zƶ
HPMem20 8000zƶ
TrnadoDnce 15000zƶ 18000zƶ
Recover200 4000zƶ 4800zƶ
PoisnApple 9000zƶ 10800zƶ


OuterAstro Wave2

Accessible via National WAZA HQ.

Item Cost (Reg) Cost (Big Wave)
HPMem20 5000zƶ
HPMem20 7500zƶ
HPMem20 10000zƶ
FlameAxe 23000zƶ 27600zƶ
MegaCrushr 15000zƶ 18000zƶ
DoubleCross 13000zƶ 15600zƶ
GigaMine 25000zƶ 30000zƶ

Mr. Hertz Square

Located at National WAZA HQ wave road. The currency in this shop is rescued Mr. Hertzes.

Item Cost
HP+50/120 1 Hz
HP+50/110 2 Hz
HP+50/100 4 Hz
HP+100/220 2 Hz
HP+100/205 4 Hz
HP+100/190 6 Hz
HP+200/310 3 Hz
HP+200/290 5 Hz
HP+200/270 8 Hz
HP+300/420 7 Hz
FlotShoe/300 12 Hz
Reflect/260 4 Hz
NoFlash/300 8 Hz
NoGravty/500zƶ 9 Hz
NoParalyz/800 13 Hz
NoFreeze/800 13 Hz
NoBubble/800 7 Hz
MegCls+1 12 Hz
MegCls+1 18 Hz

Noise Frag Trader

Located in Noise Wave1, via Echo Ridge, top-left corner from the school.

Item Cost
BlackInk 5 NF
DblEater 7 NF
PanlFormat 10 NF
SpiritFury 15 NF
(BA) MuBarrier
(RJ) MirrorsEdg
30 NF
HP+500/610 17 NF
AirShoes/450 12 NF
AirShoes/400 15 NF
GigaCls+1/750 20 NF
GigaCls+1/700 25 NF
+ParaPnl/250 13 NF
+ParaPnl/230 20 NF
+GNullPnl/200 13 NF
+GNullPnl/190 20 NF
+PoisPnl/270 15 NF
+PoisPnl/250 23 NF
AntiDmg/370 7 NF