Cut In

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

(Redirected from Screen-Dimming Cut In)

Cut in (カットイン[1]) is a battlefield mechanic in the Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force series. It was introduced in Mega Man Battle Network 4.

Using Cut In

When the opponent uses a screen-dimming BattleChip or Battle Card: In the period where the dimming name appears but before it fades away, the player can cut in their own dimming in response. But the opponent can then cut in another dimming in response to the player.

The exchange can be continued until both players stop cutting in, at which time only the last dimming from both players will be used. The dimming chip/card(s) earlier in the exchange are lost.

Cut in can only be used during multiplayer Network Duels. While there are enemies that use dimming in game's story mode, the player cannot respond with cut in (with the exception of one battle in Star Force 1).

Timing Guard

In Mega Man Battle Network 3, there is a mechanic called Timing Guard (タイミングガード)[2], where you can press Left once during the moment of impact to halve damage during a screen-dimming attack. This can be used multiple times during the dimming.

This can be seen as a precursor as the developers try to figure out how to combat dimming chips in Network Duels.

Mega Man Battle Network

Cut in is implemented starting in Battle Network 4. Cut in can be used while the Navi is performing an action, and their action will continue once the dimming ends. If the player is on the opponent's side while the cut in occurs, the chip will be used on that panel.

  • In Battle Network 4, the cut in works just as it would in later games but it lacks the sound effect for the "!!" visual.
  • In Operate Shooting Star, cut in was implemented into Battle Network 1's system. Due to BN1's dimming system, the chips above the player disappear when a dimming chip is used. If players need to chain their cut ins, they will need to remember their order as there is no visual assistance.

Mega Man Star Force

Star Force implemented cut in from the very start. However, instead of players remaining on whatever panel they cut in on, they cancel their current move and are returned to their registered spot in their 3x1 column. This allows cut in players to escape while Mega Attacking if the opponent caught them with a dimming chip. Also, cutting in will also reset the status that MegaMan is in, returning him to normal if he’s paralyzed or frozen.

  • In MMSF1, only one card can be chained for cut in at a time. In later games, multiple cards can be chained for a cut in just like in the Battle Network games.

Admin Battle Cut In

In Star Force 1, there is a unique case of this mechanic being used in a boss battle. The Admins (Pegasus Magic, Leo Kingdom, Dragon Sky) have a special undodgeable dimming card. When they use the card, the player can cut in as they would in a VS Match.

Link Force/Indie Force Big Bang Counter

In Star Force 2, performing a Tribe On with a Brother Force or IndieProof will leave a placeholder card in the Custom Screen. In a VS Match: During an opponent's Screen Dim, touching the card on the bottom screen as a Double Tribe, Triple Tribe, or Mega Man Rogue will use that form's LFB or IFB as a cut in. Afterwards, Mega Man will lose his form and return to his base form.



  1. Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star instruction booklet
  2. Battle Network Rockman EXE3: Battle Masters Bible pg. 154
  3. Omega-Xis: “Cutting in is basically when an opponent tries to use a screen-dimming card, before the card name disappears from the screen,you disrupt its effect with your own screen-dimming card. If you're successful,you can use a battle card before your opponent. There's no limit on how many times you can cut in. That means that even if your opponent cuts in on you,you can cut in on them right back. But there is a catch. If you and your opponent cut in on each other in succession,only the last card used to cut in has an effect. All of the cards used to cut in up until that point will be lost. So,it's possible to cut in on an opponent who uses a screen-dimming card with a screen-dimming card of your own,but if you are in a Double Tribe or even Triple Tribe state,you can cut in with an LFB Counter!” -Mega Man Star Force 2
  4. 3D MegaMan voice line: "Don't you just want to shout when someone cuts in on a screen-dimming chip?" -Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection