Program Advance (MMBN3)

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

The Program Advances in Mega Man Battle Network 3.

If it's a PA that uses an alphabet order, a * code of the chip can replace one of the chips. If it's a PA that uses all different chips, a * code of the chip can replace any or all of the chips.

ID # Program Advance Combinations
1 Z-Canon1
(ゼータキャノン1 Zeta Cannon 1)
Cannon A
Cannon B
Cannon C
Cannon B
Cannon C
Cannon D
Cannon C
Cannon D
Cannon E
2 Z-Canon2
(ゼータキャノン2 Zeta Cannon 2)
HiCannon H
HiCannon I
HiCannon J
HiCannon I
HiCannon J
HiCannon K
HiCannon J
HiCannon K
HiCannon L
3 Z-Canon3
(ゼータキャノン3 Zeta Cannon 3)
M-Cannon O
M-Cannon P
M-Cannon Q
M-Cannon P
M-Cannon Q
M-Cannon R
M-Cannon Q
M-Cannon R
M-Cannon S
4 Z-Punch
(ゼータパンチ Zeta Punch)
GutPunch B
GutPunch C
GutPunch D
GutPunch C
GutPunch D
GutPunch E
GutPunch D
GutPunch E
GutPunch F
5 Z-Strght
(ゼータストレート Zeta Straight)
GutStrgt O
GutStrgt P
GutStrgt Q
GutStrgt P
GutStrgt Q
GutStrgt R
GutStrgt Q
GutStrgt R
GutStrgt S
6 Z-Impact
(ゼータインパクト Zeta Impact)
GutImpct G
GutImpct H
GutImpct I
GutImpct H
GutImpct I
GutImpct J
GutImpct I
GutImpct J
GutImpct K
7 Z-Varibl
(ゼータバリアブル Zeta Variable)
VarSwrd B
VarSwrd C
VarSwrd D
VarSwrd C
VarSwrd D
VarSwrd E
VarSwrd D
VarSwrd E
VarSwrd F
8 Z-Yoyo1
(ゼータヨーヨー1 Zeta Yo-Yo 1)
Yo-Yo1 C
Yo-Yo1 D
Yo-Yo1 E
Yo-Yo1 D
Yo-Yo1 E
Yo-Yo1 F
Yo-Yo1 E
Yo-Yo1 F
Yo-Yo1 G
9 Z-Yoyo2
(ゼータヨーヨー2 Zeta Yo-Yo 2)
Yo-Yo2 H
Yo-Yo2 I
Yo-Yo2 J
Yo-Yo2 I
Yo-Yo2 J
Yo-Yo2 K
Yo-Yo2 J
Yo-Yo2 K
Yo-Yo2 L
10 Z-Yoyo3
(ゼータヨーヨー3 Zeta Yo-Yo 3)
Yo-Yo3 M
Yo-Yo3 N
Yo-Yo3 O
Yo-Yo3 N
Yo-Yo3 O
Yo-Yo3 P
Yo-Yo3 O
Yo-Yo3 P
Yo-Yo3 Q
11 Z-Step1
(ゼータフミコミ1 Zeta Step 1)
StepSwrd L
StepSwrd M
StepSwrd N
StepSwrd M
StepSwrd N
StepSwrd O
StepSwrd N
StepSwrd O
StepSwrd P
12 Z-Step2
(ゼータフミコミ2 Zeta Step 2)
StepCros O
StepCros P
StepCros Q
StepCros P
StepCros Q
StepCros R
StepCros Q
StepCros R
StepCros S
13 BubSprd
(バブルスプレッド Bubble Spread)
Bubbler C
Bubbler D
Bubbler E
Bub-V D
Bub-V E
Bub-V F
BublSide E
BublSide F
BublSide G
Bubbler E
Bub-V E
BublSide E
14 HeatSprd
(ヒートスプレッド Heat Spread)
HeatShot H
HeatShot I
HeatShot J
Heat-V I
Heat-V J
Heat-V K
HeatSide J
HeatSide K
HeatSide L
HeatShot J
Heat-V J
HeatSide J
15 H-Burst
(ハイパーバースト Hyper Burst)
Spreader M
Spreader N
Spreader O
Spreader N
Spreader O
Spreader P
Spreader O
Spreader P
Spreader Q
16 LifeSwrd
(ドリームソード Dream Sword)
Sword E
WideSwrd E
LongSwrd E
Sword L
WideSwrd L
LongSwrd L
Sword Y
WideSwrd Y
LongSwrd Y
17 ElemSwrd
(エレメントソード Element Sword)
FireSwrd N
AquaSwrd N
ElecSwrd N
BambSwrd N
FireSwrd P
AquaSwrd P
ElecSwrd P
BambSwrd P
18 EvilCut
(アクレツザン Furious Evil Slash)
StepSwrd P
HeroSwrd P
StepCros P
19 HyperRat
(ハイパーラットン Hyper Ratton)
Ratton1 A
Ratton2 A
Ratton3 A
Ratton1 C
Ratton2 C
Ratton3 C
Ratton1 F
Ratton2 F
Ratton3 F
20 TimeBom+
(ギガカウントボム Giga Time Bomb)
TimeBomb J
TimeBomb K
TimeBomb L
TimeBomb K
TimeBomb L
TimeBomb M
TimeBomb L
TimeBomb M
TimeBomb N
21 GelRain
(レイニングゼリー Raining Jelly)
MetaGel1 B
MetaGel1 C
MetaGel1 D
MetaGel2 E
MetaGel2 F
MetaGel2 G
MetaGel3 S
MetaGel3 T
MetaGel3 U
22 EverCrse
(エンドレスカース Endless Curse)
CrsShld1 C
CrsShld2 C
CrsShld3 C
CrsShld1 L
CrsShld2 L
CrsShld3 L
23 MomQuake
(マザーズクエイク Mother's Quake)
RockCube *
RockCube *
GodStone S
24 PoisPhar
(ポイズンファラオ Poison Pharaoh)
PoisMask A
PoisFace A
Anubis A
25 BodyGrd
(ボディガード Body Guard)
AntiDmg M
AntiNavi M
Muramasa M
26 500Barr
(500バリア 500 Barrier)
Barrier E
Barr100 E
Barr200 E
Barrier R
Barr100 R
Barr200 R
27 BigHeart
(ビッグハート Big Heart)
HolyPanl R
Recov300 R
Roll R
HolyPanl R
Recov300 R
RollV2 R
HolyPanl R
Recov300 R
RollV3 R
28 GtsShoot
(ガッツシュート Guts Shoot)
Guard *
DashAtk G
GutsMan G
Guard *
DashAtk G
GutsManV2 G
Guard *
DashAtk G
GutsManV3 G
Guard *
DashAtk G
GutsManV4 G
29 DeuxHero
(ダプルヒーロー Double Hero)
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMan B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMnV2 B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMnV3 B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMnV4 B
30 2xHero
(ダブルヒーロー Double Hero)
Slasher B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMan B
Slasher B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMnV2 B
Slasher B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMnV3 B
Slasher B
CustSwrd B
VarSwrd B
ProtoMnV4 B
31 PrixPowr
(グランプリパワー Grand Prix Power)
Team1 *
Team2 *
KingManV5 K
Team1 *
Team2 *
MistManV5 M
Team1 *
Team2 *
BowlManV5 B
32 MstrStyl
(マスタースタイル Master Style)
Salamander *
Fountain *
Bolt *
GaiaBlade *


  • DeuxHero is a fake out for the real (new and improved) 2xHero, as it has the same 2xHero combination from Battle Network 2. The naming is also done to look similar to each other.
  • BusterMAX's automatic bug will have Zeta PAs be auto fired.