Playable Navis in Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

The following is a list of playable Navis in Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge.

Navi Properties
Keyword Description
Element Determines which element from which you take extra damage, to which you deal extra damage, the priority cycle, and on which chips you will have the same-type attack bonus of 60%. Additionally, it will interact with panel types as well:
  • Fire attacks will turn Grass panels to Normal panels.
  • Aqua attacks will turn Lava panels to Normal panels.
  • Wood attacks will turn Aluminum panels to Grass panels.
HP How much damage the Navi can take before deletion.
MB The maximum MB value of Battle Chips that can be added in the Program Deck.
Accuracy How likely the Navi's basic attack is likely to hit the opponent.
Dodge How likely the Navi is to evade attacks.
SP (Speed) AKA Priority. The speed value of the Navi's basic attack, used to determine which attack goes first.
Attack How much damage and the element of the Navi's basic attack.
Attack Properties
Keyword Description
Add Also damages the last active chip in your enemy's que. If all enemy chips are still active, this will usually hit the back row.
AllAdd Also deals damage to every enemy chip selected that turn.
Break Instantly destroys certain Box chips.
Delete Selects an enemy chip slot at random and delete the chip, regardless of remaining HP.
Drain Heals the navi by the amount of damage inflicted.
Norm No additional effects.
Pierce Damages the enemy through certain Box chips.
Rndm Also selects a chip slot at random of the enemy's to deal damage.
Stun The hit Navi cannot perform their basic attack this turn.

Navi Data

Starter Navis

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object megaman-bn1.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 500
MB 170
Accuracy 97
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack ChargeShot (Add50)
  • Lan: Starter
  • Mayl: HackersNet Open Battle #30
  • Others: Beat Master Tournament
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object roll-bn2.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 400
MB 140
Accuracy 79
Dodge 95
SP 20
Attack HeartFlash (Drain50)
  • Mayl: Starter
  • Others: Healing Tournament Prize
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object gutsman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 600
MB 130
Accuracy 75
Dodge 78
SP 10
Attack GutsHammer (Break70)
  • Dex: Starter
  • Others: Guts Tournament Prize
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object protoman-bn2.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 550
MB 160
Accuracy 88
Dodge 93
SP 40
Attack SonicBoom (Rndm60)
  • Chaud: Starter
  • Lan/Mayl: Master Tournament
  • Dex: HackersNet Open Battle #20
  • Kai: HackersNet Open Battle #10
  • Mary: HackersNet Open Battle #30
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object turboman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 550
MB 160
Accuracy 95
Dodge 85
SP 30
Attack TurboWheel (AllAdd20)
  • Fire
  • Kai: Starter
  • Others: HackersNet Open Battle #10
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object ring.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 450
MB 150
Accuracy 89
Dodge 100
SP 30
Attack RingRang (Add20)x2
  • Elec
  • Mary: Starter
  • Others: HackersNet Open Battle #40

Other Navis

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object bassgs-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 800
MB 170
Accuracy 81
Dodge 92
SP 30
Attack GospelCannon (AllAdd40)
  • Fire

HackersNet Open Battle #100

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object bass-noaura.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 700
MB 140
Accuracy 91
Dodge 90
SP 50
Attack AirBurst (Add20)x3

Chaos Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object iceman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Aqua
HP 500
MB 130
Accuracy 85
Dodge 96
SP 30
Attack FreezeTower (Pierce60)
  • Aqua

Droplet Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object fireman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Fire
HP 500
MB 130
Accuracy 84
Dodge 77
SP 40
Attack FireArm (Pierce60)
  • Fire

Match Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object elecman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Elec
HP 450
MB 130
Accuracy 82
Dodge 88
SP 160
Attack SparkStrike (AllAdd20)
  • Elec

Battery Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object woodman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Wood
HP 600
MB 130
Accuracy 82
Dodge 73
SP 10
Attack WoodTower (Pierce80)
  • Wood

Sapling Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object skullman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 650
MB 150
Accuracy 86
Dodge 89
SP 90
Attack BoneCrush (Norm90)

Block Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object numberman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 400
MB 120
Accuracy 88
Dodge 76
SP 20
Attack DiceBomb (AllAdd10-60)

DenCity Open Battle #10

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object airman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 550
MB 140
Accuracy 65
Dodge 89
SP 10
Attack AirShot (AllAdd30)

Cliff Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object quickman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 450
MB 150
Accuracy 98
Dodge 105
SP 200
Attack QuickBoomerang (Add20)x2

Quick Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object thunderman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Elec
HP 550
MB 120
Accuracy 79
Dodge 78
SP 30
Attack ThunderBolt (Stun40)
  • Elec

Netopia Open Battle #5

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object gateman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 600
MB 130
Accuracy 85
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack GateCannon (Norm100)

Guardian Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object sharkman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Aqua
HP 400
MB 120
Accuracy 75
Dodge 95
SP 30
Attack Fin (Add40)
  • Aqua

Stream Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object shadowman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 450
MB 130
Accuracy 110
Dodge 103
SP 50
Attack Shuriken (Norm20)x3

Shadow Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object knightman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 700
MB 140
Accuracy 72
Dodge 75
SP 30
Attack RoyalWreckingBall (Break50)

Netopia Open Battle #25

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object magnetman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Elec
HP 600
MB 120
Accuracy 115
Dodge 78
SP 30
Attack MagMissile (Pierce60)
  • Elec

Netopia Open Battle #15

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object freezeman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Aqua
HP 500
MB 120
Accuracy 84
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack IceTower (AllAdd30)
  • Aqua

East Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object snakeman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Wood
HP 450
MB 120
Accuracy 78
Dodge 99
SP 40
Attack SnakeArrow (Stun30)
  • Wood

Yumland Open Battle #10

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object toadman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Aqua
HP 400
MB 130
Accuracy 120
Dodge 102
SP 30
Attack Melody (Stun30)
  • Elec

Yumland Open Battle #15

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object heatman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Fire
HP 650
MB 120
Accuracy 86
Dodge 90
SP 30
Attack FlameTower (Pierce70)
  • Fire

Firework Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object colorman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 450
MB 170
Accuracy 96
Dodge 95
SP 30
Attack FireAquaTower (Norm80)
  • Mayl: Healing Tournament
  • Others: HackersNet Open Battle #30
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object magicman-nopanel.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Fire
HP 350
MB 180
Accuracy 100
Dodge 96
SP 10
Attack MagicFire (Delete10, 50% chance)
  • Fire

West Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object flashman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Elec
HP 550
MB 110
Accuracy 95
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack NeonLite (Stun30)
  • Elec

Thunder Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object beastman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 500
MB 130
Accuracy 90
Dodge 102
SP 30
Attack WildRush (Norm30)x3

Netopia Open Battle #20

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object plantman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Wood
HP 550
MB 110
Accuracy 95
Dodge 79
SP 30
Attack YellowFlower (AllAdd20)

Verdant Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object flameman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Fire
HP 600
MB 110
Accuracy 85
Dodge 79
SP 30
Attack FireBreath (AllAdd30)
  • Fire

HackersNet Open Battle #50

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object metalman-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 650
MB 140
Accuracy 89
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack MetalFist (Break80)
  • Dex: Guts Tournament
  • Others: HackersNet Open Battle #20
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn3.png
Object kingman.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn3.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 500
MB 130
Accuracy 95
Dodge 79
SP 30
Attack Checkmate (AllAdd20)

YumLand Open Battle #20

Style Change MegaMan

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object megaman-hubstyle-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 200
MB 350
Accuracy 90
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack MegaBuster (Norm20)x5
  • NaviCode: ネット M9L1-24TZ-OQNU-MFZL-A6SY-HSA1
  • NaviCode: LAN 5★4H-B81R-★KKZ-P15X-ZS5B-♣XK0
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object megaman-heatguts-bn3.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Fire
HP 400
MB 150
Accuracy 79
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack FireCannon (Norm70)

Tour128 prize, 1/8 chance

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object megaman-electeam-bn3.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Elec
HP 400
MB 150
Accuracy 86
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack ZapRing (Stun30)

Tour128 prize, 1/8 chance

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object megaman-woodshield-bn3.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Wood
HP 400
MB 150
Accuracy 55
Dodge 89
SP 30
Attack Twister (AllAdd10)x3

Tour128 prize, 1/8 chance

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object megaman-aquacustom-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Aqua
HP 400
MB 150
Accuracy 120
Dodge 79
SP 30
Attack AquaShot (Add50)

Tour128 prize, 1/8 chance

Normal Navis

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object normalnavi1-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 500
MB 170
Accuracy 70
Dodge 75
SP 50
Attack NormalBuster (Norm30)

DenCity Open Battle #5

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object normalnavi2-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 550
MB 180
Accuracy 71
Dodge 72
SP 40
Attack NormalBuster (Norm30)

Novice Tournament

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object normalnavi3-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 600
MB 190
Accuracy 72
Dodge 68
SP 30
Attack NormalBuster (Norm20)

Netopia Open Battle #5

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object normalnavi4-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 650
MB 200
Accuracy 73
Dodge 65
SP 20
Attack NormalBuster (Norm20)

Netopia Open Battle #10

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object normalnavi5-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element None
HP 700
MB 220
Accuracy 74
Dodge 60
SP 10
Attack NormalBuster (Norm10)
Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object navif.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Fire
HP 550
MB 160
Accuracy 79
Dodge 70
SP 30
Attack FireCannon (Norm70)
  • Fire

HackersNet Open Battle #60

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object navia.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Aqua
HP 550
MB 160
Accuracy 120
Dodge 70
SP 30
Attack AquaShot (Add40)
  • Aqua

HackersNet Open Battle #90

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object naviw.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Wood
HP 550
MB 160
Accuracy 50
Dodge 70
SP 30
Attack Twister (AllAdd10)x3
  • Wood

HackersNet Open Battle #70

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object navie.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Element Elec
HP 550
MB 160
Accuracy 85
Dodge 70
SP 30
Attack ZapRing (Stun20)
  • Elec

HackersNet Open Battle #80

Panel missing.png Panel r2 r bn2.png
Object normalnavix-bcc.png
Panel missing.png

Panel bottom missing.png Panel bottom r bn2.png Panel bottom missing.png

Normal Navi X
Element None
HP 700
MB 210
Accuracy 95
Dodge 40
SP 30
Attack NormalBuster (Add30)

Netopia Open Battle #30