Patch Cards in Mega Man Battle Network 6
From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki
Patch Cards (改造カード Modification Card), also known as Mod Cards, is a feature using the Card e-Reader+ on the GBA and an extra built-in feature on the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. Both versions of Mega Man Battle Network 6 can scan in cards to further customize their MegaMan, as well as other features.
Patch Cards for MMBN6 come in 4 categories: Patch Cards, Item Cards, Event Cards and Rare Chip Distribution Cards following in MMBN5's footsteps. All four types were distributed via Booster Packs with two parts, various EXE merchandise such as Guides and unique Japanese exclusive events.
Changes from Battle Network 5
- The BugStop NCP no longer fixes bugs from Patch Cards. In the Japanese GBA version and Legacy Collection of BN5, it was possible for the BugStop NCP to do this.
- There are now Patch Cards that unlocks jobs in the Request BBS. These jobs include rewards for some items that are nowhere else in-game.
- The free item cards now include a few items that are only available from the cards and nowhere else in-game.
Patch Cards
Patch Cards can be used to enhance your MegaMan with Abilities not possible normally. BN6 Introduced an MB system that works exactly in the same fashion.
Each card has a certain MB value, with MegaMan having a storage limit of 80 MB. Cards with higher MB generally have better Abilities. Individual cards can be turned on or off when needed, but this does not lower their MB use. This means that previous cards must be deleted when scanning new Patch Cards. All Patch Card effects take place after NaviCust changes.
- The order of the Patch Cards equipped are important. The lowest placed card that is equipped will overwrite any conflicting effects from upper placed cards.
Patch Card Menu
Entering a Patch Card will unlock a 4th screen in the MegaMan menu that will show a detailed status. This screen will remain even if all Patch Cards are deleted. All of MegaMan’s accumulated stats, current active abilities, and current bugs will be shown here.
Types of Effects
Effect | Description |
<element>Body |
HP + - <value> | MegaMan's HP is changed by that amount. |
MegaFolder + - <value> | The number of MegaChips you're allowed in a folder is changed by that amount. |
GigaFolder + - <value> | The number of GigaChips you're allowed in a folder is changed by that amount. |
Custom + - * <value> | The number of chips you see on the Custom Screen is changed by that amount. |
Attack + - * <value> | MegaMan's Attack stat is changed by that amount. |
Speed + - <value> | MegaMan's Speed stat is changed by that amount. |
Charge + - <value> | MegaMan's Charge stat is changed by that amount. |
B Button: <attack> | Instead of MegaBuster normal shot, MegaMan's B Button becomes that attack. |
Buster Addition: <attack> | Grants that ability to MegaMan's MegaBuster normal shot. |
B PwrAtk: <attack> | Instead of ChargeShot PowerAttack, MegaMan's B Button PowerAttack becomes that attack.
ChargeShot Addition: <ability> | Grants that ability to MegaMan's ChargeShot PowerAttack. |
ON: <program> | MegaMan gains that Program's ability. |
OFF: <program> | If MegaMan has that Program active in the NaviCust or as a lower tier card, it is disabled. |
First <chip effect> | MegaMan starts the battle with that effect. |
B+Left: <effect> | MegaMan's B+Left becomes that effect. |
Chip Recovery | MegaMan heals HP when using any chip. |
Move: <panel type> | When MegaMan steps off a panel, it becomes that panel type. |
Bug: <bug> | MegaMan gains that bug. Detailed info on the bugs can be found here.
Repair: <bug> | If MegaMan has that bug in the NaviCust or as a lower tier card, it is fixed. |
Patch Card List
The English names of these cards are translated and matched up to localized English names whenever possible.
- Part 1: 137-A001 to 137-A053
- Part 2: 137-B001 to 137-B053
- Promotional Cards: 137-C001 to 137-C010
ID Number | Name | Positive Effects | Negative Effects | MB |
137-A001 | Canodumb キャノーダム |
10 MB |
137-A002 | Ammonicule アモナキュール |
16 MB |
137-A003 | ColdBear コルドベア |
18 MB |
137-A004 | Miney ジーラ |
12 MB |
137-A005 | Heady メガリア |
20 MB |
137-A006 | MetFire メテファイア |
20 MB |
137-A007 | KillPlant キルプラント |
19 MB |
137-A008 | Shadow ダークシャドー |
06 MB |
137-A009 | Beetle ボンビートル |
11 MB |
137-A010 | Heavy ヘビーアレイ |
15 MB |
137-A011 | Viney アゾマータ |
24 MB |
137-A012 | Slimer ジェライム |
12 MB |
137-A013 | Volcano ボルカノ |
10 MB |
137-A014 | Number ナンバーズ |
17 MB |
137-A015 | MagTect マグテクト |
15 MB |
137-A016 | Spidey クーモス |
08 MB |
137-A017 | BomBoy ボムボーイ |
14 MB |
137-A018 | Wunote ウドノート |
13 MB | |
137-A019 | Flashy ピカラー |
11 MB |
137-A020 | Eleogre エレオーガ |
16 MB | |
137-A021 | OldStove |
12 MB |
137-A022 | Puffy (MMBN6) (LC) Diodon |
11 MB | |
137-A023 | StarFish |
15 MB | |
137-A024 | BigHat |
08 MB |
137-A025 | ScareCrow |
14 MB |
137-A026 | FighterPlane |
20 MB |
137-A027 | Cragger |
19 MB |
137-A028 | Armadillo |
12 MB |
137-A029 | Kettle |
15 MB |
137-A030 | EarthDragon |
20 MB |
137-A031 | NumberMan |
35 MB |
137-A032 | IceMan |
25 MB |
137-A033 | SkullMan |
30 MB |
137-A034 | ShadowMan |
38 MB |
137-A035 | CutMan |
32 MB |
137-A036 | KnightMan |
45 MB |
137-A037 | ToadMan |
34 MB |
137-A038 | MagnetMan |
37 MB |
137-A039 | PlanetMan |
40 MB |
137-A040 | BeastMan |
33 MB |
137-A041 | DesertMan |
36 MB |
137-A042 | JapanMan |
35 MB |
137-A043 | VideoMan |
32 MB |
137-A044 | BurnMan |
29 MB |
137-A045 | StarMan |
32 MB |
137-A046 | BlizzardMan |
30 MB |
137-A047 | LarkMan |
36 MB |
137-A048 | SlashMan |
31 MB |
137-A049 | EraseMan |
40 MB |
137-A050 | GroundMan |
43 MB |
137-A051 | DustMan |
37 MB |
137-A052 | BlastMan |
28 MB |
137-A053 | CircusMan |
43 MB |
137-B001 | Handy |
16 MB |
137-B002 | Puffy (MMBN1) |
12 MB |
137-B003 | Jelly |
13 MB |
137-B004 | Poitton ポイットン |
13 MB |
137-B005 | Satella |
08 MB |
137-B006 | Twisty & Remobit |
09 MB |
137-B007 | Shakey |
08 MB |
137-B008 | Octon |
14 MB |
137-B009 | ShellGeek |
08 MB | |
137-B010 | Magneaker |
07 MB |
137-B011 | Metrid |
15 MB |
137-B012 | Momogra |
06 MB |
137-B013 | Needler |
10 MB | |
137-B014 | Twins |
15 MB |
137-B015 | Walla |
12 MB |
137-B016 | Kilby |
24 MB |
137-B017 | Totem |
13 MB |
137-B018 | CanGard |
10 MB |
137-B019 | Skarab |
07 MB |
137-B020 | Draggin |
11 MB |
137-B021 | Marina |
14 MB |
137-B022 | HauntedCandle |
12 MB |
137-B023 | Gunner |
11 MB |
137-B024 | PulseBulb |
13 MB |
137-B025 | BombCorn |
16 MB |
137-B026 | Shrubby |
06 MB |
137-B027 | HoneyBomber |
12 MB |
137-B028 | Nightmare |
05 MB |
137-B029 | SnakeArm |
11 MB |
137-B030 | DarkMech |
22 MB |
137-B031 | StoneMan |
45 MB |
137-B032 | ColorMan |
32 MB |
137-B033 | SharkMan |
35 MB | |
137-B034 | PharaohMan |
35 MB |
137-B035 | AirMan |
34 MB |
137-B036 | FreezeMan |
30 MB |
137-B037 | ThunderMan |
36 MB |
137-B038 | NapalmMan |
39 MB |
137-B039 | PlantMan |
42 MB |
137-B040 | MistMan |
37 MB |
137-B041 | BowlMan |
30 MB |
137-B042 | DarkMan |
25 MB |
137-B043 | TopMan |
28 MB |
137-B044 | KendoMan |
38 MB |
137-B045 | ColdMan |
34 MB |
137-B046 | SearchMan |
37 MB |
137-B047 | CloudMan |
40 MB |
137-B048 | GridMan |
48 MB |
137-B049 | ChargeMan |
31 MB |
137-B050 | TenguMan |
34 MB |
137-B051 | DiveMan |
42 MB |
137-B052 | JudgeMan |
38 MB |
137-B053 | ElementMan |
33 MB |
137-C001 | Punk |
50 MB | |
137-C002 | Dark MegaMan |
80 MB |
137-C003 | Soul Battler's Custom |
66 MB | |
137-C004 | Mr. Famous' Ultimate Custom |
69 MB | |
137-C005 | BassBX |
70 MB | |
137-C006 | Django |
52 MB | |
137-C007 | The Count |
60 MB |
137-C008 | MegaMan Zero |
45 MB | |
137-C009 | Cybeast Gregar |
70 MB |
137-C010 | Cybeast Falzar |
70 MB |
BassCross MegaMan
BassCross MegaMan is a unique card that works not only in MMBN5, but also in MMBN6. Its effect varies between versions. Unlike in MMBN5, the mods this time will not alter MegaMan's look. Gregar’s version is considered power-type, Falzar version is considered speed-type.
ID Number | Name | Positive Effects | Negative Effects | MB |
(CG) 136-D001 | BassCross MegaMan フォルテクロスロックマン |
70 MB |
(CF) 136-D001 | BassCross MegaMan フォルテクロスロックマン |
70 MB |
Event Cards
BN6 returned the Request BBS from BN2 and BN3, where you take on jobs to help solve problems for a reward. Although you are unable to take on jobs with a higher rank than you currently are, which are denoted by stars on the help board.
Completing requests will increase your rank up to Master. A requirement for fighting ProtoMan FZ and obtaining his mark on the title screen. Of these, 10 Requests are e-Reader cards.
International releases have these automatically unlocked as all e-Reader functionality was removed.
ID Number | Name | Rewards |
137-D001 | Request: Juvenile Division ネットポリス少年課 |
137-D002 | Request: Get The Bad Guy! 悪人を撲滅せよ! |
137-D003 | Request: Find The Virus! ウイルスを見つけだせ! |
137-D004 | Request: Penguins Ran Away ペンギンが逃げ出した! |
137-D005 | Request: Update Help アップデートのお手伝い |
137-D006 | Request: Diet Goods Money ダイエットグッズのお金 |
137-D007 | Request: Self Research じゆうけんきゅう |
137-D008 | Request: Official Request オフィシャルからの依頼 |
137-D009 | Request: An Experiment! 実験だ! |
137-D010 | Request: Road to Soul Battler! ソウルバトラーへの道! |
Item Cards
These cards give things such as BattleChips, Zennys, BugFrags, or SubChips. Can only be used once per file.
Part 1
ID Number | Name | Rewards |
137-E001 | Lan's Allowance Advance 熱斗のおこづかい前借り |
137-E002 | Mayl's Treasure メイルのたからもの |
137-E003 | Dex's Key to Victory デカオの必勝プログラム (Dex's Ace Program) |
136-E004 | Chisao's Emergency Sub Chip チサオの非常用サブチップ |
137-E005 | Yai's Pride やいとの自慢のレアチップ (Yai's Prized Rare Chips) |
137-E006 | Mick's Trick コジローのイタズラ |
137-E007 | Mr. Progs' Sub Chips プログラムくんのサブチップ |
137-E008 | Joe Mach's Fists マッハ先生の鉄拳 (Mr. Mach's Iron Fist) |
137-E009 | Entry Fee for Blackbeard's Show クロヒゲのショーのギャラ |
137-E010 | Dr. Regal's Research リーガルの研究 (Regal's Research) |
137-E011 | Mr. Match's Lesson Plans ヒノケン先生の教材 |
137-E012 | Ms. Zap's Bodyguard エレキ夫人のボディガード |
137-E013 | Ms. Fahran's Cutlery パクチーの料理道具 (Pat's Cutlery) |
137-E014 | Dark Scyth's Shady Business ダーク・キリサキの闇稼業 |
137-E015 | Al's Boarding Ticket 鉄国男の乗車券 |
137-E016 | Shuko's Practicum 舟子の教育実習 |
137-E017 | Dingo's Battle Cry ディンゴのおたけびト |
137-E018 | Master Feng-Tian's Instruction 風天老子の修行 |
137-E019 | Moliarty's Drill Soul! 土太郎のドリル魂! |
137-E020 | Mr. Press's Recycling ミスタープレスのリサイクル |
Part 2
ID Number | Name | Rewards |
137-F001 | Dad's Debug Techniques パパのデバッグテクニック |
137-F002 | Mamoru's Card まもるのお見舞い |
137-F003 | Chaud's Mission 炎山の任務 |
137-F004 | Baryl's Faith バレルの信念 |
137-F005 | Iris's Kindness アイリスのやさしさ |
137-F006 | Tab's Discounts 明日太のオススメお買得品 |
137-F007 | Admission for Yuika's Show チロルのショー見物料 |
137-F008 | Prosecutor Ito's Income 六方の月収 |
137-F009 | Vic's Persistence 執念深さ |
137-F010 | Wily's Ambition ワイリーの野望 |
Rare Chip Distribution Cards
Similar to the previous two games, these are cards that give exclusive chips that are unobtainable in-game.
ID Number | Name | Rewards |
137-G001 | Double Beast ダブルビースト |
137-G002 | Gregar グレイガ |
137-G003 | Falzar ファルザー |
- B Button PowerAttack Invisible glitch; Due to this glitch, 137-A008 Shadow and 137-B012 Momogra were banned in official Japanese tournaments.
- ChargeShot Addition glitch
- Unlike in the previous two games, the data of the e-Reader cards were completely erased from the games in the English GBA game, meaning there is no way to access them.