Map Guide (MMBN4)
From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki
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The areas in Mega Man Battle Network 4 and the Comps within them. A few Comps can only accessed if you get certain Navi scenarios within that Continue. They will be locked off again in the next Continue.
Real World
- ACDC Town
- Dog House Comp
- Lan's House
- Microwave Comp
- Lan's Room
- Lan's HP (goes to ACDC Area 1)
- Mayl's House
- Mayl's HP (goes to ACDC Area 1)
Toy Comp (opens with Roll scenario)
- Dex's House
- Game Comp
Dex's HP (goes to ACDC Area 2)
- Yai's House
- Yai's HP (goes to ACDC Area 3)
- Higsby's
Elec Town
- Elec Town 1
- Elec Town 2
- Stereo Comp
LCD Comp (upper path from Elec Town 1)
Jomon Elec HP (goes to Town Area 2)
- Elec Town 3
- Elec Tower Comp 1
Elec Tower Comp 2
Small segment of Comp 1 can be accessed via Town Area 1
Den Dome
- DenDome
- Hotdog Comp
- Alleyway
- Vending Machine Comp
Card Comp (opens after Den Battle/City Battle Tournament)
- DomeRoom
- Water Comp (opens after Eagle/Hawk Tournament)
CyberTop Comp (opens with TopMan scenario)
- Stadium
- Dome NetBattle Machine Comp
- Entrance
- Ticket Comp
- Center Square
- Castillo HP
Toy Robo Comp 1
Toy Robo Comp 2
- Mel Square
- Stand Comp
Toy Robo Comp 3
Toy Robo Comp 4
- Vampire Manor
- Waiting Room
- Air Stadium
- Castillo NetBattle Machine Comp
Den Airport
- Netopia
- Goddess Comp
- Guest Room
- Hotel HP (goes to Netopia Area)
- Colosseum Avenue
- Hero Comp
- Colosseum Room
- Colosseum
- Colosseum NetBattle Machine Comp
- YumLand
- Yum Ruins
- Statue Comp (goes to YumLand Area)
Buddha Comp (opens with JunkMan scenario)
- NetFrica
- Nupopo Comp (goes to NetFrica Area)
WaterGod Comp 1 to 16 (opens with Jammer HeelNavi scenario)
Lion Comp (opens with KendoMan scenario)
- Sharo
- Antenna Comp 1 to 4 (opens with ColdMan scenario)
- Space Center
- Computer Comp (goes to Sharo Area)
Space Center HP (goes to Undernet 3)
- NAXA Lobby
- Observatory Room
- Roof
- Meteor Comp 1
Meteor Comp 2
Meteor Comp 3
Meteor Comp 4
Control Area
- ACDC Area 2
- YumLand Area
- Town Area 1
- Elec Tower Comp 1 (from Town Area 2 path)
- Town Area 4 (from lower path of Town Area 2)
- Undernet 1 to Undernet 2 to Park Area 1
- YumLand Area
- ACDC Area 2
- Undernet 1 (from NetFrica to Sharo Area - also requires C-Slider)
- Undernet 3
- Undernet 4
Undernet 6
- Undernet 4 (from Undernet 3)
- Undernet 5 (opens after having all 6 Double Souls)
- Undernet 6 (from Undernet 3)
- Black Earth 1 (opens after having the 5 Evil Chips: Muramasa, Anubis, ElemDark, BlakWing, (RS) BugCharg/(BM) BugCurse)
- Black Earth 1 (from Undernet 6)
- Black Earth 2 (opens after having all Mega Class V1 Navi Chips)
- There is a Cook Comp with random virus encounters and Mystery Data that appears in Flave NormalNavi scenario, but it cannot be accessed outside of the cutscene.