Glitches in Mega Man Star Force 1
From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki
This page is a list of glitches that appear in Mega Man Star Force.
Major glitches
Glasses of Mystery Cipher Mail oversight
In the North American version of the game, one of the Cipher Mails triggers the censor and can't be used. This makes it impossible to receive the LibrScalsSPSP card from Cipher Mail. The oversight was fixed in the European version.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | No |
North American | Yes |
European | No |
Auto-Favorites Mega/Giga limit glitch
When the auto-Favorites function is used in the Folder edit screen multiple times in a row, on subsequent attempts the game will not properly check for Mega/Giga class cards in the bottom 15 Folder slots. This allows one to bypass the normal limit of 2 Mega or Giga Class cards for Favorites.
With RNG manipulation, as shown in the video below, it is possible to set all 6 of your Favorites to Mega or Giga Class cards.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Best Combo powered up glitch
Normally, a Battle Card which is Powered Up by the Wave Scanner will not register in a Best Combo. However, if the player selects Plus Cards (such Attack+10 or ParalyzePlus) in the Custom Screen before a Powered Up card, then the Powered Up card may be registered in a Best Combo anyway. This is because card slots containing a Powered Up card are marked as being unregisterable before Plus Cards are collapsed into the preceding card.
When a Powered Up card is registered in a Best Combo this way, only the modified Attack Power will be applied when the Best Combo is executed (e.g. with a Legend Force Card); any added effects are ignored.
For example, the below table shows the cards selected in the Custom Screen. The TidalEdge is Powered Up, causing it to have +60 Attack Power and a Bubble effect. Due to this, the slot containing the TidalEdge is marked as unregisterable. However, when the Custom Screen is closed, the ParlyzPlus is combined into the BreakSabre. This causes all cards after it to be shifted into the previous slot. As a result, the TidalEdge is saved in the Best Combo, but the card taking its previous slot, PlasmaGun3, is skipped.
Selected in Custom Screen | StikyRain3 | BreakSabre | ParlyzPlus | TidalEdge [P] | PlasmaGun3 | BlazngEdge |
Registered in Best Combo | StikyRain3 | BreakSabre | TidalEdge [P] | PlasmaGun | BlazngEdge |
This results in a Best Combo of: StikyRain3, BreakSabre, TidalEdge, BlazngEdge. When this Best Combo is executed with a Legend Force Card, the TidalEdge will have its +60 Attack Power, but will not inflict Bubble.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes (with cheats) |
European | ? |
Minor glitches
Visual Errors
These are visual errors in the game that can be seen without taking special steps to make it happen.
Mega Man Mugshot visual
When MegaMan blinks in his mugshot, one of the frames has a stray darker blue pixel appearing on the border.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Mega Man Walking visual
When MegaMan is in his walking animation (appears in cutscenes only), one of the frames has a transparent pixel under his earpiece.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Zack’s Foot visual
Zack’s Field Screen sprite is tiled improperly, causing part of his frontmost foot to disappear.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Pegasus Magic visual glitch
If PegasusMagicGX or PegasusFreeze dimming attacks are used, Pegasus Magic's texture doesn't animate when it appears.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Button Mashing glitches
Duplicate Snake glitch
During Prof. Snake’s Transer Quest, if you hold B then mash A to obtain the Phyton, you are able to obtain multiple of it. Once you give the snakes to Prof. Snake, Key Items will still have a copy of the Phyton item.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Empty textbox quirk
If you talk to the PowerSong trade quest NPC in BIG WAVE and you hold B and mash A through the dialogue, there will be an empty textbox as Geo receives the item.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Card Box sorting glitch
Sometimes when all copies of a card are moved from the Card Box to the Folder, the Card Box sorting feature becomes glitched and causes certain cards to always show up at the top or bottom regardless of the sort being used. This effect is only temporary and goes away once the Folder edit screen is reloaded.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Disappearing E-mail glitch
Once you have completed all Transer sidequests, you will receive an e-mail from Legendary Master Shin titled "Congrats!" the next time you enter Echo Ridge. If you save after this, the next time you load the game, the first e-mail you received ("Class Review") will be gone forever.
This happens because the game re-counts the number of e-mails you should have when you load a saved game. However, the e-mail from Legendary Master Shin is not included in the count, possibly because it was added at a later stage in development. As a result of this oversight, the length of the e-mail list is set to 1 lower than it should be, which causes the "Class Review" e-mail to be cut off.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Double help quest glitch
Normally, you can only take on one help quest at once. However, when you speak to Zack after beating the 10 virus battle gauntlet in Piano Comp (as part of his post-game quest), when he offers to become Brothers for the first time, this unsets the flag for a help quest being active. As a result, you can now take on a second quest before finishing the first one. This can only be done once.
Both quests can be finished as normal. If you take on two conflicting quests (e.g. Chrys Golds and Heidi Rune), then the quest which has you talk to the other person takes priority over that person's own quest.
Records double SFX glitch
When you open the Records screen from the second page of the Mega screen, the selection SFX plays twice. This does not occur when you open the Records screen from the first page (which also has the "equip weapon" option).
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Name entry Geo mugshot glitch
The name entry screen uses specific Geo mugshots for specific messages, disregarding the story progress. This can cause the wrong mugshot to be displayed in certain situations, for example showing Geo with the Visualizer before he gets it in the story.
The following messages always show Geo without the Visualizer, even if he already has it:
- Entering a blank name.
The following messages always show Geo with the Visualizer, even if he has not obtained it yet:
- Cancel name entry.
- Entering an inappropriate name.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Event Stage wrong text box glitch
When you first visit the Event Stage during the story, an NPC will be blocking your path near the end. There is an event trigger in front of him which causes some text to show and Geo to turn back. However, it is possible to talk to the NPC object itself by placing Geo just before the event trigger with pixel perfect precision. When done, the NPC will show the wrong text box, namely one for a different NPC in the area.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Robo Snakes hit detection glitch
For two specific Robo Snakes in Robo Snake Comp 1, the hit detection does not function properly if Mega Man is standing in a certain corner.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
ShovelMan lever glitch
The first time you do ShovelMan's touch screen minigame, once you've moved the backhoe into place, it is still possible to interact with the lever even after the text box pops up. This can be done by dragging the stylus just above the text box. This only occurs the first time you use ShovelMan's Navi Card, and does not occur when you use it again later in the story or for a Transer quest.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Andromeda visual glitch
If Andromeda is in its 2nd form and is struck with a Best Combo that causes a paralysis, freeze or bubble status effect before hitting; after the Best Combo, Andromeda's visual will momentarily become its 1st form. However it will still act like its 2nd form with its guard up.
This happens because pre-condition status effects in Best Combos do not check for Status Guard; this causes Andromeda to be put in a recoiling state, but since Andromeda doesn't have a recoil animation, it plays an animation from its 1st form.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Hertz slow down quirk
If Geo walks over the Hertz behind BIG WAVE while his Visualizer is off, he will go slower while walking over that spot.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
ScrapComp Sub Card quirk
If you have Cloaker or Search Eye active and attempt to use the sonar, those Sub Card items will also flash in tandem with the sonar.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Cygnets dimming attack quirk
This section is under construction. |
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Double check |
If you use a dimming attack on the frame just on or before activation of the 3 Cygnets move, all 3 will appear on one panel with the black Cygnet on top. If attacked, they will all be hit at once.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Nacys Roof disappearing sprites
During Chapter 5, where all the NPCs gather on the roof, if you go walk along some square on the Wave Road to the left of the old man NPC, the wave hole on the mowai will disappear.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Bob Copper Pulse In error
In Chapter 3, you're meant to pulse into Bob Copper's Transer. However, touching the Transer icon above his head doesn't actually work, unlike with any other NPC - unless you touch the very left edge of it.
This happens because touch-hitboxes for waveholes are always active even if the wavehole isn't there. The Train Comp hitbox from the start of the game overlaps most of Bob Copper's Transer icon. As a result, the game thinks you touched the Train Comp (which isn't there) and ignores the input.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Lunar Knights message memory leak
Viewing a Lunar Knights Brother's message causes the game to allocate, but never deallocate, a temporary buffer for the message. If this is done often enough times (upwards of thousands of times), the game can run out of memory and crash when it fails to allocate new objects (such as using the Card Trader).
Applies to: | |
Japanese | Yes |
North American | — |
European | — |
Jammer multi delete
In battles that contain multiple Jammers, deleting multiple of them at the same time does not cause the DOUBLE DELETE or TRIPLE DELETE message to appear. This happens because when a Jammer enemy is deleted, its script does not register it as a candidate for multi deletion.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | ? |
Station Comp Wall error
In Station Comp 4, in one of the dead ends, there is a path that you cannot walk to the end of. The wall collision for that path was not set up correctly.
Applies to: | |
Japanese | ? |
North American | Yes |
European | Yes |