Cross System

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

The Cross System (クロスシステム), also known as Cross Change System (クロスチェンジシステム)[1] is a transformation system in Mega Man Battle Network 6. It can be paired up with Beast Out for even more tricks.

How to Use

Press Up in the Custom Screen for Cross Select, there will be a menu of Cross forms to go into. The transformation will stay until it is hit by its weakness or until it is overwritten by another Cross. If a Cross is hit by its weakness, MegaMan takes x2 damage and the form is lost for the rest of the battle.

Each Cross can only be used once per battle. These forms can't be accessed if MegaMan is in Very Tired emotion.

Cross Beast

Cross Beast (クロスビースト), AKA “Cross Cybeast”, is a form made when Beast Out combine with the Cross System. This can occur in any order, MegaMan can go from Beast Out into a Cross, or a Cross into Beast Out. Along with the Beast Out abilities, he shares the same abilities as the normal Cross except they no longer have their B Button PowerAttack. Instead, each Cross Beast has their own A Button PowerAttack Special Move.

When MegaMan loses his Beast Out due to the turn limit, the Cross is lost as well. But if the Cross is lost due to weakness, MegaMan will become his formless Beast Out.

Cross Abilities

Although normal MegaMan’s Charge Shot PowerAttack is calculated even with 6 Attack Buster stat and above, the Crosses’ B Button PowerAttack calculations maxes out at 5 Attack Buster stat.

Cybeast Gregar

Heat Cross Heat Beast
Object megaman-heatcross.png Object megaman-heatbeast.png




B Button PowerAttack FireArm (20 × Buster Attack + 30) Fire attack. ---
  • Non-dimming Fire chips gain +50.
  • Buster Attack stat +1.
Cross Beast Special Move --- GreatFire (30 × Buster Attack + 50) Fire attack.
Elec Cross Elec Beast
Object megaman-eleccross.png Object megaman-elecbeast.png




B Button PowerAttack Thunderbolt (20 × Buster Attack + 40) Elec attack. ---
  • Non-dimming Elec chips gain +50.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming None chips: The chip will now paralyze.
    • In ElecBeast, this ability no longer works and will be charged for the Cross Beast Special Move instead.
Cross Beast Special Move --- BigThunder (30 × Buster Attack + 40) Elec attack. Cracks panels. Paralyzes.
Slash Cross Slash Beast
Object megaman-slashcross.png Object megaman-slashbeast.png




  • The attack needs to have the Break element, not only guard-piercing.
B Button PowerAttack WideSlash (20 × Buster Attack + 60) Sword attack. ---
  • Non-dimming Sword chips gain +50.
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Sword element chip, FireSword, AquaSword, ElecSword, BambooSword: Its range is changed into a Sonic Boom-type Attack.
Cross Beast Special Move --- Slash-X (30 × Buster Attack + 50) Sword attack. Hits x2.
  • If both slashes hit in the center, it will count as a single hit.
Erase Cross Erase Beast
Object megaman-erasecross.png Object megaman-erasebeast.png




B Button PowerAttack EraseDeleteBeam (20 × Buster Attack + 40) Pierces Invis. ---
  • Cursor chips gain +30 (dimming and non-dimming).
  • If the enemy has a 4 digit in their HP and MegaMan lands with a non-dimming None chip:
    • Against viruses, they will be instantly deleted.
    • Against a boss or in a Network Duel, the enemy will receive an HP bug.
Cross Beast Special Move --- EraseTailArrow (30 × Buster Attack + 70) Cursor attack. Pierces Invis. Gives HP Bug.
Charge Cross Charge Beast
Object megaman-chargecross.png Object megaman-chargebeast.png




B Button PowerAttack ChargeTackle (20 × Buster Attack + 30) Fire attack. Pierces guard. Invincible during the attack. ---
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Fire chip: The chip can be charged over time, up to +100 damage. Maximum charge takes 8.5 seconds.
  • For 3 turns, every time the Custom Screen opens, MegaMan gets 1 more chip slot. The obtained slots are lost once MegaMan loses this form.
Cross Beast Special Move --- ChargeBite (30 x Buster Attack + 70) Fire attack. Immobilize effect during charge up.

Cybeast Falzar

Aqua Cross[2] Aqua Beast
Object megaman-aquacross.png Object megaman-aquabeast.png




B Button PowerAttack BubbleShot (10 × Buster Attack + 20) Aqua attack. Charges very quickly. ---
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Aqua chip: x2 the chip's attack.
  • When using a non-dimming Aqua Chip, MegaMan heals 5% of his maximum HP before any NaviCust Parts or Patch Cards.
Cross Beast Special Move --- AquaSpiral (10 × Buster Attack + 10) Aqua attack. Hits x5.
Tomahawk Cross Tomahawk Beast
Object megaman-tomahawkcross.png Object megaman-tomahawkbeast.png




B Button PowerAttack TomahawkSwing (20 × Buster Attack + 40) Wood attack. Sword attack. ---
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Wood chip: x2 the chip's attack.
  • Status Guard: MegaMan cannot be paralyzed, frozen, blinded, confused, or immobilized. Except by DestroyPulse PA.
Cross Beast Special Move --- WingBoomerang (20 × Buster Attack + 50) Wood attack. Hits x2.
Tengu Cross Tengu Beast
Object megaman-tengucross.png Object megaman-tengubeast.png




B Button PowerAttack TenguRacket (20 × Buster Attack + 40) Wind attack. Those struck on impact is knocked back all the way down the row. Otherwise, blows away all enemies. ---
  • B+Left: Vacuum Fan effect across the enemy field.
  • AirShoes: MegaMan can walk over Hole panels.
  • Non-dimming Wind chips gain +10.
Cross Beast Special Move --- TenguStorm (20 × Buster Attack + 30) Wind attack. Hits x3.
Ground Cross Ground Beast
Object megaman-groundcross.png Object megaman-groundbeast.png




B Button PowerAttack GroundDrill (10 × Buster Attack + 10) Break element attack. Hits x3. Knocks back 1 panel per hit. When MegaMan goes underground, he temporarily leaves the battlefield (does not work like PopUp). ---
  • A Button PowerAttack: Non-dimming Break chips: When using the chip, rocks will fall on the enemy field. Attack Power: (20 × Buster Attack + 30).
  • Super Armor: MegaMan cannot flinch aback.
  • Non-dimming Break element chips gain +10.
Cross Beast Special Move --- DrillDrive (20 × Buster Attack + 90) Break element attack. Hits x2.
  • In Network Duels, the second hit causes flashing but doesn't in story mode.
Dust Cross Dust Beast
Object megaman-dustcross.png Object megaman-dustbeast.png




B Button PowerAttack ScrapReborn (10 × Buster Attack + 50) Break element attack. Cracks panel. ---
  • B+Left: MegaMan sucks in all obstacles on the field, can store up to 8. Using the B Button will shoot out an obstacle (200 damage).
  • In the Custom Screen, there is a Trash Chute option. By selecting any number of chips and pressing it, the chips will move to the bottom of the folder. Then the next chips in the line-up will take their place. Can be used once per turn.
Cross Beast Special Move --- DustShooting (20 × Buster Attack + 80) Break element attack. Cracks panels.



  • Even though the players are guided to obtain each Cross in the story, only the first cross (HeatCross in Cybeast Gregar or AquaCross in Cybeast Falzar) is required to complete the story mode.
  • Elec and TenguCross are in the second slot of the Cross Select menu, but if the player is getting each Cross as they are unlocked, they are the third Crosses that are obtained.
  • The Rockman EXE 6 TGS 2005 trailer showed some early versions of the CrossSystem:
    • HeatCross’s FireArm was to go further than 3 panels.
    • AquaCross was to receive BubbleWrap upon transforming(?).
  • In the Japanese game, there is data for an item called "CrossBatch" and an E-Mail called "CrossChange". The CrossChange E-Mail suggests that Crosses were once needed to be equipped via Navi Customizer as a "CrossProgram" and CrossBatch was required to swap during battle. In the English game, these texts were removed but the CrossChange E-Mail name still exists.
  • ChargeMan and DustMan were originally non-elemental Navis, and only gained types when Crosses were decided to revert after getting hit with weakness.[3]


  1. Japanese and international instruction booklets, as well as some press releases.
  2. Known as Spout Cross in the English GBA MegaMan Battle Network 6.
  3. Rockman EXE6 Ultimate Navigation COMP