Battle Green Mystery Datas (MMBN4)

From The Rockman EXE Zone Wiki

These are the Battle Green Mystery Datas in Mega Man Battle Network 4. A Green Mystery Data appears on the battlefield of an Internet encounter. If you win the fight without it getting hit, you get to claim it. The drops are dependent in the areas they spawn.

ACDC Areas

Item Chance
2000zƶ 3/8
1 BugFrag 3/8
DublCrak * 2/8

Town Areas

Item Chance
1 BugFrag 4/8
Cannon * 1/8
TimeBomb L 1/8
Tornado T 1/8
Ball V 1/8

Park Areas

Item Chance
2 BugFrags 4/8
Spreader * 1/8
Ball B 1/8
Magnum H 1/8
PopUp P 1/8

International Net Areas

Netopia, YumLand, Sharo, Netfrica Areas.

Item Chance
2 BugFrags 4/8
Static * 1/8
MetaGel Z 1/8
Magnum V 1/8
PopUp * 1/8


Item Chance
3 BugFrags 4/8
MetaGel T 1/8
Mine Z 1/8
VDoll Y 1/8
DrkLine * 1/8

Black Earth

Item Chance
5 BugFrags 3/8
TimeBomb J 2/8
BugChain * 2/8
FstGauge * 1/8

ShadeMan and LaserMan

ShadMΩ and LasrMΩ will have a BGMD in their battles. The drops are different depending on the version.

Item Chance
(RS) BugCharg C 1/1
(BM) BugCurse C 1/1