Battle Card Locations (MMSF2)
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The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
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Information of where to find the Battle Cards available in Mega Man Star Force 2.
- The cards from "WCC Item Card" can't be obtained in the European version due to the removal of Wave Command Cards.
Terminology | Meaning |
BMW | Blue Mystery Waves. These Mystery Waves can only be picked up once and will not spawn again. |
PMW | Purple Mystery Waves. These Mystery Waves require the Unlocker SubCard to open. Can only be picked up once and will not spawn again. There are 7 PMWs in this game. |
GMW | Green Mystery Waves. These Mystery Waves will always spawn when you pulse in as MegaMan. Some areas have 1 GMW, while others have 2. They each have their own drop lists. |
YMW | Gold / Yellow Mystery Waves. It has a 50% chance of spawning when you change from Mega Man back into Geo, and it will spawn in one random area (out of 24 possible areas).
Standard Class Cards
ID | Name | Locations |
001 | Cannon |
002 | PlusCanon |
003 | HevyCanon |
004 | PlsmaGun1 |
005 | PlsmaGun2 |
006 | PlsmaGun3 |
007 | AirSpred1 |
008 | AirSpred2 |
009 | AirSpred3 |
010 | RdrMisil1 |
011 | RdrMisil2 |
012 | RdrMisil3 |
013 | SyncHook1 |
014 | SyncHook2 |
015 | SyncHook3 |
016 | MniGrnde1 |
017 | MniGrnde2 |
018 | MniGrnde3 |
019 | HeatGrnde |
020 | WoodGrnde |
021 | IceGrnde |
022 | Sword |
023 | WideSword |
024 | LongSword |
025 | WhtMeteor |
026 | SilvMteor |
027 | GreatAxe |
028 | DblStone |
029 | Guardian |
030 | Aura |
031 | GrndWave1 |
032 | GrndWave2 |
033 | GrndWave3 |
034 | MadVulcn1 |
035 | MadVulcn2 |
036 | MadVulcn3 |
037 | Scythe1 |
038 | Scythe2 |
039 | Scythe3 |
040 | BooHat1 |
041 | BooHat2 |
042 | BooHat3 |
043 | JetSki1 |
044 | JetSki2 |
045 | JetSki3 |
046 | FireRing1 |
047 | FireRing2 |
048 | FireRing3 |
049 | DnceFire1 |
050 | DnceFire2 |
051 | DnceFire3 |
052 | HeatUppr1 |
053 | HeatUppr2 |
054 | HeatUppr3 |
055 | KiloBomb1 |
056 | KiloBomb2 |
057 | KiloBomb3 |
058 | ChainBbl1 |
059 | ChainBbl2 |
060 | ChainBbl3 |
061 | StkyRain1 |
062 | StkyRain2 |
063 | StkyRain3 |
064 | SnoBall1 |
065 | SnoBall2 |
066 | SnoBall3 |
067 | PiranKss1 |
068 | PiranKss2 |
069 | PiranKss3 |
070 | VoltcEye1 |
071 | VoltcEye2 |
072 | VoltcEye3 |
073 | FlckrKck1 |
074 | FlckrKck2 |
075 | FlckrKck3 |
076 | StlthLzr1 |
077 | StlthLzr2 |
078 | StlthLzr3 |
079 | MumyHand1 |
080 | MumyHand2 |
081 | MumyHand3 |
082 | MopLance1 |
083 | MopLance2 |
084 | MopLance3 |
085 | Fokx-Fu1 |
086 | Fokx-Fu2 |
087 | Fokx-Fu3 |
088 | Squall1 |
089 | Squall2 |
090 | Squall3 |
091 | NeedlAtk1 |
092 | NeedlAtk2 |
093 | NeedlAtk3 |
094 | GrnCarpet |
095 | BlueCarpt |
096 | PrplCarpt |
097 | PuffBlst1 |
098 | PuffBlst2 |
099 | PuffBlst3 |
100 | Buki1 |
101 | Buki2 |
102 | Buki3 |
103 | JngleStrm |
104 | SnoStorm |
105 | PoisnStrm |
106 | ElecSlash |
107 | WoodSlash |
108 | FireSlash |
109 | MoaiFall1 |
110 | MoaiFall2 |
111 | MoaiFall3 |
112 | BlackHole1 |
113 | BlackHole2 |
114 | BlackHole3 |
115 | BsrkSwrd1 |
116 | BsrkSwrd2 |
117 | BsrkSwrd3 |
118 | TyphnDnce |
119 | AtomMine1 |
120 | AtomMine2 |
121 | AtomMine3 |
122 | PrlyzeStg |
123 | GNullStage |
124 | Recover10 |
125 | Recover30 |
126 | Recover50 |
127 | Recover80 |
128 | Recover120 |
129 | Recover150 |
130 | Recover200 |
131 | Recover300 |
132 | Barrier |
133 | SprBarrier |
134 | AttckPanel |
135 | AmbshPanel |
136 | BustrPanel |
137 | Invisible |
138 | Whistle |
139 | Bombalizr |
140 | AreaEater |
141 | SpritFury |
142 | AntiSword |
143 | PoisnApple |
144 | DoublCross |
145 | GigaMine |
146 | GrassStage |
147 | IceStage |
148 | HolyPanel |
149 | ParlyzPlus |
150 | Attack+10 |
Mega Class Cards
ID | Name | Locations |
001 | DrkPhntm |
002 | DrkPhntmEXEX |
003 | DrkPhntmSPSP |
004 | YetiBlzzrd |
005 | YtBlzzrdEXEX |
006 | YtBlzzrdSPSP |
007 | Rogue |
008 | RogueEXEX |
009 | RogueSPSP |
010 | PlesioSrf |
011 | PlsioSrfEXEX |
012 | PlsioSrfSPSP |
013 | TerraCndr |
014 | TrraCndrEXEX |
015 | TrraCndrSPSP |
016 | Hollow |
017 | HollowEXEX |
018 | HollowSPSP |
019 | TaurusFire |
020 | TaursFireEXEX |
021 | TaursFireSPSP |
022 | HarpNote |
023 | HarpNoteEXEX |
024 | HarpNoteSPSP |
025 | QnOphiuca |
026 | QnOphiucaEXEX |
027 | QnOphiucaSPSP |
028 | GeminSpark |
029 | GemnSpkEXEX |
030 | GemnSpkSPSP |
031 | CancrBuble |
032 | CancrBublEXEX |
033 | CancrBublSPSP |
034 | KngFooKid |
035 | KngFooKdEXEX |
036 | KngFooKdSPSP |
037 | GenAuriga |
038 | GnAurgaEX |
039 | GnAurgaSP |
040 | ApolloFlm |
041 | AplloFlmEXEX |
042 | AplloFlmSPSP |
Giga Class Cards
Zerker Only
ID | Name | Locations |
001 (Zerker) | GemniThndr |
002 (Zerker) | RogueBreak |
003 (Zerker) | MilliKick |
004 (Zerker) | PoisonPhar |
005 (Zerker) | Avalanche |
Ninja Only
ID | Name | Locations |
001 (Ninja) | GorgonEye |
002 (Ninja) | TrrntWave |
003 (Ninja) | BusterMax |
004 (Ninja) | DrknssHole |
005 (Ninja) | FlyngImpct |
Saurian Only
ID | Name | Locations |
001 (Saurian) | OxTackle |
002 (Saurian) | MT Magic |
003 (Saurian) | Normal+50 |
004 (Saurian) | BrkTmeBmb |
005 (Saurian) | PhntmSlsh |
Event Only Cards
These cards do not appear in the Library.
Class | Name | Locations |
Mega | KingGrndeur | Only obtainable at real-life events.
Giga | Le Mu | Only obtainable at real-life events.
Star Cards
This section is under construction. |
The information may not be complete or 100% accurate. |
Finish numbering. There's so many cards. |
The Star Card (★) library can be seen by pressing left of the Standard Class library. There are a total of 360 cards, but not all cards can be obtained by standard means and requires using the Card Trader (temp link).
- The Alt. IFL Tower 2 Shop doesn't exist in the European due to the removal of Wave Command Cards.
ID | Name | Locations |
001 002 003 |
Cannon |
004 005 006 |
PlusCanon |
007 008 009 |
HevyCanon |
010 011 012 |
PlsmaGun1 |
013 014 015 |
PlsmaGun2 |
016 017 018 |
PlsmaGun3 |
019 020 022 |
AirSpred1 |
022 023 024 |
AirSpred2 |
025 026 027 |
AirSpred3 |
028 029 030 |
RdrMisil1 |
031 032 033 |
RdrMisil2 |
034 035 036 |
RdrMisil3 |
037 038 039 |
SyncHook1 |
040 041 042 |
SyncHook2 |
043 044 045 |
SyncHook3 |
046 047 048 |
MniGrnde1 |
049 050 051 |
MniGrnde2 |
052 053 054 |
MniGrnde3 |
055 056 057 |
HeatGrnde |
058 059 060 |
WoodGrnde |
061 062 063 |
IceGrnde |
xx xx xx |
Sword |
xx xx xx |
WideSword |
xx xx xx |
LongSword |
xx xx xx |
WhtMeteor |
xx xx xx |
SilvMteor |
xx xx xx |
GreatAxe |
xx xx xx |
Guardian |
xx xx xx |
GrndWave1 |
xx xx xx |
GrndWave2 |
xx xx xx |
GrndWave3 |
xx xx xx |
MadVulcn1 |
xx xx xx |
MadVulcn2 |
xx xx xx |
MadVulcn3 |
xx xx xx |
Scythe1 |
xx xx xx |
Scythe2 |
xx xx xx |
Scythe3 |
xx xx xx |
BooHat1 |
xx xx xx |
BooHat2 |
xx xx xx |
BooHat3 |
xx xx xx |
JetSki1 |
xx xx xx |
JetSki2 |
xx xx xx |
JetSki3 |
xx xx xx |
FireRing1 |
xx xx xx |
FireRing2 |
xx xx xx |
FireRing3 |
xx xx xx |
DnceFire1 |
xx xx xx |
DnceFire2 |
xx xx xx |
DnceFire3 |
xx xx xx |
HeatUppr1 |
xx xx xx |
HeatUppr2 |
xx xx xx |
HeatUppr3 |
xx xx xx |
KiloBomb1 |
xx xx xx |
KiloBomb2 |
xx xx xx |
KiloBomb3 |
xx xx xx |
ChainBbl1 |
xx xx xx |
ChainBbl2 |
xx xx xx |
ChainBbl3 |
xx xx xx |
StkyRain1 |
xx xx xx |
StkyRain2 |
xx xx xx |
StkyRain3 |
xx xx xx |
SnoBall1 |
xx xx xx |
SnoBall2 |
xx xx xx |
SnoBall3 |
xx xx xx |
PiranKss1 |
xx xx xx |
PiranKss2 |
xx xx xx |
PiranKss3 |
xx xx xx |
VoltcEye1 |
xx xx xx |
VoltcEye2 |
xx xx xx |
VoltcEye3 |
xx xx xx |
FlckrKck1 |
xx xx xx |
FlckrKck2 |
xx xx xx |
FlckrKck3 |
xx xx xx |
StlthLzr1 |
xx xx xx |
StlthLzr2 |
xx xx xx |
StlthLzr3 |
xx xx xx |
MumyHand1 |
xx xx xx |
MumyHand2 |
xx xx xx |
MumyHand3 |
xx xx xx |
MopLance1 |
xx xx xx |
MopLance2 |
xx xx xx |
MopLance3 |
xx xx xx |
Fokx-Fu1 |
xx xx xx |
Fokx-Fu2 |
xx xx xx |
Fokx-Fu3 |
xx xx xx |
Squall1 |
xx xx xx |
Squall2 |
xx xx xx |
Squall3 |
xx xx xx |
NeedlAtk1 |
xx xx xx |
NeedlAtk2 |
xx xx xx |
NeedlAtk3 |
xx xx xx |
GrnCarpet |
xx xx xx |
BlueCarpt |
xx xx xx |
PrplCarpt |
xx xx xx |
PuffBlst1 |
xx xx xx |
PuffBlst2 |
xx xx xx |
PuffBlst3 |
xx xx xx |
Buki1 |
xx xx xx |
Buki2 |
xx xx xx |
Buki3 |
xx xx xx |
JngleStrm |
xx xx xx |
SnoStorm |
xx xx xx |
PoisnStrm |
xx xx xx |
ElecSlash |
xx xx xx |
WoodSlash |
xx xx xx |
FireSlash |
xx xx xx |
MoaiFall1 |
xx xx xx |
MoaiFall2 |
xx xx xx |
MoaiFall3 |
xx xx xx |
BlackHole1 |
xx xx xx |
BlackHole2 |
xx xx xx |
BlackHole3 |
xx xx xx |
BsrkSwrd1 |
xx xx xx |
BsrkSwrd2 |
xx xx xx |
BsrkSwrd3 |
xx xx xx |
TyphnDnce |
340 341 342 |
AtomMine1 |
343 344 345 |
AtomMine2 |
346 347 348 |
AtomMine3 |
349 350 351 |
Bombalizr |
352 353 354 |
SpritFury |
355 356 357 |
AntiSword |
358 359 360 |
GigaMine |