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EXE Movie English Fandub Trailer Released

rockmanexemovieThe Rockman EXE: Program of Light and Dark fandub project, led by Nat400, recently released its first trailer. The project’s goal is to create a fully voiced English dub of the Rockman EXE movie, which came out only in Japan. The voices are all provided by fans, including TREZ staff member MidniteW who is starring as MegaMan.EXE!

The fandub is currently set for a June 23-30 release on Vimeo and Veoh, with the possibility of a YouTube release. View the full post to see the trailer, embedded below.

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C-Wars: Roguelike RTS with a touch of MMBN

cwars_logoChinese indie developers Onipunks have launched a Kickstarter campaign for their new PC/Mac/Linux/Android game C-Wars. The game revolves around strategic real-time combat on a rectangular grid of blue and red tiles. Sounds familiar? It should: it’s similar to the basis for Mega Man Battle Network’s battle system. If you’re a big MMBN fan, you may like this game.

According to the developers, C-Wars was inspired by games such as Super Robot Taisen, Fallout and Call of Duty, not MMBN. Furthermore, the FAQ on the game’s site also notes several major differences with Mega Man Battle Network.

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TheSpeedGamers raise $11,860 for charity

tsg megaman marathon iconSpeedrunning group TheSpeedGamers has successfully hit their goal for their 72-hour Mega Man Marathon, raising a grand total of $11,860 for charity. After some technical issues in the first day, they made a great comeback thanks to various auctions, smashing their $10,000 goal and extending the marathon another full 24 hours. All money raised will go to Rocking H Ranch where it will be split up across multiple charities.

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MegaMan EXE Look-Alike Turns Up In Mobile Game

I was sent this video by a TREZ reader earlier. It is a trailer for a mobile game being released.

The actual bulk of video isn’t important. Skip to the end of the video where the title appears. You’ll notice that this “Flying Jet Robot” character looks very similar to MegaMan EXE. This isn’t the first time a mobile game has blatantly taken an existing character being passed off as original, but I think this is the first directly involving the Battle Network series.
Thanks to a regular TREZ reader for sending this in.

MMBN Chrono X demo 4 released

mmbncx-title-screenMegaDudes Productions, the team behind the popular Battle Network fangame MMBN: Chrono X have just released the game’s 4th demo! The game is brimming with new content such as chips, enemies, bosses and a completely original storyline. The 4th demo contains roughly 6 hours of content and runs on the PC. We’ve already played a bit of the game and were thoroughly impressed with how faithful it is to the original Battle Network games.

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TREZ Winter Festival 2012 Schedule

It’s mid-December, and we all know that means it’s time for the annual TREZ Winter Festival! The TREZ Winter Festival is a yearly events with lots of streams, tournaments and contests. We’ve been working hard the past week to organize events and make this year’s festival even better than the last. The resulting schedule is now up for all to see!

This year, we’ll be repeating some of last year’s most successful events, such as Master’s Craft and the Chrono X highlight event, but there will also be new things to enjoy, such as the Speedrun Challenge. Whether you’re a gamer or an artist, or something else entirely, there should be something you’ll like.

So what are you waiting for? Check out the schedule for this year.

Click here to visit the Winter Festival 2012 board on TREZ Forums.

We’re back

After a brief service interruption, TREZ’s home page is now back up and functioning. Thanks to long-time member Mgamerz, we now have a new host for the site. As the Legacy project has been cancelled recently, the references to it have been removed. You’ll also notice the features panel below now features the Rockman EXE WS Translation project, as it is now a major piece of content for the site.

Please report any issues and we’ll have them fixed as soon as possible.