Developer Nick West has released a first demo of Mega Man Battle Network Overclocked, a fan remake of the first MMBN game. Not only that, but it’s fully in 3D! This is one fangame which is truly a cut above the rest.
The first demo of Overclocked contains the entirety of MMBN1’s first chapter, the FireMan scenario. Nick West plans to also add the NumberMan scenario for the final build. This isn’t just a carbon copy of MMBN1, however – Overclocked brings a host of new features that take advantage of the game’s 3D display. Smooth transitions between the overworld and battle screens have been added, and mugshots are replaced with full-size animated character models.
Some features from the later MMBN games are also included, such as SubChips, Regular chips and the ability to run from battles. Accordingly, your health is no longer replenished for free after each battle. The “ADD” button now also works like it does in BN2 and BN3, increasing the number of chips on the Custom Screen for the rest of the battle.
Be sure to watch the launch trailer, and then head over to Nick West’s itch.io page to grab the demo. And if that piqued your interest, give Nick a follow on Twitter.
Cease and desist in 3,2…
You’re thinking of Nintendo. Capcom isn’t quite so opposed to fangames.
This is not a fan game, it’s said in the beginning of the video. Stop lying guys, are you stupid?
plausible deniability
A condition in which a subject can safely and believably deny knowledge of any particular truth that may exist because the subject is deliberately made unaware of said truth so as to benefit or shield the subject from any responsibility associated through the knowledge of such truth.
For me, the source material for MMBN just doesn’t quite work in 3D like it does in 2D. I sit here and go, “Why?” Why make MMBN three dimensional? If the reason is, “so the person/team developing it can learn 3D modeling and game programming” then that’s awesome. I can rally behind that and hope Nick is successful.
I just wish aspiring developers would go the Shanghai.exe route and try overlaying the MMBN formula with original content. There’s a real love for the MMBN genre as a whole. Shanghai merges it flawlessly with Touhou and the formula has a whole to new heights…it outdoes Battle Network itself. What else could people do?
Why make MMBN three-dimensional? Why make anything three-dimensional? It’s because we all have visions of what this world was supposed to look like, and this creator is bringing to life what he imagined the world of Battle Network to look like. If that vision aligns with yours, then there is much gained in experiencing the game that way, even if the game itself plays the same. Same reasoning (at least in large part) behind the divisive reactions to the remake of Secret of Mana. While I disagree with the notion that Shanghai.exe outdid all that MMBN was, because MMBN has a tremendously interesting universe and overarching story that did a lot for it even outside of gameplay, I do agree that adding new and interesting gameplay elements and building on a game is a great way to give it new life. But this is also a way to keep love alive, and many are going to get great enjoyment out of it.
ay least someone is trying to make something instead of complaining like everyone tends too do so. 3D or not new MMBN game here i come. ( my youtube @ “Base Bass Forte” ) i’l make videos once again if a new game comes to show. (current vids are privated temporarly.)
yoh Melee Master159. check ouy my channel. i also play Melee. and if a new MMBN game ever releases i’l make vids and take you on. (“Base Bass Forte”) that’s my yt channel. my vids are temporarly privated but soon i’l have them public again. got Melee and MMBN vids. hope you stay tuned. and i can’t wait to try out this new game. ♡
All fair points. In thinking about it, my view is influenced by a first person recreation of ACDC Town a friend of mine made possible a couple years ago. You’re able to explore 3D ACDC in first person and jack into an (albeit basic) Internet Area. That’s a bit more of an experience than this is to me. But that’s just me. This is clearly getting recognition on YouTube and will have an audience too. Hope it does well.