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MMBN6 – Link Navi FAQ

by Mega Rock.exe

Table of Contents

^A.  Version History
^B.  What is a Link Navi?
^C.  Basic Controls and Features
^D.  Falzar Navis
^D1.   Aquaman
^D2.   Tomahawkman
^D3.   Tenguman
^D4.   Groundman
^D5.   Dustman
^E.  Gregar Navis
^E1.   Heatman
^E2.   Elecman
^E3.   Slashman
^E4.   Killerman
^E5.   Chargeman
^F.  Protoman
^G.  Beast Link Gate
^H.  FAQs
^I.  Contacting Me
^J.  Credits
^K  Legal Info


^A.  Version History

1.0  (July 07, 2006)
Finished basic structure of FAQ.

1.1  (July 08, 2006)
Added Locations and fixed attack names.

1.2  (July 10, 2006)
Finished all Navi information.
Added FAQs.

1.3  (July 13, 2006)
Added more info to the Contact section.
Added some info to the Beast Link Gate section.
Included Legal Info section.

1.4  (July 19, 2006)
Ran a Spell Check.

1.5  (July 20, 2006)
Finished and submitted.

1.6  (July 24, 2006)
Added Examples under attacks.

1.7  (July 27, 2006)
Updated Aquaman section.

1.8  (August 03, 2006)
Updated Tomahawkman section.  FAQ posted on Area Zero.

1.9  (September 01, 2006)
Updated some sections.  Added Selected Chip Glitch.

2.0  (September 03, 2006)
Added Japanese Operator names.  Added Bass SP dialogues.

2.1  (October 20, 2006)
Updated Chargeman section.  Fixed mistakes.

2.2  (July 21, 2008)
Added Beast Link Gate Navi Power ups section.
    (Contribution by Nigoli)

2.3  (August 2012)
Updated for posting on TREZ.


^B.  What is a Link Navi?

A Link Navis is a navi that Lan can control.  After he has obtained 
that Link Navi's cross, he can freely operate them at his own will.
This guide will go in-depth on a Link Navi's special characteristics 
and special moves, etc.  With this guide, you should be able to master
the powers of a Link Navi!


^C.  Basic Controls and Features

When operating a Link Navi, it will be similar to when you operate 
Megaman.  The controls are the same on the Net, push up to go up, 
push down to go down, blah,blah,blah.  When you enter a battle, 
you will notice that there is a brightly colored star next to the 
"OK" button.  This chip is the Link Navi's special attack or "Fixed Chip".
It will normally be stronger, but you may only use it once per 
battle.  When you charge up, you won't shoot a buster shot 
like when you control Megaman, but rather a stronger, special attack.
This attack may be used as much as you want.  Another thing you 
might notice is that a Link Navi has more HP than Megaman.  Link Navi's HP 
goes up as you progress in the game.  The max HP for all Link Navis is 800.  
The bad part is that, unlike in MMBN5, their special chip will remain 
at the same base strength throughout the entire game.  Another thing 
you might want to utilize is the fact that Link Navis can take some 
programs that Megaman is using.  Even if Link Navis have no Navi Customizer,
they can still use the following programs:  Custom1, Custom2, 
MegaFolder1, MegaFolder2, GigaFolder1, FolderPack1, and FolderPack2.  
That is all of the programs known to work with Link Navis, and the good 
part is, you don't get a bug, so you can cram these programs to the edge 
of the Customizer Map and won't be bugged during battle!  However, when
you try to Net Battle while you are using a Link Navi, you will use Megaman
instead.  If you change your folder, you will still use the one that Megaman
was using before you used that Link Navi.  There is a glitch in this folder
swtiching while using a Link Navi.  Full 100% credit goes to Greiga Master
for discovering this.  Your preset and tagged chips are memorized by slot.
If you switch the location of your preset chip to another chip other than
a Giga chip, it will be selected during a Net Battle.  The same goes for
tagged chips.  This little glitch can be abused, so use it when you have to.


^D.  Falzar Navis

Here is a rundown on the stats of the Falzar version's Navis.
It will list their In-Game comment, attribute, operator, MaxHP, 
attacks, and their strengths along with their special ability.


^D1.  Aquaman / Spoutman
"I don't fight a lot, drip.  Real battles scare me... drip!"

Attribute:  Aqua

Operator:  Shuko / Shuko

Location:  ResearchLab1

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Water, Fire

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  SpoutHs / SpoutHose / AquaHs / AquaHose

Charge Attack Attributes:  Water/PanelBreak/Flinching

Description:  Aquaman shoots a bubble out 2 spaces forward 
and expands 1 space behind.  Bubble damages for up to a second.
Doesn't work over hole.

Power Levels:  1: 40  2: 60  3: 80  4:100  5: 120


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    A = Aquaman
[ ][A][ ][B][S][ ]    B = Bubble
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    S = Spreaded bubble

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    C = Cracked Panel
[ ][A][ ][C][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  DripShwr / DripShower

Special Attack Attributes:  Water / Flinching

Description:  Aquaman spins for a while and jumps 3 spaces away.  
If the panel is occupied, the attack will not work.  If it does work, 
he will spin 2 times spraying water on the panels surrounding him.  
He will then return to his original patter after the attack is finished.

Special Attack Attributes:  Water

Power Levels:  1: 30  2: 40  3: 50  4: 60  5: 70


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    A = Aquaman
[ ][A][ ][ ][L][ ]    L = Location
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    A = Aquaman
[ ][ ][ ][W][A][W]    W = Water
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][A][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][W][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][W][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][A][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][W][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][W][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][A][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W]

And finally:
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][W][A][W]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Ability:  No-Slip (can't slip on ice panels)

Comment:  Aquaman is pretty decent for a Link Navi.  
He may be limited to the amount of SpoutHoses he may 
use since it breaks panels and doesn't work over a hole.  
His DripShower can easily be stopped but you are invincible 
during the duration of the attack.  The only legitimate way 
to increase his Charge speed is through the HubBatch chip.
His charge speed is one of the fastest at max stats.  
Aquaman being Aqua means he is weak against Electric attacks, 
but makes him not slip on ice.


^D2.  Tomahawkman
"Lan, your operating gives me such an awesome feeling!"

Attribute:  Wood

Operator:  Dingo / Dingo

Location:  Heliport in Sky Town

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Tree, Cloud

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  TSwing / TomahawkSwing

Charge Attack Attributes:  Wood/Sword

Description:  Tomahawkman swings a delayed Tomahawk Swing that 
hits both panels in front.

Power Levels:  1: 120  2: 140  3: 160  4: 180  5: 200


[ ][ ][A][A][ ][ ]    T = Tomahawkman
[ ][T][A][A][ ][ ]    A = Axe swing
[ ][ ][A][A][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  ETomahwk / EagleTomahawk

Special Attack Attributes:  Null / PanelDestroy / Flinching

Description:  Tomahawkman raises a giant axe and slams it on the floor 
causing an impact forward.  Delayed attack and can go over hole.
Destroyes panels.

Power Levels:  1: 130  2: 160  3: 190  4: 210  5: 240


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    T = Tomahawkman
[ ][T][>][>][>][E]    E = Attack
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction

Special Ability:  SuperArmor, StatusGuard, GrassHeal

Comment:  Tomahawkman makes an awesome Link Navi.  Having 
SuperArmor and StatusGuard makes him a powerful Navi.  
His attacks are pretty slow though.  The TomahawkSwing is 
especially slow, so use it at the right time because there 
is a delay after the attack.  Tomahawkman is Wood, so he is 
weak against Fire attacks.  Standing on a grass panel can be
dangerous, but recovers Tomahawkman by 1 HP every second.
If he is weak, he will gain 1 HP about every 3 seconds.


^D3.  Tenguman
"I can feel the wind..."

Attribute:  Wind

Operator:  Master Feng Tian / Futen Roushi

Location:  Green Town

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Fire, Tornado

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  ThrustT / ThrustTengu

Charge Attack Attributes:  Null/Flinching/Paralyzing

Description:  Tenguman extends his nose 3 panels and attacks 
them immediately.  The tip of the nose causes paralysis.  
A brief delay has been inserted at the end to prevent this 
ability to be abused.

Power Levels:  1: 50  2: 60  3: 70  4: 80  5: 90


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    T = Tenguman
[ ][T][N][N][N][ ]    N = Nose
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  FTornado / FujinTornado

Special Attack Attributes:  Wind

Description:  Tenguman causes a Tornado to hit all objects 
on the field 3 times.  These objects incude enemies, RockCubes,
Mystery Data, etc.

Power Levels:  1: 20  2: 30  3: 40  4: 50  5: 60

It just hits all objects and enemies.

Special Ability:  Omni-Shoes; pull enemies in with B+Left.

Comment:  Tenguman is very compatible with Omni-Shoes.  
Panel types will not affect him and can control enemies’ 
positions with wind.  Tenguman is very similar to Tengu Cross.
This also means you can easily blow away Auras.  His charge attack
makes it useful to make chips hit easier.  However, his special 
is quite useless if you are trying to save the Mystery Data 
in battle.  Tenguman is Wind, so he is weak againts Sword attacks.


^D4.  Groundman
"Whiiiiiir!  C'mon!  Let's go break some viruses!"

Attribute:  Break

Operator:  Moliarty / Dotarou

Location:  ResearchLab2

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Water, Tree

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  DAttkr / DrillAttacker

Charge Attack Attributes:  Break

Description:  Groundman becomes 3 drills and launches forward 
3 panels.  Once it hits, it will stop to continue its attack 
on that panel.  The attack hits 3 times but Groundman is a 
sitting duck back at his original panel.  After the attack,
there is a temporary delay before you can move again.

Power Levels:  1: 20  2: 30  3: 40  4: 50  5: 60


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    G = Groundman
[ ][G][>][>][D][ ]    D = Drills
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction

[ ][ ][>][>][D][ ]
[ ][G][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][G][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][>][>][D][ ]

Special Attack:  RCBreaker / RockCrushBreaker

Special Attack Attributes:  Break / Flinching

Description:  Groundman charges up for a while and 
launches forward to the enemy's back row.  If an 
enemy gets hit by Groundman, the attack will automatically 
end causing the enemy to flinch and push them back a panel.
If it hits the end row, Groundman will become invincible 
and drops 9 rocks on all enemies.  After the attack is 
over, Groundman will return to his original panel.

Power Levels:  1: 40  2: 50  3: 60  4: 70  5: 80


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    G = Groundman
[ ][G][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][>][>][>][G]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Ability:  SuperArmor

Comment:  Groundman is kind of slow.  His attacks can get 
really powerful if maxed out.  His special attack is 
especially useful with a WhiteCapsule.  His attribute is 
Break meaning he is weak against Cursor attacks.  He has 
SuperArmor, which is especially helpful.  Since no virus on 
the Net can do that type of attack, you cannot take double damage.


^D5.  Dustman
"GaHaHaHaHa!!  Let's go clean up some cybertrash!!"

Attribute:  Break

Operator:  Mr.Press / Mr.Press

Location:  Seaside Town Aquarium, by the Vending Machines

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Tornado, Cloud

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  SReborn / ScrapReborn

Charge Attack Attributes:  Break/PanelBreak/Flinching
Description:  Dustman shoots a trash creature forward that 
will smash an enemy it finds.  If no enemy is found, 
it will hit the end panel.  Temporary delay after the attack.

Power Levels:  1: 80  2: 100  3: 120  4: 140  5: 160


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    D = Dustman
[ ][D][>][>][>][S]    S = ScrapReborn
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction

Special Attack:  DustBrk / DustBreak

Special Attack Attributes:  Break / Wind / Flinching

Description:  Dustman will suck in enemies for a couple 
seconds, and then clamp the enemy with his arms.  There 
is a brief delay after the attack.  While sucking up, the
wind will remove auras, barriers and Big Hat's glasses.

Power Levels:  1: 110  2: 140  3: 170  4: 200  5: 230


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    D = Dustman
[ ][D][W][W][W][W]    W = Wind
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    B = Attack

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][D][B][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Ability:  SuperArmor

Comment:  Dustman is similar to Groundman.  He is a bit 
faster than him though.  Again, he gets SuperArmor which 
makes him tough and basically no weakness.  There is an 
interesting sprite glitch in him though.  If you finish 
the battle with DustBreak, his right arm disappears for 
no reason!  Other than that, kind of decent for a Link Navi.


^E.  Gregar Navis


^E1.  Heatman
"Let me at 'em Lan!  I'm burning for one hot battle!"

Attribute:  Fire

Operator:  Mr.Match / Hinoken

Location:  ResearchLab1

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Fire, Tree

MaxHP:  800

Charge Attack:  HeatArm / HeatArm

Charge Attack Attributes:  Fire/Flinching

Description:  Heatman creates fire towers to attack the panel 
in front and the column behind that.

Power Levels:  1: 40  2: 60  3: 80  4: 100  5: 120


[ ][ ][ ][F][ ][ ]    H = Heatman
[ ][H][F][F][ ][ ]    F = Fire
[ ][ ][ ][F][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  HeatPres / HeatPress

Special Attack Attributes:  Fire / Flinching

Description:  Heatman jumps 3 panels forward and creates fire 
towers surrounding him in a + shape.

Power Levels:  1: 70  2: 90  3: 110  4: 130  5: 150


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    H = Heatman
[ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ]    F = Fire
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    
[ ][ ][ ][ ][H][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][F][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][F][H][F]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][F][ ]

Special Ability:  Float Shoes

Comment:  Heatman is decent.  His change attack is very 
limited in range without owning many panels.  His attacks 
are fast and the Float shoes makes him a reliable Navi.  
However, his charge attack is sort of weak and due to the 
fact that he is fire, he is weal against Aqua.  Not too many 
strong Aqua attacks so no need to worry.


^E2.  Elecman
"Your operating sparks a surge of power within me..."

Attribute:  Elec

Operator:  Ms.Ann Zap / Ann Electel

Location:  Heliport in Sky Town

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Water, Cloud

Max HP: 800

Charge Attack:  T-Bolt / ThunderBolt

Charge Attack Attributes:  Elec/PanelBreak/Flinching

Description:  Elecman causes lightning to strike the enemy.
It also causes the attacked panel to break.

Power Levels:  1: 60  2: 80  3: 100  4: 120  5: 140

It just hits all enemies.

Special Attack:  DElecSwd / DashElecSword

Special Attack Attributes:  Elec / Sword / Paralyze

Description:  Elecman will dash towards the enemy and 
slash when he approaches the nearest enemy.  The attack 
will paralyze the enemy.

Power Levels:  1: 60  2: 80  3: 100  4: 120  5: 140


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    E = Elecman
[ ][E][ ][ ][ ][T]    T = Enemy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][>][>][E][T]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][s]    s = Sword
[ ][ ][ ][ ][E][S]    S = Attacked enemy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][s]

Special Ability:  Omni-Shoes

Comment:  Elecman is very capable in escaping a difficult 
situation.  His Omni-Shoes is especially helpful in tricky 
areas.  TBolt may be a bit slow, but works good with DElecSwd.
Unfortunately, since his element is Elec, he is weak against 
Wood attacks.  Watch out for those HoneyBombers!


^E3.  Slashman
"Slash!  Any virus in my way is asking for a slicing!"

Attribute:  Sword

Operator:  Ms.Pat Sahran / Phakchi Fahran

Location:  Green Town

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Tree, Tornado

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  TEdge / TripleEdge

Charge Attack Attributes:  Null/Flinching

Description:  Slashman makes 3 Kunais appear.  Two will 
appear on the same column he is in, the other one appears 
in front of him.  They will spin for a brief moment and then 
launch to hit the enemy once.  If an enemy is hit directly from 
the spinning, they will take 2 hits before they fire and 
disappear.  So an enemy will take a total of 3 hits if 
used correctly.

Power Levels:  1: 20  2: 30  3: 40  4: 50  5: 60


[ ][K][ ][ ][ ][ ]    S = Slashman
[ ][S][K][ ][ ][ ]    K = Kunai
[ ][K][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction

[ ][>][>][>][>][K]
[ ][S][>][>][>][K]
[ ][>][>][>][>][K]

Special Attack:  RSlash / RollingSlash

Special Attack Attributes:  Sword / Flinching

Description:  Slashman will spin and loop into the 
column of the nearest enemy and return to his original panel.

Power Levels:  1: 100  2: 120  3: 140  4: 160  5: 180


[ ][<][<][<][<][<]    S = Slashman
[ ][S][ ][ ][ ][^]    > = Direction
[ ][>][>][>][>][^]    ^ = Direction 

Special Ability:  None

Comment:  Slashman is a bit weak.  His special is long 
range and can hit more than once if used correctly.  His 
TEdge is best used on nearby opponents.  His power is weak 
overall so it's best to stick in some AreaGrabs and BusterUps 
in your folder.  Since Slashman is the Sword element, he is 
weak against Break attacks.  Be careful around Craggers.


^E4.  Killerman / Eraseman
"My scythe cries... It wants to delete!!  Hyahahahahaha!!"

Attribute:  Cursor

Operator:  Mr.Dark Scyth / Dark Kirisaki

Location:  ResearchLab2

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Water, Cloud

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  HSickle / HexSickle

Charge Attack Attributes:  Sword/Flinching

Description:  Killerman swings his scythe and attacks 
the 2nd column away from him in a WideSword slice.

Power Levels:  1: 70  2: 90  3: 110  4: 130  5: 150


[ ][ ][ ][S][ ][ ]    K = Killerman
[ ][K][ ][S][ ][ ]    S = Slice
[ ][ ][ ][S][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  EDeleteBm / Eraser'sDeleteBeam / KDeleteBeam / KillerDeleteBeam

Special Attack Attributes:  Cursor / Break / InvisPierce

Description:  Killerman will fire a beam forward to
attack the entire row.  The attack will cause Cursor 
damage, Break through guards and hit invisible enemies.

Power Levels:  1: 50  2: 70  3: 90  4: 110  5: 130


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    K = Killerman
[ ][K][B][B][B][B]    B = Beam
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Ability:  None

Comment:  Killerman is a well balanced Navi.  Since 
his EDeleteBm is just like his Navi chip, it carries 
its attributes and is very helpful.  His scythe is a bit 
slow and can miss active enemies.  Also, since there are no 
viruses that can cause Wind damage to you, Killerman basically 
has no weakness.  The best part about him is his special attack.
It has the most attributes and can bust Craggers in one hit!


^E5.  Chargeman
"Is it departure time!?  I want to be on time!  Choo, choo!!"

Attribute:  Fire

Operator:  Mr.Al Ferry / Kurogane Kunio

Location:  Seaside Town Aquarium, by the Vending Machines

Can Break Elemental Gates:  Fire, Tornado

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  CrazyL / Crazy Locomotive

Charge Attack Attributes:  Break/Fire/Flinching

Description:  Chargeman becomes invincible and rushes 
forward across his row causing damage to any enemy he 
runs over.  You will have two carts of cargo attached to 
you to cause more damage.  Only one cart will come out 
if it is used on the farthest panels possible.  
Chargeman himself deals Fire and Break damage while
the cargo just deals Break damage.

Power Levels:  1: 30  2: 40  3: 50  4: 60  5: 70


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    T = Chargeman
[T][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    C = Cargo   
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    > = Direction

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  VolcCharge / VolcanicCharge

Special Attack Attributes:  Fire / Flinching

Description:  Chargeman shoots out coal to hit all 
enemies.  It may hit other objects as well.

Power Levels:  1: 40  2: 50  3: 60  4: 70  5: 80

Just throws fire at the enemy.

Special Ability:  None

Comment:  Chargeman is powerful and fast.  He is 
very reliable in a battle.  His CrazyL attack is 
probably the best feature of him.  His attack can 
get very powerful with a few BusterUps.  Since his 
charge attack is also Break, it makes it very useful.
He's supposedly a "flaming train", so he has the Fire 
element which means he is weak to Aqua attacks.


^F.  Protoman
"Only you and Chaud can operate me well.  Don't let me down..."

Attribute:  Null

Operator:  Chaud / Enzan

Location:  None

Can Break Elemental Gates:  None

Max HP:  800

Charge Attack:  WideSwrd / WideSword

Charge Attack Attributes:  Sword/Flinching

Description:  Protoman swings a sword damaging
the column in front of him.

Power Levels:  1: 80  2: 100  3: 120  4: 140  5: 160


[ ][ ][S][ ][ ][ ]    P = Protoman
[ ][P][S][ ][ ][ ]    S = Slice
[ ][ ][S][ ][ ][ ]

Special Attack:  StepSwrd / StepSword

Special Attack Attributes:  Sword/Flinching

Description:  Protoman steps up 2 panels
and slices with a WideSword.

Power Levels:  1: 100  2: 120  3: 140  4: 160  5: 180


[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]    P = Protoman
[ ][P][ ][ ][ ][ ]    S = Slice
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][P][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ][ ][ ][S][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][P][S][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][S][ ]

Special Ability:  None

Comment:  Protoman is very powerful.  He is only 
available via hacking unfortunately.  His charge 
attack is quick and powerful.  His special is the 
same as the StepSword chip.  I'm not sure if he 
actually had a shield at some point of time.
It is too bad that he can be played legibly, 
or is it...  Since he is of the Null element,
he has no weakness.


^G.  Beast Link Gate

This section will explain the special upgrades a 
Link Navi will get as they progress through levels 
or "versions" when using the Beast Link Gate.  It 
is only available in Japan though.  So this section 
is for people with the actual Beast Link Gate and actual 
Rockman EXE 6 Dennojuuu Falzer or Greiga or are just 
curious to know.

Gained Abilities:


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       +1     -       -        -             -
4        +250  -       +1     -       -        -             -
5        +300  +1      +1     -       -        -             -
6        +350  +1      +1     -       -        -             -
7        +400  +1      +1     -       -        -             -
8        +450  +1      +1     -       +1       -             -
9        +500  +1      +1     -       +1       -             -
10       +550  +2      +1     +1      +1       -             -
11       +600  +2      +1     +1      +1       -             -
12       +700  +2      +1     +1      +1       -             Aqua x2
13       +800  +2      +1     +1      +1       +1            Aqua x2
14       +900  +2      +2     +1      +1       +1            Aqua x2
SP       +1100 +3      +2     +2      +1       +1            Aqua x2


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       +1     -       -        +1            -
4        +250  -       +1     -       -        +1            -
5        +300  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
6        +350  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
7        +400  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
8        +450  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
9        +500  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
10       +550  +2      +1     +1      -        +1            -
11       +600  +2      +1     +1      -        +1            -
12       +650  +2      +1     +1      +1       +2            Wood x2
13       +700  +3      +1     +1      +1       +2            Wood x2
14       +800  +3      +3     +2      +1       +2            Wood x2
SP       +1000 +4      +2     +2      +1       +2            Wood x2


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +40   -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +80   -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +120  -       +1     -       -        -             -
4        +160  -       +1     -       -        -             Wind +10
5        +200  +1      +1     -       -        -             Wind +10
6        +240  +1      +2     -       -        -             Wind +10
7        +280  +1      +2     -       -        -             Wind +10
8        +320  +1      +2     -       +1       -             Wind +10
9        +360  +1      +3     -       +1       -             Wind +10
10       +400  +2      +3     -       +1       -             Wind +10
11       +440  +2      +3     -       +1       -             Wind +10
12       +500  +2      +3     -       +1       -             Wind +10
13       +650  +2      +3     -       +2       -             Wind +10
14       +800  +2      +4     +1      +2       +1            Wind +10
SP       +1000 +3      +4     +1      +2       +1            Wind +10


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +80   -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +120  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +180  -       -      +1      -        -             -
4        +240  -       -      +1      -        -             Break +10
5        +300  -       +1     +1      -        +1            Break +10
6        +360  -       +1     +1      -        +1            Break +10
7        +420  -       +1     +1      -        +1            Break +10
8        +490  +1      +1     +1      -        +1            Break +10
9        +560  +1      +1     +1      -        +1            Break +10
10       +630  +1      +1     +2      -        +2            Break +10
11       +700  +1      +1     +2      -        +2            Break +10
12       +800  +2      +2     +2      -        +2            Break +10
13       +900  +2      +2     +2      +1       +2            Break +10
14       +1000 +3      +2     +2      +1       +2            Break +10
SP       +1200 +4      +2     +2      +1       +2            Break +10


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       +1     -       -        -             -
4        +250  -       +1     -       -        -             -
5        +300  -       +1     -       +1       -             Break +10
6        +350  -       +1     -       +1       -             Break +10
7        +400  -       +1     +1      +1       -             Break +10
8        +450  +1      +1     +1      +1       -             Break +10
9        +500  +1      +1     +1      +1       -             Break +10
10       +550  +1      +2     +2      +2       -             Break +10
11       +600  +1      +2     +2      +2       -             Break +10
12       +650  +1      +2     +2      +2       -             Break +10
13       +800  +2      +3     +2      +2       -             Break +10
14       +1000 +2      +3     +2      +2       +1            Break +10
SP       +1200 +2      +3     +2      +3       +1            Break +10


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       -      +1      -        -             -
4        +250  -       -      +1      -        -             -
5        +300  +1      -      +1      -        -             -
6        +350  +1      -      +1      -        -             -
7        +400  +1      -      +1      -        -             -
8        +450  +1      -      +1      +1       -             Fire +30
9        +500  +1      +1     +1      +1       -             Fire +30
10       +550  +2      +1     +1      +1       -             Fire +30
11       +600  +2      +1     +1      +1       -             Fire +30
12       +700  +2      +1     +1      +1       -             Fire +40
13       +850  +2      +1     +1      +1       +1            Fire +40
14       +1000 +2      +2     +1      +1       +1            Fire +40
SP       +1200 +3      +2     +2      +1       +1            Fire +50


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       +1     -       -        +1            -
4        +250  -       +1     -       -        +1            -
5        +300  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
6        +350  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
7        +400  +1      +1     -       -        +1            -
8        +450  +1      +1     -       -        +1            Elec +30
9        +500  +1      +1     -       -        +1            Elec +30
10       +550  +2      +1     +1      -        +1            Elec +30
11       +600  +2      +1     +1      -        +1            Elec +40
12       +700  +2      +1     +1      +1       +2            Elec +40
13       +800  +2      +2     +2      +1       +2            Elec +40
14       +900  +2      +2     +2      +1       +2            Elec +40
SP       +1100 +3      +2     +2      +1       +2            Elec +50


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +40   -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +80   -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +120  -       +1     -       -        -             -
4        +160  -       +1     -       -        -             -
5        +200  +1      +1     -       -        -             -
6        +240  +1      +2     -       -        -             -
7        +280  +1      +2     -       -        -             -
8        +320  +1      +2     -       +1       -             Sword +30
9        +360  +1      +3     -       +1       -             Sword +30
10       +400  +1      +3     -       +1       -             Sword +30
11       +500  +2      +3     -       +1       -             Sword +30
12       +600  +2      +3     -       +1       -             Sword +40
13       +700  +2      +3     -       +2       -             Sword +40
14       +800  +2      +4     +1      +2       +1            Sword +40
SP       +1000 +2      +1     +1      +2       +1            Sword +50


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       +1     -       -        -             -
4        +250  -       +1     -       -        -             -
5        +300  -       +1     +1      -        +1            Cursor +10
6        +350  -       +1     +1      -        +1            Cursor +10
7        +400  -       +1     +1      -        +1            Cursor +10
8        +450  +1      +2     +1      -        +1            Cursor +10
9        +500  +1      +2     +1      -        +1            Cursor +10
10       +550  +1      +2     +2      -        +2            Cursor +20
11       +600  +1      +2     +2      -        +2            Cursor +20
12       +650  +2      +2     +2      -        +2            Cursor +20
13       +700  +2      +2     +2      +1       +2            Cursor +20
14       +750  +2      +2     +2      +1       +2            Cursor +20
SP       +800  +3      +2     +3      +1       +2            Cursor +30


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +60   -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +120  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +180  -       -      +1      -        -             -
4        +240  -       -      +1      -        -             Fire +30
5        +300  -       -      +1      +1       -             Fire +30
6        +360  -       -      +1      +1       -             Fire +30
7        +420  +1      -      +2      +1       -             Fire +30
8        +480  +1      +1     +2      +1       -             Fire +30
9        +540  +1      +1     +2      +1       -             Fire +30
10       +600  +2      +1     +2      +1       -             Fire +50
11       +660  +2      +1     +3      +2       -             Fire +50
12       +720  +2      +1     +3      +2       -             Fire +50
13       +780  +2      +1     +3      +2       -             Fire +50
14       +840  +2      +1     +3      +2       +1            Fire +100
SP       +1000 +3      +2     +4      +3       +1            Fire +100

Note: At SP Version, Chargeman gains Super Armor.


Version | HP | Attack |Rapid |Charge |Custom | Mega Folder | Chip Charge
1        +100  -       -      -       -        -             -
2        +150  -       -      -       -        -             -
3        +200  -       +1     -       -        -             -
4        +250  -       +1     -       -        -             -
5        +300  +1      +1     +1      -        -             -
6        +350  +1      +1     +1      -        -             -
7        +400  +1      +1     +1      -        -             -
8        +430  +1      +1     +1      +1       -             -
9        +460  +1      +1     +1      +1       -             -
10       +490  +1      +2     +2      +1       -             -
11       +520  +1      +2     +2      +1       -             -
12       +540  +2      +2     +2      +1       -             Sword x2
13       +560  +2      +2     +2      +1       +1            Sword x2
14       +580  +3      +2     +2      +1       +1            Sword x2
SP       +600  +4      +3     +3      +2       +1            Sword x2

Note: Protoman starts with a basic Shield until Version 11 where 
       he gets Reflect.

Beast Link Gate Icon

This only applies to the Japanese version of the game.  To get the second
icon on the second row on the title screen.  To get this Icon, you must first
own a Beast Link Gate and all of your version's Navi Chips.  Then you must
get that Navi's level to SP.  After all that is done, you go to Graveyard 2
where you will fight Forte SP.  After you beat him with all of your Navis,
you will get the icon on the title screen!  Also, if you fought Forte SP
in Graveyard 2 for the first time with a Navi other than Rockman, you can
do this scenario with that Navi.  You even get to fight G BeastSP Forte BX
with that Navi and even with their own unique lines.  It's up to you.

Note, this will not work in the US version of the game.  Using the Link Navis
to get to Bass SP will not let you fight him.  However, since Capcom likes to 
translate things for no reason, their unique messages are left intact!  Heck,
they even say "Execute".  It seems like Lan bonded with that Navi because of 
their cooperation by beating Bass SP.  It's so touching ;_;.

Here is the complete list.

Aquaman:  "Drip, drip!  Lan, I can tell your operating has made me stronger,

Tomahawkman:  "If Dingo was here, he'd be grinding his teeth, but I know
with you, I can get even stronger!!"

Tenguman:  "Lan, if this is a sign of your true power, you may one day 
become as good as Master Feng-Tian."

Groundman:  "Wiiiiir...  Save the pep talk for the kids!  But your right...
I bet we could make a pretty good team."

Dustman:  "Gahahahaha!  That's good to hear!  And I thought that Press'd be
the only operator for me!"

Heatman:  "Heh, we're no rookies at this!  With your operating skills and my 
fire, we shouldn't be scared of anything!"

Elecman:  ".. Hmph.  I suppose you're correct.  Your operating may bring out 
my potential yet."

Slashman:  "Yeah.  My slashing's gotten better thanks to your opertaing.
The two of us, together--we're unstoppable!"

Killerman:  "Hyahaha!  No offense to Dark Scyth, but you're a natural!
If I worked with you, work would go so much better!  I'd be able to delete
any Navi!"

Chargeman:  Choo, choo!!  If that Bass shows up again, he's going to get 

These messages can't be hacked on the cart, so these are exclusive to this FAQ.
Enjoy what will never be.


^H.  FAQs

Q:  Can Link Navis level up?
A:  Only with a Beast Link Gate on the JP version.

Q:  Why can't a Link Navi use my AttackMAX program?
A:  Because they are only allowed to use programs 
    that either help your folder or give you chips 
    in the custom screen.

Q:  Why can't NumberOpening be used with Link Navis?
A:  You just don't.  It would overwrite their Special Chip and 
    that just can't happen.

Q:  There is Protoman?  Where is he?
A:  Cheating or Beast Link Gate only.

Q:  Will my Japanese Beast Link Gate work on my US version 
    of MMBN6?
A:  Sadly, no.


^I.  Contacting Me

To contact me, e-mail me at


^J.  Credits

*Credits go to Capcom for making this great game.

*Credits go to Skeith Teh Murderer of Area Zero for supplying 
me some missing information.

*Credits go to Greiga Master for letting me borrow his Gregarr game
to finish the Gregar Navis portion.  Full credit also goes to GM for 
discovering the Selected Chip Glitch.

*Huge thanks go to Nigoli for supplying me information about the
  Beast Link Gate.

*Special thanks for forestman16 of GameFaqs for reminding me that Aquaman
doesn't slip on ice panels and other missing tidbits.


^K.  Legal Info

All information in this FAQ is copyrighted to Mega Rock.exe and respective
contributors listed in the credits section.  This FAQ may only be posted
on GameFAQs, NeoSeeker, Super Cheats,, and TREZ.

If you would like to host this FAQ please contact me at

Copyright 2006 - 2012