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Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge Randomizer released!

You thought Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge‘s gameplay couldn’t be any more random? Well, you might want to think again! Developer Sam Donow has just released Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge Randomizer, adding on to the ever-growing list of MMBN randomizers.

The MMBCC Randomizer does exactly what you’d expect: given a English ROM for Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge, it will randomize various aspects of the game:

  • BattleChip and NaviChip stats (such as HP, MB, Attack Power)
  • Which operators and Navis appear in tournaments
  • BattleChip decks for enemy Navis

The MMBCC Randomizer can be used through a web interface at (or this alternative link). Simply dump the ROM from your US or EU copy of Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge, and select it in the web interface. This will produce a randomized ROM, which you can then run on any GBA emulator or flash cart. You can also tweak the randomizer’s settings for a personalized experience.

For the technically inclined, Sam has also released the randomizer on GitHub, which can be used with Python 3. This version also has some additional features such as randomizing the names of the chips themselves.

Of course, as with many randomizers, the result could be pure chaos… but that’s the fun of randomizers! Either way, it’s sure to be a fresh experience. Will you be giving the MMBCC Randomizer a try? Let us know in the comments!

MMBN-inspired indie game Hero.EXE launches Kickstarter

If you’re in the market for a new MMBN-inspired indie game, here’s a game that might pique your interest: Hero.EXE, which has been in the works for a little while now and has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund development. The team at Mystery Egg Games aims to bring the game to just about every console under the sun: PC DRM-free, Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One.

As the name suggests, Hero.EXE wears its MMBN inspiration on its sleeve. Combat works just like in MMBN: during the compile phase (Custom Screen), you’ll draw and select codes (BattleChips) from a deck of 30 for the next turn. The action itself is real-time and grid-based, taking place on a familiar red-and-blue battlefield.

The game’s setting is also quite similar to MMBN: you find yourself suddenly beamed into the Grid, a digital world plagued by glitches and governed by powerful bosses known as Monarchs. To survive, you’ll have to pair up with an A.V.A. (Navi), who will be your partner for the entire game. There are a number of A.V.A.s to choose from, each having their own unique abilities and personalities, adding plenty of replay value.

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Rogue also coming to Rockman X DiVE as playable character

Seems like Rogue wasn’t content with just being the event boss for the “Bond that can’t be severed” event, so now he’s also coming to Rockman X DiVE as an S Rank playable character! As announced by Capcom Taiwan in the trailer above, players will be able to draw the Mu swordsman himself starting from September 15th, 4 PM (UTC+8) until September 22nd, 4 PM (UTC+8).

Rogue comes with attacks based on those from Mega Man Star Force 2: Rogue Fist, which launches him across the screen, dealing damage to any enemies he passes through. He can also use Rogue Break, a large AoE attack that enables him to use Rogue Fist again.

Of course, Rogue wouldn’t be Rogue without his signature EM barrier; a shield that temporarily renders him invincible. In addition, he also has a passive ability that increases his damage output when his HP is low.

For the time being, Rogue will only be available in the Asian version of Rockman X DiVE and will likely not arrive in the global version for a while.

Star Force Mega Man and Harp Note arrive in Rockman X DiVE!

The last major Mega Man series yet to cross over with Rockman X DiVE, Mega Man Star Force is finally about to go On The Air and pulse in to the Deep Log!

As announced by Capcom Taiwan, Star Force Mega Man and Harp Note will be making their way to Rockman X DiVE in just a few short days, as part of the Bond that can’t be severed event. The event starts on September 8th, 4:00 PM (UTC+8) and will run until September 22nd, 3:59 PM (UTC+8).

Note: for the time being, Star Force Mega Man and Harp Note will only be available in the Asian version of the game. The North American version (operated by NebulaJoy) will likely not receive this new event for a while.

Star Force Mega Man will be an A Rank character whom you can draw by spending Event Coupons. Harp Note, on the other hand, will be an S Rank character. If you manage to draw Harp Note, using her in the event will net you 40% bonus Event Coupons.

Harp Note comes with two skills, based on her attacks from the original games. Machine Gun String fires a set of guitar strings into the targeted enemy, and using this skill also summons a speaker. The speaker will stay on the field for a while and automatically fire towards enemies.

She can also use her Song of Pulse skill, an AoE attack that sends notes flying in all directions. Enemies hit by the notes will be inflicted with a negative status effect; and you have the option to choose between Out of Control, Defocus and Skill Seal. In addition, Harp Note can use a Shield and automatically lock on to enemies.

As part of the event, you can also challenge a special stage with a new boss at the end. Of course, it’s none other than Rogue, wielding his Mu sword from Mega Man Star Force 2.

Rockman X DiVE can be downloaded from the iOS App Store and Google Play in select regions. If you’re an Android user, you can also download and install the APK file for the game directly from the official website, regardless of which region you’re in.

Will you be pulsing into the Deep Log soon? Let us know in the comments!

Mega Man Star Force: EndWave releases new story-driven SAGE 2021 demo

Star Force fan-game Mega Man Star Force: EndWave has received a new demo, just in time for SAGE 2021! We last checked out this project two years ago, and it’s come a long way since then. Unlike a previous demo, which was mainly a battle system demonstration, the new Version 1.3 now includes an overworld and story cutscenes.

Grab the demo here from the game’s SAGE 2021 booth!

Mega Man Star Force: EndWave is a fan-game based on the rumored cancelled concept for Mega Man Star Force 4. Geo and Omega-Xis team up with genius hacker Kazuma to investigate a mysterious threat manipulating people’s emotions. This draws the ire of the Satella Police as Geo and Kazuma find themselves wanted outlaws. In the first chapter, Mega Man is tasked with investigating an old PET, which is now emitting a signal pointing to Geo and Kazuma’s location.

The battle system is a 2D version of the system used in the official Mega Man Star Force games, where the camera is always at a side view rather than over-the-shoulder – similar to the Battle Network games. You can move up and down on your column, use a Shield to block incoming attacks and Lock-on to enemies for close-range attacks. EndWave also features a dynamic difficulty system, which increases enemies’ strength as well as the rewards they drop if you play well.

The Custom Screen has been simplified from the previous demo and official games, too. You can now pick any three from the four available cards on the screen. In addition, there’s a Wave Special card that powers up each time you land a Counter Hit, but can only be used once per battle.

Check out the game’s SAGE 2021 booth to download the demo. You can also follow Alumae on Twitter to keep up with the game’s progress; plus, there’s a dedicated EndWave Discord server.

Source: SAGE 2021

Dark MegaMan.EXE arrives in Mega Man X DiVE

MegaMan.EXE returns in Mega Man X DiVE, with a twist. This time, it’s Dark MegaMan.EXE‘s time to shine. For a limited time, you’ll be able to draw him in the upcoming DiVE Festival, which starts 7th July 2021 at 4 P.M. (UTC+8) and lasts for one week. You’ll also be able to get 40 Dark MegaMan.EXE Memory when you draw, as well as have increased odds for S rank characters and weapons.

First appearing in Mega Man Battle Network 4, Dark MegaMan is the form MegaMan takes when he’s corrupted by DarkChips and taken over by his DarkSoul. As a Mega Man X DiVE character, Dark MegaMan can use his iconic DarkSword attack, as well as DarkThunder.

True to the source material, these DarkChip attacks are very strong, but they inflict bugs on Dark MegaMan and cause him to lose HP! DarkSword is a large AoE attack which causes you to become confused and temporarily disables the Auto-aim function. On the other hand, DarkThunder can travel through walls and paralyze enemies, but you lose HP when using it.

In addition, Dark MegaMan’s passive ability increases your attack power whenever you use a skill, but you lose HP in return. This ability stacks up to 15 times and cannot be removed. Thankfully, in Mega Man X DiVE the HP loss is only temporary!

Mega Man X DiVE is available for Android and iOS in select regions. If you have an Android device, you can play the game even if it’s not available in Google Play in your region by installing the .APK file from the game’s official website. In addition, a global version of the game is now in Early Access, but this version will likely not be getting Dark MegaMan.EXE for a while.

Source: Capcom Taiwan

Bass and Gospel reunite in Rockman X DiVE

If the regular Bass.EXE didn’t satisfy your lust for destruction, get ready for Bass GS in Rockman X DiVE. Just announced by Capcom Taiwan, the supercharged version of Bass will be available to pull in the upcoming DiVE Festival, which starts after the maintenance period on 24th February. Note that Bass GS is a time-limited character, so if you want him, get him before he goes away. You can also receive 40 Bass GS Memory when you draw.

Bass GS was Bass’s most powerful form in Mega Man Battle Network 3, the result of a fusion with Gospel.EXE – the final boss of the previous game. He comes fully loaded with his classic attacks, Gospel Cannon and Vanishing World, the latter of which seems to hit enemies anywhere on the screen. In addition, he has a passive ability that grants him a random buff when he hits a target.

Mega Man X DiVE is available on the iOS App Store and Google Play in select regions. If the game isn’t yet released in your region, you can also download and install the APK file (Android only) straight from the game’s official website and play that way.

Source: Capcom Taiwan

Rockman Corner has acquired the rare Rockman EXE cell phone games

Pictures of the games running. Source: Rockman Corner

At long last, the rare Japanese Rockman EXE cell phone games are within reach! Rockman Corner has managed to acquire a phone with both Rockman EXE: Phantom of Network and Rockman EXE: Legend of Network installed.

Phantom of Network and Legend of Network were originally released on Japanese “au” flip phones, with updated versions released on NTT DoCoMo phones a few years later. The games, which were released as episodic titles through the i-mode service, feature full-length, original stories with new NetNavi characters such as HatMan, RideMan and JammingMan.

So why have these games eluded Western Mega Man fans for so long? Well, not just anyone could buy and download these games. Not only was one of a few specific phone models required, you also needed a Japanese SIM card and phone plan that included access to i-mode service – something which was only available to Japanese nationals. So, buying the games on a trip was not an option. In addition, both games were removed from the i-mode service a few years back, meaning the only chance of obtaining the games now was finding a phone that still had them installed.

Thankfully, thanks to an anonymous donor, Rockman Corner has now acquired both games and will begun the process of dumping them to a modern PC. The team plans to release the games publicly, and blew through a $600 fundraiser goal to obtain the necessary hardware in just an hour.

Note that there is no guarantee the games will be in a playable state – after all, we’re dealing with ancient phone hardware here. However, getting dumps of both games and being able to analyze their contents will go a long way towards preservation. We’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on this!

Source: Rockman Corner

First demo of Mega Man Battle Network Overclocked released

Developer Nick West has released a first demo of Mega Man Battle Network Overclocked, a fan remake of the first MMBN game. Not only that, but it’s fully in 3D! This is one fangame which is truly a cut above the rest.

The first demo of Overclocked contains the entirety of MMBN1’s first chapter, the FireMan scenario. Nick West plans to also add the NumberMan scenario for the final build. This isn’t just a carbon copy of MMBN1, however – Overclocked brings a host of new features that take advantage of the game’s 3D display. Smooth transitions between the overworld and battle screens have been added, and mugshots are replaced with full-size animated character models.

Some features from the later MMBN games are also included, such as SubChips, Regular chips and the ability to run from battles. Accordingly, your health is no longer replenished for free after each battle. The “ADD” button now also works like it does in BN2 and BN3, increasing the number of chips on the Custom Screen for the rest of the battle.

Be sure to watch the launch trailer, and then head over to Nick West’s page to grab the demo. And if that piqued your interest, give Nick a follow on Twitter.

Bass.EXE also joining Mega Man X DiVE soon

The Mega Man X DiVE collaboration event with Mega Man Battle Network continues! Following MegaMan.EXE and ProtoMan.EXE, a new character from the series will be added to the game – and it’s none other than the Cyberworld’s God of Destruction himself, Bass.EXE. As just shown in a teaser video on the game’s social media, Bass.EXE is listed as “coming soon”.

UPDATE: Bass.EXE has now been fully revealed, and you’ll be able to get him starting December 2nd, 2020. He comes with a passive skill that grants a shield for a limited time (LifeAura, anyone?), as well as a homing attack that can go through walls and terrain.

Mega Man X DiVE is available on the iOS App Store and Google Play in select regions. If the game isn’t yet released in your region, you can also download the APK (Android only) straight from the game’s official website and play that way. In addition to Battle Network characters, a few weapons from the Battle Network and Star Force series can also be obtained including the Bubbler BattleChip, Zerker’s Light Sword and Rogue’s sword from MMSF2.