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Star Force track list For Everlasting Peace revealed

ocremixContinuing from last week, here are the tracks from Mega Man Star Force that will be featured in For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man, an upcoming OverClocked ReMix album, as well as the musicians who will be remixing them:

“Spacegazer” – Deep Space Theme, Flexstyle
“Libra Funkadelic” – Libra Balance Stage, halc
“Falling Star” – Main Menu, Joshua Morse

All tracks are from the first Mega Man Star Force game. Remember, you will be able to download the album for free in the next month!

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Battle Network track list for OC ReMix album announced

ocremixJust over a week ago, Capcom-Unity Community Manager Brett Elston announced a collaboration with OverClock ReMix, a renowned group of video game music remixers: a special Mega Man tribute album titled For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man, featuring remixes from every Mega Man series, will be released somewhere in October. Now, the list of Battle Network-based remixes has been revealed!
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Rockman EXE Fandub Released (UPDATED)

rockman-exe-program-of-light-and-darknessUPDATE: Nat400 has released an audio-only version of the fandub for people who bought the movie to enjoy.

At long last, the English fandub of Rockman EXE: Program of Light and Darkness has been released. The project was announced by director Nat400 three months ago, and aimed to fully translate and dub the Japan-only Rockman EXE movie into English. All of the voices are from fans, and if you listen really carefully, you can even hear TREZ’s MidniteW amongst them.
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MMBN Speedrun Marathon for Charity Incoming

UPDATE: The marathon has been delayed one week, to August 16th.

mmbn rta wikiIt’s been over seven years since the last English Battle Network game was released, but fans are still actively playing the series. Recently, a speedrunning group going by the name of #TeamBN has sprung up at SpeedRunsLive, and has made an announcement at TREZ Forums that they are organizing a speedrun marathon of the entire series, with all the proceeds going to charity.

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EXE Movie English Fandub Trailer Released

rockmanexemovieThe Rockman EXE: Program of Light and Dark fandub project, led by Nat400, recently released its first trailer. The project’s goal is to create a fully voiced English dub of the Rockman EXE movie, which came out only in Japan. The voices are all provided by fans, including TREZ staff member MidniteW who is starring as MegaMan.EXE!

The fandub is currently set for a June 23-30 release on Vimeo and Veoh, with the possibility of a YouTube release. View the full post to see the trailer, embedded below.

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C-Wars: Roguelike RTS with a touch of MMBN

cwars_logoChinese indie developers Onipunks have launched a Kickstarter campaign for their new PC/Mac/Linux/Android game C-Wars. The game revolves around strategic real-time combat on a rectangular grid of blue and red tiles. Sounds familiar? It should: it’s similar to the basis for Mega Man Battle Network’s battle system. If you’re a big MMBN fan, you may like this game.

According to the developers, C-Wars was inspired by games such as Super Robot Taisen, Fallout and Call of Duty, not MMBN. Furthermore, the FAQ on the game’s site also notes several major differences with Mega Man Battle Network.

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TheSpeedGamers raise $11,860 for charity

tsg megaman marathon iconSpeedrunning group TheSpeedGamers has successfully hit their goal for their 72-hour Mega Man Marathon, raising a grand total of $11,860 for charity. After some technical issues in the first day, they made a great comeback thanks to various auctions, smashing their $10,000 goal and extending the marathon another full 24 hours. All money raised will go to Rocking H Ranch where it will be split up across multiple charities.

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