UPDATE: The marathon has been delayed one week, to August 16th.
It’s been over seven years since the last English Battle Network game was released, but fans are still actively playing the series. Recently, a speedrunning group going by the name of #TeamBN has sprung up at SpeedRunsLive, and has made an announcement at TREZ Forums that they are organizing a speedrun marathon of the entire series, with all the proceeds going to charity.
Starting August 16th at 7:30 PM EST and continuing all the way through August 17th, the team will be playing every Mega Man Battle Network game in the series, as well some spin-offs and the recently released demo 4 of fangame MMBN Chrono X. The aim is to raise at least $1000 by means of a donation drive. All donations will go to Doctors Without Borders.
Throughout the marathon, there will also be various donation incentives and bidding wars, so make sure to tune in! Seeing as this is their first marathon, don’t forget to spread the word!
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